
Prelude to the Graduation (i)

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate ??? Academy

The cell doors slide open allowing 40 of the cell block best recruits to step outside. They looked upon Kalen, who stood alongside 30 guards, armed with riot shields and grenade launching taser pistols. When the teens looked upon them, their knees quaked and pistols shivered.

Kalen stepped forward with a brave face and indomitable will. But when he spoke they could hear a hint of nervousness in his voice. "L-l-listen up! S-shit stains! Just because you're getting bigger, doesn't mean you're better!

They may have given you some fancy new drugs, but I'm still in charge! I'm still the boss!" Kalen stepped towards Clark with a saliva-filled mouth, their faces an inch apart. "And I'm, STILL! THE! MAIN! SHITTT!" Yelled Kalen. Spit flew from his mouth, drenching Clark and those nearby.

Clark snarled, his breath washed over Kalen's face. The two stood there, eye to eye. One an indomitable young olympian, the second a now slightly overweight titan.

Clark sneered. Kalen flitched feeling Clark's psionic energy pulsate around them. The guards stepped forward while Clark yelled. "Come on, try using them!? Try using your precious neuro-adjuster or neuro-inhibitor! I DARE YOU!"

"Raawrr!" Snarled Kalen, slapping Clark with as much strength as he could muster. Clark staggered back, his nose bled and lip split open. A chuckle escaped his mouth as pity filled his voice. "Hahaha, oh god. Slapping!? Wow! Just wow--" Clark's eyes fell to his stomach. "You've really...let yourself go."

Said Clark. Hearing that, Kalen's eyes began to twitch while his fists quickly rose. *Bam!* The first strike hit Clark, but he did not stagger.

*Bam!* The second strike connected, Clark finally staggered. When the third strike connected Clark hit the floor smiling from ear to ear. "I guess your beatings really paid off," laughed Clark. As Kalen reached for his pistol a synthetic voice rang over the p.a system.

"Preceptor Kalen. You must halt this course of action or severe punishment will be dealt," said the facility's A.I. At her words, Kalen removed his hand then slowly backed away. However, as he did, he couldn't help but curse Popovich because of the way he's been running things. 'If I was in charge this little shit would already be dead! Like what is Popovich doing! Doesn't he realize we can't leave this problem alone anymore?'

--- 2000 Strategies & Combat - Room: G1 Mini Maze ---

The kids sat, seated well above a 400m steel-alloy maze with constantly shifting walls. Above them was Kalen laughing at their bruised-covered bodies. "And they call you all the best!? God that's so disdainful. It's just a simple maze yet you're all still failing!? AHAHAHAHAHA! Trash, utter trash. "

Kalen sighed then looked to Caesar, who like always, had his head buried in his datapad. "I guess Caesar will have to show you how it's done again," sighed Kalen. He grinned gazing at Clark, who balled his fists while gritting his teeth.

A brief wave of anger washed over the room as Clark's group stared down at Caesar. Seeing this, a smile slowly appeared across Kalen's face. While thought entered his mind. 'Come oonn! Take the bait...'

"If Octavian, sorry. Recruit x246002 is so superior then why didn't he go first?" Asked Clark. He was trying to get Caesar beaten up and everyone knew it. However,Caesar didn't respond.

"Recruit Octavian! Our commanding officer has ordered you to enter the maze." To everyone's surprise, Clark spoke with extreme authority.

'Is he mad!? Even the guards refrained from calling him Octavian,' thought the kids. They eyed the two as everything broke down. To their surprise Caesar kept his head buried in his datapad.

"RECRUIT OCTAVIAN!" Yelled Clark, but nothing happened. Seeing this, Clark turned to Kalen and so did the rest. His wild grin caused the rest to shutter before glancing back at Caesar, however, Clark scoffed while saying. "Relax everyone. He was stronger because they gave him early access to those new hormones and drugs."

At those words, his group sighed in relief. While a few of them glanced at Kalen, who remained smiling. The others began to chant the name, not caring for whatever beating may occur.

"Wow and they call us freaks," chimed a girl.

"Octavian, the 8th emperor of freaks," said another.

"Oh! I get it! Octavian means 8, and Caesar means emperor! Funny," said a slow-minded boy.

"So what, is he like a test subject or something?" Asked Kimberly Ann. Her comments caused Caesar to come to a very noticeable stop. His eyes rose to the sight of Clark's smile as his group teased him relentlessly. 'How does it feel dick?' Thought Clark.

In a separate room, the scientists observing everything were shocked to see their hatred for subject Augustus outweighed years of mental program! "I always knew they feared and hated Octavian, however, I never realized it was this bad. On that note. We need to re-exam all the recruits, especially subject Augustus, Mehta, and Kerrigan." Said one of the scientists, his words were echoed by the others.

To their annoyance, Kalen finally acted instead of helping them gather more data. "Recruit Octavian. Do I need to repeat myself?"Asked Kalen. Even across the poorly lit room, Caesar could see his smile as clear as day.

"Oh looky here, the eighth test subject has graced us with his attention," said another. This time it was Bryce, and his words truly hit home.

Caesar did nothing but continued to eye Kalen.

"Byrce, Clark, Caesar, and you no name losers into the maze. Nerds up above, send in 5 marines then raise the center flag," said Kalen. The class went silent at his words. They eyed Clark then Bryce, their hands clamped as a pray rang throughout their heads...it was Samir.

'Ooh, holy god. Please spar those terrible fouls for they do not know-- ' His prayer was cut short by the sound of Caesar's fist breaking Bryce's shoulder. Although he fought valiantly his broken shoulders made it clear a gap still remained.

Yet to even Caesar's surprise, his words instilled more hope.

"Hahahaha! I knew it! I knew it. The gap is closing! CAN YOU GUYS HEAR ME!? THE GAP IS CLOSING!? And when it does, we're gonna show you a world of pain," said Bryce. What started out as a triumphant, anger-filled laugh turned into a calm and imposing statement.

To the staff, the ghosts, and even Popovich's shock Clark and the rest just sat down while Caesar completed the maze. As he picked up the flag a message played across the p.a system.

"In two months all 13, or late 12-year-old recruits will take part in the graduation exam! I repeat. In two months all 13, or late 12-year-old recruits will take part in the graduation exam!" Yelled the facilities A.I.

Kalen sighed hearing this announcement. Although his eyes lingered on Clark, a part of him couldn't help but think back to Caesar's long and for once icy gaze. 'Popovich. This is on you.'

Will be entering the youth graduation soon. Finally!

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts