
Ghost Cult: Hell In The Underworld

Ghost Cult… a place where spirits and cultivators’ souls enter when they are reluctant to accept the fact that they are dead. Here, many souls and spirits use the cultivation method of the Ghost Cult to emerge and enter back to the Mortal Realm. However, this may take years to fulfil, hence many Ghost Cultivators decided to stay in the Ghost Realm and enjoy their lasting time. Bidding their time for someone to break the barrier between the Ghost Realm and the Mortal Realm. Now, millennials have passed and the main story begins.

S_A_Grace · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 17

After Li Xiāng left. Heng Xīnyán stood from the chair, her siren-shaped eyes glanced at Bàolì Hua lightly before she walked towards the second room of the manor, which was a study.

Moving to sit behind the wooden desk, she took out a bowl of black ink and a plank of wood was on the desk. Dipping her brush in the ink, she began to write the name of her courtyard. 欢朱 which meant bamboo. Bàolì Hua stood before her.

Her small pink lips opened and closed. Then her brows furrowed.

"What is it?" Heng Xīnyán inquired without looking up.

"I am concern, Heng Xīnyán." The female in green stated and Heng Xīnyán looked up at her, "Why?" Her willow brows rose in question.

"This Sect, you are planning to make," Bàolì Hua hesitated.

Heng Xīnyán placed her brush down, folding her hands. She watched the female before her, "What about it?" Heng Xīnyán asked.

"We have limited resources and the sect base cannot be in a human soul village," Bàolì Hua stated, her tone bitter as she regarded the human souls.

"Worry not," Heng Xīnyán looked down at her courtyard sign, the strokes of her words were strong and filled with her spiritual energy.

"The Enchanted Rose Forest is the perfect place for a base." She stood. Bàolì Hua looked at her, "The… forest?"

Heng Xīnyán nodded with a grin, "Yes." Collecting her sign, she walked passed Bàolì Hua saying, "That is the first place, I am comfortable in. I can say the same for you."

Bàolì Hua stayed silent and allowed the female in pink to pass her. Hearing the sliding door close, Bàolì Hua's eyes flashed green. Her fingers clenched into fists at her side. However, a frown surfaced on her face when she heard Heng Xīnyán's voice saying, "Oh! And don't forget we have to meet Gentleman Jiǎndān Yìzé at xiàwǔ."

Bàolì Hua rolled her eyes with a low annoyed huff.

Outside of the room, Heng Xīnyán was heading towards her courtyard with a spring in her step. Her feet walked down the marbled pavement of the manor road that connected to all of the houses.

Her siren-shaped eyes took in the bamboo forest behind her house. The vast light green leaves stretched behind the ancient Chinese house casting it in a faint green halo.

The fresh breeze filled with the light scent of bamboo filled Heng Xīnyán's nose. She used her spiritual energy to place the sign of her courtyard on the bamboo trees in front of her little house. Huanzhu Courtyard.

Feeling achieved, Heng Xīnyán grinned. Finished with that task, she returned to the main house.

"Bàolì Hua," she called and the female in green stepped out of the study room with a dark glare in Heng Xīnyán's direction.

She was unhappy and Heng Xīnyán could tell yet she stated, "Guess what?" She drawled, cheekily.

Bàolì Hua looked at her coldly, "What?"

Heng Xīnyán swirled. Her pink skirt turned with her slender white body.

"You have to guess!" Heng Xīnyán stood, watching Bàolì Hua with a dark frown.

Bàolì Hua's lips twitched, "Shut up and talk!"

Heng Xīnyán frowned, "You are no fun!"

Bàolì Hua watched her emotionlessly.

Unable to stand that dark look, Heng Xīnyán muttered. "We are going in the village."

Immediately, Bàolì Hua's black willow brows furrowed deeply and the green floral fan in her hand was snapped open with frightening oppression. Her gloomy aura spread in the atmosphere. However, the female in pink just waved away the gloomy clouds with her pink sleeves.

"Come on, we need someone to fix our paifang!" Heng Xīnyán chirped happily and Bàolì Hua's raised a brow.

"Fix it how?" Bàolì Hua inquired, following the female in pink who exited the house, stepping down the stairs with a spring in her steps.

"Changing the name Gěi Fu from the paifang," Heng Xīnyán stated, leaving the manor courtyard. Bàolì Hua scoffed, "And name it to what?"

Heng Xīnyán paused in thought, turning to Bàolì Hua, she watched the female with dim eyes, "I forgot I have to name the sect."

Bàolì Hua watched her blankly, "Oh."

Placing her hand on her chin, Heng Xīnyán uttered, "It needs to be a domineering name! That many would shiver in fear upon hearing the name alone!"

Bàolì Hua hummed, not paying attention, her fan covered her yawning lips as she looked at Heng Xīnyán with drooping sleepy eyes.

Standing in the hot suns wasn't Bàolì Hua's hobby. So, she dragged Heng Xīnyán back into the courtyard. Sitting on the wooden bench near the gate under the shade of a thick tree, Heng Xīnyán stared at the large brown oak tree in front of her.

She racked her brain hard for a name for her sect. Taking a chestnut out of her sleeves, she popped it into her mouth before chewing slowly.

She wondered hard about what to name her sect. Yet, no name came to her mind. Hence, she patted Bàolì Hua's shoulder, "Give me a name." She groaned, holding her head in her palm.

Bàolì Hua rolled her eyes and obeyed the frustrated Heng Xīnyán.

"Try the name Xióng," her voice was lazy and Heng Xīnyán gasped in shock. She turned to watch the cold female in green with faint hatred, "How dare you try to name my sect after a bear!"

Bàolì Hua simply rolled her eyes, "You are the one who wanted a suggestion!"

Heng Xīnyán ignored her.

"And don't most sects use their last names?" Bàolì Hua inquired and Heng Xīnyán shrugged, "Yeah and?"

Bàolì Hua palmed her forehead, "Then simply use your surname!"

Heng Xīnyán shook her head, "No."

Bàolì Hua: "…" I give up!

Heng Xīnyán stayed silent. Her mind roamed back to last night. How round the moon was… the moon, the only thing that reminded her of the revenge that she wanted so badly.

A smile surfaced on her lips and she muttered, "Yuè."

Bàolì Hua looked up at the bright blue sky. Her pink thin lips opened letting out a low chortle. "The Yuè Sect… sounds domineering?"

Heng Xīnyán's brows furrowed. "It honestly doesn't."

"But I want the sect colour to be red," she continued and Bàolì Hua hummed. "Then add red to the name."

Heng Xīnyán rubbed her head, "Why is it so hard to name a sect?!"

She turned to Bàolì Hua. Bàolì Hua looked at her with scorn, "I am a snake!"

Heng Xīnyán rolled her eyes, "Useless!" She scolded.

Bàolì-Useless-Hua: "…" The disrespect!

Heng Xīnyán then stood abruptly with a clenched fist in the air, Bàolì Hua looked at her with an annoyed face.

"Our sect name doesn't need to be domineering! We the members will get the sect, its reputation that scares souls into their shells!" Heng Xīnyán proclaimed loudly and Bàolì Hua held her nose bridge with a sigh. Then she froze… her mind pausing at the word, 'our' in Heng Xīnyán's sentence.

Random chatter:

In the future, many years later

Heng Xīnyán: "This is my sect!"

Bàolì Hua rolled her eyes: "Who said 'our' sect back then?"

Heng Xīnyán fell silent.

S_A_Gracecreators' thoughts