
Ghost Cult: Hell In The Underworld

Ghost Cult… a place where spirits and cultivators’ souls enter when they are reluctant to accept the fact that they are dead. Here, many souls and spirits use the cultivation method of the Ghost Cult to emerge and enter back to the Mortal Realm. However, this may take years to fulfil, hence many Ghost Cultivators decided to stay in the Ghost Realm and enjoy their lasting time. Bidding their time for someone to break the barrier between the Ghost Realm and the Mortal Realm. Now, millennials have passed and the main story begins.

S_A_Grace · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 20

"Yìzé Gēgē!" The coy soft voice called.

Jiǎndān Yìzé froze. His eyes turned towards Bàolì Hua who looked up. His heart trembled in shock and he then felt that soft, warm small body that rushed up to him to hug his arm. His face was twisted weirdly.

Heng Xīnyán watched this scene with interest. Her lips curled in delight. Mischief bloomed in her eyes and taking Bàolì Hua's arm. She pinched the female in green. From the stinging pain, Bàolì Hua's eyes turned red.

Seeing this scene of Bàolì Hua's reddening eyes. Jiǎndān Yìzé panicked and pushed the soft body that hung on his arm, roughly.

"Yìzé Gēgē?" The soft weak voice of the maiden in light pink muttered. Her watery black orbs were stunned and her little lips were gaping in shock.

"This is?" Heng Xīnyán released Bàolì Hua's arm and went to lift the female off the dirty road.

The female in the light pink tunic watched Heng Xīnyán with strong caution in her eyes as well as curiosity. "Who are you?" She asked, accepting Heng Xīnyán's warm palm that helped her up. Yet, her glossy eyes still watched the female in rose pink with caution.

"My name is Fēn," she smiled. Patting the pale hand that held onto hers tightly. The female in little pink nodded. "Oh… My name is Xu Chang," her voice was soft like her entire being.

Heng Xīnyán felt that if she pinched the cheeks of the female before her. They would produce water along with her redden eyes which were filled with grievances watching gentleman Jiǎndān Yìzé.

Unlike Heng Xīnyán who fused over Xu Chang. The person's attention who she was looking forward to having was busy looking in the female in the green tunic direction. Xu Chang's eyes watered and she glared at Bàolì Hua bitterly.

'This vixen! Daring to seduce my Yìzé Gēgē!' Xu Chang's eyes darkened with deep envy and heartache. Heng Xīnyán raised her brows in thought yet in her heart, she was a giggling mess.

'Ah finally… a love triangle drama.' She touched her chest lightly. Her eyes sent a fleeting glance towards the main culprit that made this love triangle, Jiǎndān Yìzé.

"Yìzé Gēgē!" Xu Chang's eyes were wet with tears. Jiǎndān Yìzé who was hovering next to Bàolì Hua looked at her. His eyes pleading as he looked in her direction, Xu Cheng was stumped.

"Excuse us, Lady Chun and Fēn," Jiǎndān Yìzé strode towards Xu Cheng. His hand took hers gently and he led her out of their sights.

Heng Xīnyán's brows raised in thought. Her dark eyes connected with Bàolì Hua's peach blossom eyes. A teasing glint in her eyes, "Is your heart filled with grievances too?"

Bàolì Hua sent her a freezing cold look and Heng Xīnyán chortled lightly.

"So… you're hiding it from me now?" Heng Xīnyán's dark eyes were filled with mirth. She quickly found her way towards Bàolì Hua to hold her arm. With them being the same height of five foot four, Bàolì Hua watched the female in pink next to her who swung her hand back and forth.

"I am your Jiějiě, can't you tell me if your heart aches?" Heng Xīnyán probed with a pout on her lips. The female in green merely snapped her fan open and Heng Xīnyán narrowed her eyes on the fan. Her mind brought her back to the first time she met Yun Jiaolong.

However, she sent a fleeting glance at Bàolì Hua's face. 'I really doubt Yun Jiaolong can trick this blockhead.'

Bàolì Hua looked at the female knowingly. It was as if she knew what Heng Xīnyán was thinking about. Heng Xīnyán just smiled cutely.

Bàolì Hua turned away.

"Sorry to keep, you maidens waiting," Jiǎndān Yìzé stated, his eyes were warm in Bàolì Hua's direction and Heng Xīnyán rolled her eyes.

"Gentleman Jiǎndān Yìzé," she called, her smile fading. She looked at Jiǎndān Yìzé with a cold look that sent a shiver down the male's back.

"We are hired to get rid of someone for you," she stated, "and we will do just that. However, when we finish doing that please do not contact us. Especially, Chun."

Jiǎndān Yìzé's eyes were dark and emotionless. Heng Xīnyán challenged his glare with her stone-cold look. Her eyes were deep like an endless abyss. Jiǎndān Yìzé felt like he was drowning and he blinked turning away from the female.

"Okay, Lady Fēn," Jiǎndān Yìzé stated. His tone was low and he turned walking away. Xu Cheng who was forgotten ushered, "Follow us please." Her watery eyes smiled at Heng Xīnyán. The female in the dark pink tunic merely winked at her.

Xu Cheng giggled and ran up to the slender back of her beloved who now has his heart occupied by another.

Heng Xīnyán sighed, "Maybe… I was once in her place." Her dark eyes watched the backs of the couple in front of them. A sad curl formed on her pink lips. It may look like the man in white and the woman in pink were close by the small distance between them but Heng Xīnyán who was once in Xu Cheng's position noticed that Jiǎndān Yìzé was holding his tunic sleeves, preventing it from touching Xu Cheng's.

Heng Xīnyán sighed, "All your fault!" She scolded the cold face, Bàolì Hua.

Bàolì Hua who knew nothing about romance: "…" Human souls are so complicated.

She didn't question Heng Xīnyán beside her. All she wanted to do was sit. Buddha knows how her legs ached in pain. It seemed like the walk was taking forever! The villagers around them slowly deceased and their clothing quality changed slightly.

The villagers that they encountered clothing were finer in quality and the road smoothen beneath their feet.

Heng Xīnyán's feet were sore and aching in pain. Finally, that scum male opened his pale pink lips to utter, "We're here."

Heng Xīnyán almost dropped in relief. Yet, looking at the pavilion which was built on a hill. She saw black and her body went lifeless.

Bàolì Hua stood, struggling to catch the falling female. She looked at Heng Xīnyán's pale face, patting it a few times. The female opened her eyes, "Do you see how much stairs we have to climb?" Her voice was weak and filled with grievances.

Bàolì Hua nodded.

Heng Xīnyán: "Then why didn't you faint?"

Bàolì Hua rolled her eyes and ignored her. Placing the female to stand, she looked at the reddish brown large wooden pavilion built on the bright green grass.

The tile roof of the wooden structure was dark and it seemed in sync with the bright blue sky above. It was an opened pavilion with no windows, instead there were small rectangular shaped windows.

The red doors of the pavilion was large and in front of it was an endless staircase that led down to him. Coming down the high hill, the endless green grass were covered in the shade of cherry blossom trees with dark green leaves.

"Okay, here. Sky Pavilion," Jiǎndān Yìzé stated and Heng Xīnyán sent him a fleeting glance of disdain.

"Mèimei, help me up," Heng Xīnyán raised her hand for Bàolì Hua to support her.

"Okay, Jiějiě." Bàolì Hua held Heng Xīnyán's out stretched hand.

Heng Xīnyán sent Jiǎndān Yìzé, a look of disdain before she turned her head to start walking up the endless staircase of the Sky Pavilion.

Jiǎndān Yìzé watched this scene with a dark face. Glaring at Heng Xīnyán's back with growing hostility.

Xu Chang looked at her beloved, following his gaze. She also watched Heng Xīnyán's back.

Random chatter:

Heng Xīnyán: "I love a romance drama! There's so much fun!"

Unknown: "Wait till I enter the scene!"

Heng Xīnyán: "..." Gentleman, please stay back!

S_A_Gracecreators' thoughts