
Real Leadership or A Genius’s Shortcomings or Dude’s A DICK!

Armored Marine: [pic here]

Spider mines: [pic here]

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Tarsonis City

- 2300 - The Black Site - Ghost Operations Room - 2 years later

Popovich, Suki, and one unknown man stood in front of a 3d display. Seated around them were Caesar, Bryce, and four unknown agents.

"Listen up. Because today's mission is a sensitive one of the utmost importance. And I don't trust you a lot...most of you. To not fuck it up.

In fact. Half of you are only on this mission because the rising insurgency has us stretched thin."

Popovich said, addressing the group with disdain.

Suki snapped a finger, causing the display monitor to show a large four-story beach house along with an old black male. As Popovich spoke.

"This is general Sinbad. An old and honorable man with ties all over the nation, and even Umoja. Like many. Over the past few years, general Sinbad has grown more and more disillusioned with the Confederacy..."

'No shit,' thought Bryce. Not caring if the other ghosts could read his mind.

"He's even gone as far as to bad mouth our nation on its birthday. Yet more importantly. Lately, we've heard reports that general Sinbad invited Arcturus along with a litany of unidentified officers and military officials to his beach house on Korhal IV."

The unknown man stepped forward, while his face was shrouded by the room's darkness. His voice was hidden behind a voice modifier.

Suki raised her hand, causing general Sinbad's face to fade. And the beach house, or rather a summer palace to zoom out. Highlighting the surrounding forest and empty beach.

Moving red dots popped up, highlighting enemy locations and posts. While yellow littered the forest and water, showing everyone local wildlife locations.

"As you can see, Sinbad's summer palace doubles as a semi-stocked military base with armored guards or rather marines, everywhere. However, the real issue is the wildlife and Spider mines positioned around the base.

Not only do these animals make infiltration difficult. But the smarter, more alert species, such as the Blue Avian, and Andreas Primates will alert the marines to gain food-based rewards. While the beach's sand-based terrain makes clocked units a non-factor, for obvious reasons."

Stepping to the side, Suki stepped forward while Bryce's right eye twitched. "Your main objective is to confirm every guest within that party. While your secondary objective is to confirm if general Sinbad has joined the rebel movement. If he has, your third objective is to neutralize discreetly.

Now, due to the nature of this mission ghost 246002 (Caesar), has operational command. Any inquiries?" Suki asked. One of the unknown agents raised their hands, while Bryce scoffed, 'of course, he does.'

"Yes, agent 246002," said Suki. She eyed Caesar, 'knowing this brat...'

"Requesting permission to drop ghost 245553 before the mission. And or terminate him along with anybody else in the event they fail to meet standard or risk mission success," Caesar said.

The room went silent while Popovich, Suki, and the unknown man stared between Bryce, the four agents, then Caesar.

'The rumors don't do this jack ass justice,' thought the man. Even he, a non-psionic could rage building amongst the group.

"No, you can't," said Popovich.

Caesar eyed him as if he were a fool, before saying. "Agents 259888, 249991, 25013, 251010 have recently been promoted from recruit rank. Meaning they're inexperienced, while agent 245553 [Bryce] is an agent with a dubious track record. As such, If nobody else is available then I'd rather go--."

"LIEUTENANT AUGUSTUS!" Suki yelled. Her voice boomed across the room, leaving Caesar silent.

He stood up, standing above her and everyone else at 6 foot 10 inches or 212.5 centimeters. "Permission to speak freely?" Caesar asked, eyeing the agents before looking back to Suki.

She glanced at the group, then at him. Popovich did the same. Both signed, they knew full well he was right to question his assigned subordinates.

"Augustus," said Suki.

To most, her voice was calming. Yet Caesar could hear the disappointment. "You are no longer an enlisted soldier, you are a commissioned officer, a Navel CO for the confederate military. High command has even gone so far as to label you a true genius.

And truth be told, I believe you could do this mission alone.

However, the reason you are still within this academy, instead of commanding a starship, is because high command doubts your ability to galvanize soldiers through this difficult time. They've even gone as far as to say you'll cause soldiers to desert.

Hell some of them didn't want you leading this mission." Finished Suki.

Caesar paused. For a brief moment, anger flashed upon his stoic face and Suki noticed it. 'I understand they don't meet your standards. You need to understand most won't. So to get them to reach that standard then you need to teach them.

Because frankly, you'll fail if you get that ship. In fact, you'll fail so spectacularly that Popovich is fighting for you to get that ship.'

"Ok," Caesar said. His eyes fell on Bryce. "However, under no circumstance, WILL I EVER. Lead and or work with. Such a dangerously inconsistent variable, especially on a mission this important."

Suki sighed then turned to Popovich.

"Fine, agent 245553 will be removed from this mission and any missions of this nature going forward. Now, I expect you all to report to the New Gettysburg orbital space platform by 0500 for deployment. Dismissed," said Popovich.

Bryce stood up, slamming his fist against the table. "SIR!" Yelled Bryce, saluting as he continued. "I understand that I've developed an undesirable reputation. However, please allow me to correct it with this mission.

PLEASE, SIR! This mission is a great opportunity to do what I must, to help our nation."

Hearing this, Popovich smiled before saying. "I've never liked you. But for the sake of our nation, I'll give you one last chance. However! Agent 246002 will have full permission to kill you should you step out of line. Is that clear?"

"YES! SIR!" Yelled Bryce.

"Agent 246002, complete this mission and I'll personally see to it that you finally graduate," smiled Popovich.

"No. I will not be held responsible for whatever he pulls," Caesar responded. Popovich frowned, as Bryce yelled."HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO THE COMMANDER LIKE THAT!"

Caesar scoffed before walking out. As he left his words echoed across the room. "Graduation be damned. If you're too stupid to realize he's playing on your ego, then that's fine. I'll happily wait two more years. Because there is no way he is killing my career."

Popovich frowned, conflicted. 'I need this brat to graduate but he's right. Although...my career can stomach the risk. That being said, I'd better give myself an out.'

"Computer, set ghost 245553's neural adjuster and inhibitor to high. And I want somebody to command him at all times."

Ok, I've hit a major wall writing chapter 70. In fact, It's still not done and maybe rewritten. But at this point f it.

I will be releasing a chapter tomorrow. And yeah, chapter 70 has me in a mood.

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts