
The Staff Meeting Or The Next Phase Or How He Ascends (ii)

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate ??? Academy

-- 0300 Department Heads Staff Room -- The following morning

Suki limped into a low-lit room dressed in a thick black sarashi wrap (chest wrap) and loose blue silk pants. In front were 20 other staff members seated around a long rectangular dark Holt wood table. [Pic of Suki here.]

A few of the staff members looked at her and the cane in disgust. They glanced towards the open seat beside them, before shifting into it while grunting. "We don't want your kind here."

Glancing towards the remaining department heads, Suki watched as the remaining ones continued to shift down.

Leaving her with a single seat in between an old janitor and the head chief. She took her seat in silence, waiting for the only two reserved seats to be filed.

*Clop, clop, clop, clop.*

Director Popovich walked into the room dressed in a long black trench coat and the latest in Tarsonis suit wear. To the left of him was the new head of research Doctor Tom, who donned an all-black suit to contrast his silk white lab coat.

When the two took their seats the already dim room dimmed further under their presence. Director Popovich's bionic eyes began to shine through his sunglasses, instilling fear throughout the staff. His eyes fell upon an older middle-aged doctor, she clamored before soiling herself under his gaze.

"Report?" Chimed Suki, her golden eyes were just as haunting within the darkly lit room.

"O-O-o-ooooh, um. 115 dead, 0 injured...sir." Said the woman, averting her eyes.

His eyes fell upon Suki, who sat across from him with a cold and unflinching gaze. Although, he'd never admit it. A part of Popovich feared the woman he could never break. To an extent, everyone did. "I don't care about the death toll, I want to know who of importance is dead, or missing? And what was taken?" Demanded Popovich.

The staff members nodded before sending their reports to Suki's datapad.

She opened the information before beginning the report. "Of the 115 dead, you have 15 dead staff members. 11 of which hold significant importance. Of these 12, one is your head of security, and 3 are his assistant supervisors. The remaining 7 are preceptors, one of which includes Lisa.

Out of your 100 dead soldiers, you had 8 agents deployed at that time. 5 dead, 2 missing, and 1 survivor. There is no relevant data recovered in regards to the missing personnel. But according to the head of computer engineering, as of 0200. Two alpha-wave datapads have been labeled as missing from the R & D room within floor D along with the confirmed theft of 8 petabytes worth of data." Stated Suki, her eyes lingered on Popovich.

His eyes upon hers, the silence defining to those around them. The scent of urine permeated the air while he picked up a datapad and began to read over it. Before finally speaking. "I don't recall the Umojian Shadowguard ever taking live prisoners, nor any of our best agents surviving an encounter with them. Nor do I recall approving datapads infused with alpha wave tech. And why were they on floor D instead of the more secure floors? Finally, which data did they take?"

Asked Popovich. His eyes stayed upon Suki, awaiting her answer. She sat there studying the veins pop around his head. "I order--" His words were cut short by an extremely pale and nervous male. "I-I-I-I had the boys... We were trying to create anti-cloaking hardware s-s-sir."

The man's words caused Popovich and his peers to hold their breath. "And did you succeed?" Asked Popovich, his curiosity worried Tom. Research and development fell under his department.

"Yes...no... kinda. During our initial testing, it managed to pin down the general location for cloaked units, but the goal was to make them visible visual hubs. However, when used in tandem with other detection technologies such as motion or heat we could render it useless within 20 feet. So, far...sir."

Popovich leaned back, studying the man with keen interest. His relaxation frightened Tom. "If I remember correctly, both current and former head researchers Tom and Matha said Alpha-wave tech could only be used in conjunction with psionic users. Are you saying you invented a workaround?"

Popovich finished, his words caused Suki to shutter. If what he said was true then in time. She, her ghosts, and the kids would be deemed replaceable!

"Yes sir. We even planned to create a cloaking aerospace fighter!" Yelled the pale man, hoping to gain Popovich's favor.


The teacher's heads shot up, they looked over to find the cause and we're once again shocked. Tom was sitting there, his face beat red, his seething deep loud and audible. "So you're saying your disregard for the procedure was why we got attacked!!? I found it odd they never hit the Lower floors! But now I know why! They never needed to!"

The pale man looked over to Popovich, who said nothing while Tom continued. "Psionic...Alpha-wave technology is--was our only technological advantage over the Umojian protectorate. Which by the way, has knowingly supported the rebel movement for years!

And with the loss of that prototype and theft of said data, it's safe to say we'll be losing field agents left and right.

Because foolish man. A Umojian Shadowguard is almost twice as strong as one ghost and that's before you include whatever tech they develop."

Popovich raided a hand, prompting Tom to stop. He opened his mouth, there was no hidden anger or seething rage just acceptance. "You forgot to mention the report also stated they took extensive Battlecruiser data. Like really, what do I tell high command? Oh, we were attacked and now our enemies know more about our capital ships than our officers do." Stated Popovich, he slumped over fantasizing about the hell high command would unleash upon him. 'Is it over...is my dream dead?' Thought Popovich. Looking off into the distance.

He glanced back to see Suki leaning back in her chair with her feet high up on the table. *Bam!* Popovich slammed a fist into the table. The staff shuttered as Popovich leaned in, sneering over Suki's feet and into her golden eyes. "If I die, you're all coming with me."

"Hahaha." Suki's laugh echoed the room, the teachers gasped as she slid her shoes off before teasing Popovich with her feet.

"Come now Popo, did you forget?" Asked Suki, her question confused Popovich and the surrounding staff.

"What are you getting at?" Asked Tom. His question caused Suki to smile then and take one glance around the room. When she saw the confusion and rage her laughter boiled over, prompting some staff members to slam their fists and stand in rage.

"Hahahaha! Sit the fuck down, you pathetic lot. But really? How did you forget Popo? You're not commander Popovich, your vice-director Popovich! So dump all the blame onto your commandant and kill off a few Directors then bribe high command to be commandant. I mean really, this is the confederacy, home to the corrupt, and from my standpoint. You're in line for a nice official! Promotion. But seriously, guards kill this pale fool, before he gets more of my men killed and kidnapped." Demanded Suki. #An: All the promotions before this weren't official.#

The staff nodded, watching in awe as she limped out of the room.

Popovich smiled then laughed a jolly laugh. "Boys! Kill the fool then tomorrow we'll be celebrating with staff-wide bonuses. Oh and Tom, I'll be leaving all his projects in your care."

"Yeah!" Cheered the department heads, they eyed the soon-to-be-dead pale man. Thanking Suki from the bottom of their hearts. But off in the distance, she had buried her real thoughts.

'Oh Popovich you stupid fool. With your safety nets gone and Annabella Terra's fame breathing down your neck eventually you won't be so invulnerable.

Now, I better deliver this data to the Umojians.'


An: If you forgot Annabella Terra is a part of the Terra family, which is one of the 11 wealthiest families within the confederacy.

As time goes on, The Terra's and a few others will greatly impact the story. Oh, and I know this was an unorthodox saying what Ceasar and Suki did after the last chapter but I hope it worked.

#An: If you still think the third title is about Caesar you're wrong! #

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