
The Agreement! Or Birth of His Second!

I Replaced the last document with a chapter.


Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate ??? Academy

1235-Strategies & basic combat - SBC101- days later

Kalen stood within the center of the room, to his right were four 11 to 12-year-old kids. "Listen-up rats. Today you'll be watching some of your senior's spar. I expect you to take notes because going forward I'll be teaching you some of the techniques I've ordered them to use."

"You said, seniors. Are you implying well be with you for the next five years?" Asked Caesar, clearly displeased with the implications involved. His question caused everyone to frown in displeasure. "Don't worry brats, you'll enjoy it. I promise we'll be killing. *ahem!* Destroying so many combat dummies together. Now, enough with the warm fuzzy stuff, let's teach you combat. "

Kalen and two of the recruits stepped to the side, while a small white male and a slightly taller Asian female took the center. The 3d display monitor above zoomed in on their faces, displaying to everyone their hollow lifeless eyes.

"Don't worry kids, you'll be like them soon enough. Isn't that right Octavian?" The kids looked towards Caesar. To Kalen, he was a dangerous yet broken dog. To the kids, a tuff, vicious, and patient monster...so tuff and patient some children in their age group did their hardest to copy him.

"Isn't that right Octavian?" Snarled Kalen. He stood there, watching Caesar nod his head in agreement. "Come now, Caesar. The recruits know you can talk...Yeah know, it's kinda impressive you lasted that long without saying a word. I bet a few of the other's 100 credit you'd go a week...Yeah, know. Caesar, get down here your their sparring partner today."

Caesar climbed into the ring, lining face to face with the undersized black child.

-- Caesar's Pov--

4 foot 1, 4'6 wingspan around 60 pounds. Leaning forward, knees bent, right foot forward, left foot raised on tippy toes. According to the digital library, this stance is typically used for gap closing...his fist is opening. He's trying to tackle me, negate my 7-inch high advantage.

But his head's too low. And why's he glancing at the Asian girl so much--oh. I got the perfect plan.


"Start when you're ready." Said Kalen, smiling ear to ear. His eyebrow rose, watching Caesar drop his fists and smirk at the Asian girl. "Caesar, can I get a name?" Asked Caesar. She cracked a smirk staring at his light-grey eyes.

'Even when she smiles, her eyes are dead.' Thought Caesar.

"No point." Said the girl, pointing at Caesar's opponent. His eyes twitched, he slid his left foot forward, planting it down.

Caesar's classmates leaned in. Eyes wide, mouth open. His opponent's twitching intensified, psionic energy gathered within his legs. His muscle tightened, body lowered, jaw clenched. And then his body shot forward.

Caesar's head snapped back to his opponent as his left knee rose to meet his opponent's lowered head. The kid's eyes widened as his face came crashing into Caesar's knee. *CRACK!* The boy dropped, and his body twitched. The girl tried to smile, but it was distorted and weird. Her eyes were hollow, like an old porcelain doll.

'I will never let them break me, like this.' Thought Caesar, for a moment his stoic eyes turned resolute.

Kalen's fist clenched in response to this subtle change. 'I'll break you brat, you and your crew.' He turned, pointing at Rishul. "Change of plans you're fighting the girl."

'He thinks we're close...good.' Thought Caesar, knowing Kalen's abuse would bring Rishul closer to his side.

They watched Rishul line up against the tall Asian girl. '5'2, 5 feet 6-inch wingspan, 55 pounds...Kickboxing stance. Rishul's 4'4, 4 feet 8-inch wingspan, doesn't know how to wrestle, tackle or close in...Yeah, this is going to be bad.'

Rishul rose his fist and did his best to inch forward. *Bomb!* The first fist, sent his head snapping back. *Bomb!* The second fist, wrapped around his guard, connecting with his temple. Rishul arms fell, his body staggered, vision blurred.

She planted her right leg, then fired her left leg, straight into Rishul's chin. when body folded like a blanket, those who hated him to cheer.

Kalen rose a hand, silencing the crowd. "Good. This is what you were supposed to learn in the previous spar. You see. Dainty over here didn't win because her attacks were stranger. She won because her attacks were quick, fierce, and planned. Remember. A thinking man thrives at combat, a foolish man dies in combat!

Caesar knew two things. He knew his enemy was going for a tackle and that his enemy had feelings for Dainty. So he abused those feelings, and now the dumb fuck, has earned himself 60 lashes. In the final spar, I want you to focus on how they move and defend attacks. Caesar, fuck off with Rishulf."

'On a personal note. I gotta try that next time I'm picking up ladies in the bar.'

--Sometime later, medical center--

Caesar sat in bed, rubbing ointment on his knee. Rishul lay unconscious in the bed to his left.

"Urgh..." groaned Rishul. His eyes slowly opened, on his left was a shivering guard with his baton in hand. He turned to the right, spotting Caesar wrapping a white cloth around his knee. Caesar grabbed his datapad and tossed it over to Rishul.

"3d modeling on, replay sparring matches." Said Caesar.

Rishul slowly stood up, before watching each fight closely. In the beginning, he focused on their every move but after the third fight started. His attention quickly pulled towards the fighters' lack of emotion. His fear grew watching the final pair of fighters trade blows with no emotion whatsoever.

'Their dolls...Is this what it means to survive?' Asked Rishul, replaying the fight once more. He glanced at Caesar, laying in bed with his old black datapad in hand. 'Yes, that's what it means to survive. Especially in this place. I mean, you've seen it too. The other kids are starting to see breaking bones and killing people as normal. When over a month back they quivered at me, killing the guards.'

Caesar signed. Then turned and stood in front of Rishul, he gripped his NGS datapad, as he projected his thoughts to Rishul. 'Happiness, joy, love, compassion...the rules were designed to weed out. Why? Because positive emotions are detrimental to soldiers they want...negative, detrimental is another word for negative.

Loyalty, submission, obedience, they beat emotions like this into us because they fear us...No, they see us as an opportunity to sweep over all known human space. But fear losing the control they've built over the last 300 years.'

Caesar walked towards the exit, with his second datapad in hand. Rishul glanced towards a newly made poster. Reading "Confederacy. Home to the opportunistic!"

For a moment his movements stopped while his eyes lingered before continuing. Rishul stood telling him. 'I'll do what you need, but if you betray us...I'm killing you. Oh, and I know what detrimental means. '

'Sure you do.' Thought Caesar.