
Ghost in MHA

Thriller Bark. The most crime-ridden street in all of Japan, with gangs and criminals roaming around in the shadows. Despite looking like an ordinary neighborhood from the outside, most people who live or work here are criminals. Kuragari was abandoned as a newborn child in a such place and was taken in by a criminal who saw him as a ticket to get rich. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ QUIRK: Quirk will be a mixture of Horo Horo no Mi from one piece and Ajin from Ajin: demi-human. NO HAREM so don't ask. This story is dark. I mean, extremally dark. Even the devil would congratulate me for such work. There are rape, extreme gore, prostitutions, and many more. This is my first novel, well fan-fic. There might be many mistake and I hope you can point that out in the paragraph comments, chapter comment, and reviews. The Art and original series don't belong to me. If you own anything here and would like it removed I'll do it. Update Schedule: Unknown for now Have fun.

Maiku_Surudoi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 16 - Revelation

Garrick entered the Public Safety Commission President's office, closing and locking the door behind her. "I thought you wouldn't be coming." The president said, not looking up from her paper. "Since your whole family is now together."

"You called, so I came." Garrick replied, inspecting the woman. Time had really done a number on her. Her face was filled with wrinkles, her once blond hair was now fully gray, and she was wearing prescription glasses. "What's the problem?"

"I was surprised that you decided to proceed with the plan." The president replied as she continued reading the document in front of her. "Using your daughter as bait, I mean."

"Anything to find and capture Kuragari." Garrick replied, slumping down on one of the couches in the office. "13 years of searching. 13 years of investigating. And not a single fucking clue."

"So you decided to use your daughter as something to draw whoever has Kuragari out of hiding." The president said, pushing up her glasses as she continued reading. "What makes you believe they will come out for her?"

"If Richthofen is right about Kuragari's ability to create black ghosts, then she would definitely be of interest to Kuragari's holders." Garrick replied, leaning back on the couch and staring at the ceiling. "I mean, we have both noticed how people with interesting quirks have been going missing. Only one body was found with its body all shriveled up, the same as Richthofen described."

He closed his eyes. "So they are either stocking up on black ghosts, or someone else is doing it. The daughter of Hypnotic, Japan's former number 2 hero and the man with the world's strongest brainwashing quirk. Who wouldn't be interested in her?"

"You are crazy." The president smiled, "You will definitely fit well in this seat."

"That's what I am aiming for." Garrick replied, closing his eyes before continuing with the conversation. "If the person comes after her, even though they aren't the one with Kuragari, we will still capture the criminal that has been behind the disappearance of those people."

"It won't be a loss on our part." The president noted, "Either Kuragari and his holder or the villain behind the shriveled-up corpse."

Garrick sighed, going silent. The president and he, along with a few other people he turned into slaves with his quirk, have tried to find Kuragari for over thirteen years.

They have searched all of Japan. Infiltrated all the villain groups. But nothing has come up. "What if All for One is the one with Kuragari?" he wondered. "He is the only group of villains our spies haven't managed to infiltrate."

"Then things won't be in our favor, one bit." The president replied, finally looking up from the document she was reading. "That man has centuries of experience under his belt. He has power, wealth, and knowledge beyond our combined abilities. Kuragari might have already grown to become an S-rank villain like him."

"...Right." Garrick agreed, "The child is now 18 years old. Enough time for All for One to turn him from a monster to an abomination. We won't stand a chance if All for One is the one in control of Kuragari."

"Let's just hope that isn't the case." The president mumbled, returning to her reading. "If it's another villain with Kuragari, we could outmaneuver them and put them under our control with your quirk."

"I hope so too." Garrick sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "If my mind wasn't corrupted by his quirk, forcing me to take more than 10 minutes of preparing myself before I could even use it, things would have ended 13 years ago."

Knowing that Kuragari was still alive, no one could relax, because it could suddenly appear and cause another suicide holocaust, probably worse than thirteen years ago.

Everyone else has given up searching, except Garrick and the president, who were both hell-bent on capturing Kuragari and turning it into a powerful weapon under them.

A powerful weapon they will use to wipe out all villains from Japan and bring peace, a peace that All Might failed to create.

"What are you planning on doing now that she is in Japan?" The president asked, referring to Garrick's daughter.

"Not 'we?'" He asked, opening his eyes and looking at the president.

"I am old, Garrick." The president said in a tired voice. "My death is near, most likely the next time I sleep. And when I die, you will take my seat. So I will be leaving all the decisions to you." She leaned back in her seat. "Now, what are you planning on doing?"

There was a long silence as the two stared at each other before Garrick replied. "I will enroll her in U.A. high school and use it to publicize her quirk and wait for them to strike." He sat upright with his elbows on his knees, clasping his hands together."But there is a problem with that plan, and I know you see that too."

"We have very few spies in the U.A., and the ones we have in there aren't strong enough to confront whoever comes after her." The president said, with Garrick nodding. "So enroll her in Shiketsu High School. That school is practically under our control now. It isn't as popular as U.A., but it's close."

"Right." He agreed, sinking into deep thought. "Well, before the new semester starts in 10 months, I will form a solid plan for utilizing her."

"...You know she might die because of this plan?" The president asked, inspecting Garrick's expression.

"Yes. But I am not close enough to her to care. To me, she is just a stranger." He replied in a cold tone, "Maybe if I had returned to her and her mother 13 years ago, things would be different. But working for you didn't give me any time for that."

The room became silent, with Garrick thinking while staring at nothing and the president staring at him. "Why don't you go home to your family, Garrick? I will tell Mera to take over the work you are supposed to do today."

"I would rather not." He shook his head, his eyes turning to her. "Although I have no feelings for Theresa, she is still my daughter. She resembles me in terms of quirks and is very similar to how I was when I was her age. I won't be short-sighted and say I will never get feelings for her as my daughter because I am sure I will."

He sighed, "And I don't want to do that. If I started loving Theresa, my emotions might make me abandon this plan, which is something I don't want. So I rather avoid her to stop unwanted emotions from corrupting me and this objective."

He was hell-bent on using his daughter to find and capture either Kuragari or the villain who had been causing the people with a peculiar quirk to become missing. He knew gaining feelings for his daughter would come in between that plan, so he wanted to avoid interacting with her at all costs.

"*Chuckle* That's what I want." The president said, causing Garrick's eyes to widen. "I want to see if you will let your emotions cloud your rational mind if you ever get feelings for her." She smiled, "Won't it be interesting to learn more about yourself?"

"I don't know, president." Garrick shook his head. "I have no doubt that my rational mind is more powerful than my emotional mind, but I would rather not test that out during this critical moment."

"It's an order." The president smirked, "I never got to test it on myself since my child died young, but you will be perfect."

"...This is the reason." Garrick stood up, "I never liked this part of you."

The president burst out laughing, "Don't act like a child. You will kill this old woman of laughter." She said in between laughter.

"Right, grandma." He waved, walking to the door, "But if it does happen and I start thinking emotionally, I hope you knock me back in line."

- - - - - - - - - -

Theresa lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her brand-new room was significantly larger than her one back in Corpus Christi, having its own bathroom and a balcony that looked out to the garden in the backyard, with the golden evening glow shining into the room.

But that wasn't the thing on her mind. "I must have gone mad." She groaned, covering her face with her hand. Why did she burst into tears? And the fact it was in front of Hitoshi made it even more embarrassing. Once tears started coming out, she couldn't control them anymore, and they just flowed out.

Groaning, she sat up. "And the fact I almost killed him." She knew she had sociopathic tendencies, but to go as far as killing her half-brother was way too much. Something was definitely wrong with her, and she didn't like it.

Her mother had already talked to her about it and took her phone and laptop away as punishment and she did not like the punishment she received.

She has always hated corporal punishment from her mother, but this was the one time she would accept it without complaint. No. Most likely, she would curse out her mother in her head, but she would accept the beating because she knew she was in the wrong.

"Argh!" She shouted, sitting up. "I know I am crazy but damn!" she screamed.

"No habla inglés." Hitoshi's voice came from the room beside her, causing a vein to grow on her forehead.

"I feel like he is trying his fucking best to rile me up." Theresa clenched her fist and calmed herself down, not wanting to start another trouble.

She lay back down on her bed, burying her face in her pillow. 'But why did that man suddenly want my mother and me in Japan?' The more she thought about it, the more it didn't make sense.

Why did the man who didn't care to visit them once in Corpus Christi suddenly decide to leave together? It didn't look like he wanted to bring the family together, nor did he look like he wanted a relationship back with her mom. So, what was his reason?

The more she thought about it, the more confused she got, so she chose to ignore it. She lay on her side, touching the gauze on her nose. "Damn. I didn't know I could punch that hard." She knew her fist was strong enough to break someone's nose, but damn, it hurt as fuck. "Now I see why he got mad enough to use his quirk on me."

As she recalled the memory of her punching herself, it also brought back the memory of her being seconds away from killing her half-brother. Groaning, Theresa got off her bed and left her room, walking to Hitoshi's room behind her.

She stood in front of the door for a while before knocking once. It took some time before Hitoshi opened the door, with gauze on his nose, fixed for both of them by her mother.

Before she could even utter a word, he slammed the door shut in her face, causing her to jump back in shock. She could feel her heart pounding out of her chest out of shock, angering her.

"Open up! I want to apologize!" Theresa shouted, pounding on the door. "I will break it down if you don't open it and let me apologize!"

Hitoshi finally opened the door again, staring daggers at her. "What?" He asked in a stern tone.

She didn't understand what he meant but carried on with what she wanted to do. "I apologize for using you as an outlet for my anger---"

He didn't even listen to all of what she had to say, not that he could understand her, and started closing the door only for Theresa to hold it. "Just listen to my apology. You can deny it, but at least hear me out!" She shouted, holding the door open. "I am trying to be the bigger person here!"

Hitoshi tried to close it, but she was stronger than him, causing him to fail. "Let go. I am studying for my final exam and the U.A. entrance exam is coming up!"

"You won't be heading there." Garrick's voice came, drawing both of their attention. He walked towards them, still in his suit, standing behind Theresa, whose head only reached his stomach, his eyes on Hitoshi.

"You and your sister will be admitted to Shiketsu High School." He said in Japanese to the boy, noticing his shocked expression. "I will be moving to Hiroshima Prefecture to deal with the HPSC branch in the West of Japan, and you, Theresa, and her mother will be coming with me. So, you and Theresa will attend Shiketsu High School there."

"Then send me to Musutafu, and buy me an apartment there. All you have to do is continue paying the rent for the apartment and keep sending me money to live." Hitoshi said, frowning at his father. "It won't be any different from how we live now."

"Right." Garrick nodded, not even trying to refute or challenge Hitoshi's idea. "Find an apartment there and tell me." He then turned to Theresa, who had moved from standing in front of him to standing beside him. "You, your mother, and I will be moving to Hiroshima city in eight months, and you will enroll at Shiketsu High School there."

"Why isn't he coming?" She asked, gesturing at Hitoshi, who had closed the door and locked himself in the room. "Where will he be staying?" She assumed they just discussed it but couldn't understand whatever gibberish they were saying.

"He will be staying in an apartment in Musutafu to attend U.A. high school." Garrick replied, "That's what he wanted."

"So, can I do the same?" Theresa asked, folding her arm. "You will allow it, right?"

"Of course." Garrick nodded, "I don't care where you go. Just ask me for money, and I will send you." He noticed her grin and added, "But I already spoke to your mother, and she agreed with the three of us moving to Hiroshima and attending Shiketsu High School."

"*tsk* That bitch." Theresa spat, looking to the ground. Once he agreed, she could have parked her things, given him her bank account to send her money, bought a plane ticket, and return to Corpus Christi. "It was better when she had a drinking problem and didn't care about whatever the fuck I was doing."

"So, we have agreed." Garrick nodded, turning to leave. "I will be on my way, then."

"Wait!" Theresa shouted, causing him to stop. "Can you somehow convince her to let me go?"

He replied, "I will try." and left for his office, which was on the second floor of the house. He looked down at his empty table, sighing.

Since the president gave him a day off and his days off, he was without work. Now, there was nothing to do. On other days like this, he would go out to the bar, spa, gym, and do many other things. However, that would be insensitive to Dinah and Theresa, who arrived today.

While thinking of what to do, a knock came on the door. "Come in." He said, sitting straight on his desk with his arm on the table. The door opened, and Hitoshi walked in, closing the door behind him. "How much do you need?" Garrick asked, turning to his computer.

It was a routine they were both used to now. Hitoshi would walk in, Garrick would ask how much the boy needed, he would answer, and Garrick would send the amount.

This was their relationship as father and son.

"I wanted to ask something else." Hitoshi said, going to stand across his father's desk.

"Oh?" Garrick raised an eyebrow, genuinely surprised. "And what might that be?"

"What is your quirk?" Hitoshi asked, the memories of what happened in the store and the scream in the alley still bothering him, so he decided to learn more about his father to learn more about his own and his half-sister's quirks.

Garrick was confused as to why he suddenly found interest in his quirk but didn't care. "Do you know Hypnotic?"

"Yes. Former number 2 hero." Hitoshi replied, staring at his father. That man was who he looked up to and aspired to be. Hypnotic was someone who overcame all adversity that came his way due to his villainous quirk. Someone who didn't back down from the constant shunning of the masses. He proved himself to be a remarkable hero, becoming the number two hero in Japan, only below All Might himself.

"I am Hypnotic." Garrick revealed as he leaned back in his chair. "And you are Hypnotic's son."

Silence. Hypnotic had always worn a mask to hide his identity, so no one knew who he really was, but now his father says he was Hypnotic. Hitoshi didn't believe it. Yes, they had the same body build and the same skin color, but there is no way 'this man' is Hypnotic. Absolutely no way.

"Then why don't I have the Rumoring quirk?" He asked, squinting at his father, wondering why the man was lying. "Why do I have the brainwash quirk and not Hypnotic's quirk?"

Garrick sighed and quickly explained how Hitoshi's quirk developed after a merger between his mother's and his quirk. "So, if all you are saying is true, then Theresa should have the Rumoring."

"That is right." Garrick nodded. "She does have it."

"But she had brainwashed someone without needing to say the phrase, 'I heard a rumor.'" He asked, still not believing his father.

"Her quirk is stronger than mine." Garrick replied, "She can make people believe things without having to say the chant. She can make a man believe he has dropped his wallet even though it is still in his pocket. However, if she wants to have them drop it, she will have to say the phrase. Something I can't do."

'That makes sense...' Hitoshi thought, his eyes widening. He also believes in the Quirk Singularity theory, introduced more than 100 years ago, that quirks become stronger with each generation. It made sense that Hypnotic's daughter would have a stronger quirk than him.

'No.' He thought, looking up at his father. "She could also release a sonic scream. Hypnotic couldn't." He knew that there was a possibility that the quirk came from her mother, but he couldn't believe that the man sitting in front of him was Hypnotic. No, he didn't want to.

"Her mother's quirk. Scream." Garrick answered, "It allows them to use the air in their lungs to produce a powerful sonic attack capable of damaging, disorienting, and stunning anyone they use it on. If I remember correctly, her mother's scream can reach 195 decibels, so her own should be above 200." He chuckled, "Quite the powerhouse she is. If she screamed her loudest, she could blow out all of our eardrums."

Hitoshi fell silent, staring at the man before him in disbelief. The explanation of why his quirk is very different from Hypnotic. The way he and Theresa are half-siblings and how they both share the brainwashing aspect of their quirks, as well as how she got her extra quirk from her mother, who isn't his mother.

It all added up.

"...So..." He stuttered, stepping back. "You really are Hypnotic?"

"I am afraid so." Garrick nodded, smiling. "So, anything else you want to talk to me about?"

"N-no." Hitoshi shook his head, turning to leave. "That's it."

He left the office, closing the door behind him. Leaning on the door, he slid down and sat on the ground, covering his face. He couldn't believe it. The man he looked up to and admired. The man who showed him that he could be a hero even with a villainous quirk and without quirks more associated with heroism. The man he wanted to become.

Was his father...

"There you are." Theresa shouted, running to stand in front of him. "I heard when you left your room and have been looking for you. Now, you WILL hear my apology--"

"Just shut up." Hitoshi said, too tired for her bullshit. "Leave me alone."

Theresa understood what he said, noticing his downed demeanor. Looking at the door behind him, she noticed the nameplate on the door that read 'office.'

"So he made you mad, huh?" Theresa murmured, smiling. "You can cry all you want. I will wholeheartedly accept it and listen to your problems." She said, muttering, "Even though I can't understand you." She raised her voice, "Think of it as a token of my apology for what happened this morning."

"Just leave me alone!" Hitoshi barked, glaring up at her with his purple eyes, causing her to flinch.

"...Ok." Theresa replied, backing up. "Just know, I am here. I am trying to improve our first impression, so don't make it too difficult for me." She turned around, walking away and mumbling to herself. "I should tell mother I apologized. Maybe I will get back my phone."

Chapter End~~


Word Count: 3665

If you are wondering why I put Shiketsu High School in Hiroshima city, its because in the Wiki, its sates that it is the best school for heroes in training in the West as U.A. High is in the East. Chūgoku region is the westernmost region of Japan, and Hiroshima city is the most popular because of the little boy bomb.

Now you know about Theresa's quirk, do you think she is more powerful than our mad man, Kyoki?

I am trying to change scenes as casual as possible, as you saw it went from Theresa's POV to Garrick then to Hitoshi. I hope it was good.

This is the best image I could find for how Theresa look. She looks like this but much younger.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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