
The Good Ending

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate ??? Academy

-- Jun 11, 2529 - Confederate calendar - Day of the graduation exam

The kids stood proudly with a razor in their hands. In front of them was Clark, bound to the ground by his hands and knees.

Above them was Caesar. Seated in the stands, observing everything and everyone. Alongside Victoria and those who displayed devotee loyalty.

Below all one thousand three hundred and fifty in recruits. Held back their emotions, while Clark endured having his skin flayed off.

For a time Caesar felt sad and disheartened by what he did. A part of him yearned to truly meet Clark. However, that soon faded when Popovich's face appeared on the big screen. And the armored marines came barging in.

Their rifles snapped on Caesar, shocking every kid within the room.

As Popovich spoke, his words began to kill the last bit of everyone's remaining hope. "X246002. Due to your abnormal behavior, I will be removing you from the ghost program. Henceforth, you are to relinquish your datapad before following the marines for termination."

The recruits stopped their exam to look upon Caesar. Their panic-filled eyes left him stunned from head to toe. 'Why am I shocked? All data pointed towards them gathering around me once Clark fell-'

"Former recruit x246002! Step away from your datapad and your former peers. This is your last chance for a peaceful termination!" Popovich's voice boomed across the room.

The kids looked upon Caesar. He sat there staring back, the weight of hopes pressed against his heart. A sigh escaped his lips causing Clark to grin seeing his reaction.

"OCTAVIAN!" Popovich yelled.

"What?" Said Caesar. His voice was dull and uncaring, shocking everyone, especially Popovich.


"You what? We both know the other knows. So drop the shit so we can begin negotiation. Or do you want me to leak your dirty little Terran secret?" Said Caesar.

At those words, every razor dropped and every rifle was shoved in his face. Popovich grinned before applauding Caesar then hitting a button on his keypad.

The marines exploded, their armor now an empty husk layered by blood, shit, piss, and guts.

Popovich spoke one again. "Think of that as my gift for good terms. Now, what will you be giving me?"

Caesar's eyes fell on Clark. He nodded looking back at Caesar.

"OCTAVIAN! DON'T YOU DARE!" Yelled Bryce. He charged through the crowd, surrounded by a group of people.

"Don't you dare do anything before we say goodbye," said Bryce. When he raised his razor the others followed suit, ready to fight.

Rishul, Lokee, Victoria, and the others stepped forward, causing the crowd to part ways.

Caesar rolled his eyes while Popovich's grin grew wider.

More and more kids threatened to join each side, however, Caesar spoke up. Stopping everyone dead in their tracks.

"We've spent over five years enduring abuse for this day. And yet on the eve of our freedom, you would threaten it with stupidity? Well, let me tell you something.

Clark didn't seal his fate, you guys did. How? You ask. The answer is snitching. You guys spent the last 3 years snitching on him then each other.

But fine, if you feel that dying with him will fix it. Then I'll help you join him."

"Caesar, just leave it." Said Clark. Tears rolled down his eyes, as he spoke to his former enemy.

"Today is the dawn of our new dream. But I won't be around to experience it, so build the nation we can be proud of."

Caesar nodded before raising two fingers then looking at Popovich. "In another life, we could've been friends," said Caesar.

Clark smiled at the thought while Caesar turned his wrist, snapping Clark's neck.

"Oh god! Since when did he possess telekinesis?" A girl asked. Her question went unanswered because everyone noticed those blazing green eyes, paired with throbbing thick veins.

Bryce clenched his fist but said nothing as the realization slowly set in. "He never took us seriously, Clark." "Clark? Clark? Clark."

While Caesar walked towards the exit. On his right was Rishul, to his left Kai, and blended into the background was Samir.

Popovich sat there with his mouth hung open. His eyes lingered on Caesar, who finally left the room, saying something that would shock them all.

"That's your gift. And don't worry, I know where your office is."

After exiting the room he entered a hidden corridor, which led up to the floor A4 training room. Everything came to stop. The ghosts, marines, and scientists received notifications forcing them to do nothing.

While Caesar disappeared through another hidden corridor.

"Enough," said Popovich. "I get the point. I don't need you exposing every off-the-book corridor I had the engineers install. I send my personal elevator to floor b1."

"Fine. I'll take your personal elevator but if you detach it or activate any traps I'll know," finished Caesar.

Popovich clenched his fist, admitting defeat. As Caesar entered his elevator. He sighed knowing it'd be years before he could try to kill Caesar again.

"I'll admit it. You trained one hell of a soldier Suki."

Popovich looked to the woman sipping tea in the corner of his office.

Suki made nothing of it as she said. "For today and today alone, I'll protect you from the boy. Because we both know the Duke's are a worse alternative to what anybody has planned."

Popovich nodded in agreement while watching the elevator open.

Kai, Rishul, and Samir's eyes snapped to Suki. While Caesar just asked, "I can't kill him, can I?"

Suki shook her head, causing Caesar to sigh. The others just looked on, surprised that their leader would defer to anyone.

"Now then boy, let us begin." Smiled Popovich. Caesar took his seat, Rishul stood to his left and Kai on his right. The two glanced to Samir, who was ripped out of his hallucinations by Suki.

"Tell the woman between your legs to make herself presentable. I doubt your signature holds value amongst the 11," said Caesar.

Popovich snarled at Caesar before smiling down at those words, his eyes fell on Annabella. She shuttered as Popovich came all over her face. "You heard the boy. But lay on the table, were not done yet."

His words caused her shaking to intensify. However, she did what she was told, making it seem like Popovich had power over the 11. While satisfying his growing inadequacies.

"The Dukes, HIE! Have seen to it. That you, HIE! And 10 others. Will be transferred out of his--AHHIIEEEE! command. And into HIE! The young commander program.

While furthering your ghosts training. However, HIE! With our--AHHIIEEEE! AHHIIEEEE! AHHIIEEEE. HIS! HIS! His help-"

"Stop," said Caesar. Cutting off Anabella.

'This woman is tragic,' chimed Kai.

"That's not how this is going to work. Your moans are annoying. So you're going to sit there while I talk. After he cums we can have a proper discussion. No sooner, no later. Nod if you agree?" demanded Caesar.

Once Anabella nodded he continued. "First I want 30 people, of my choice. Transferred out from his command-" Caesar stopped, he chuckled seeing Popovich's hips buckle. "Oh wow. The mighty director can't keep up."

Samir laughed while adding. "From this point of view, it looks like she's fucking him."

"Inadequate in bed and at command--"

"ENOUGH!" Yelled Popovich. "I won't tolerate you wet behind the ear, virgin 13 year-olds commenting on my sex skills!" The man snarled, pulling his dick out so the negotiations could continue.

"As I was saying. I want 30, recruits of my choice! Transferred along with me."

"Doable," said Annabella.

"But Sarah remains with me!" sneered Popovich. Caesar paused for a moment, before saying.

"Fine. But I along with Victoria will remain in the genius program.

Second. Upon graduating I want my own fully functioning battlecruiser along with the right to choose each staff member," said Caesar.

Popovich's eyes went wide, he looked to Annabella. Who said, "That's...doable. But you'll only have access to the undesirable things and people.'

"Agreed. Third thing. You're not allowed to touch, scheme, or think about doing the sort to Suki or whoever remains under her command. Forth! Within my remaining time at this academy. You can't do the same to me or my people. In exchange--"

"In exchange, you are to leave me to my devices and remove whatever backdoor Suki snuck onto our systems," said Popovich.

Caesar paused before agreeing. Suki never created a backdoor.


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