
Mengsk (IV) or The Funeral

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Tarsonis Super City

- 2000 New Gettysburg - Central District of Tarsonis Super City - Heart of the Nobles - The Crown Pub

Two months had passed, and men and women from all walks of military life gathered within the high-end bar. To watch the start of Angus Mengsk's funeral.

"What do you think the general's gonna say?" An engineer asked. In front of him was an untouched glass of scotch.

"Who knows but that SOB's always had a way with words. Can I even say that now? It doesn't feel right," muttered a Marine. He and his buddies sat around a table, drinking their misery away.

While an army doctor across the pub said. "I-I-I know what you mean. Ge-ge-general Mengsk embraced me f-f-f-for me."

"SHHHH! SHHH! IT'S FINALLY STARTING!" Yelled the bartender. Every soul went silent when the live feed turned on. Their eyes remained glued on the display monitor, showing a camera panned out to display ten thousand people standing on top of the Korhal grand mausoleum.

As the rain poured down and the crowd parted, a black coffin with a golden wolf face etched over it. Came hovering through the crowd.

Arcturus rose from below the stage, by his side was Juliana. Her face was masked behind by a thin black veil, and held tightly in her arms was their young two-year-old boy. In front, on top, and surrounding the couple was a thick bulletproof glass.

The Confederacy looked upon with shocked eyes and stunned expressions, while civilians from all over sector asked themselves. "Will this mother and child be killed?"

As Angus's coffin came to a stop in front of the stage. The camera's zoomed in on Arcturus's face. Although the heavy rain masked his tears, Arcturus's rage pierced through the moonlit rain. Before panning around to highlight the civilians standing on every rooftop and balcony surrounding the mausoleum. Held within their hands were luminescent blood red floors trapped in visual effect glass.

The camera returned to Arcturus, whose hardened, rage-filled face. Filled soldiers with doubt. Many of these men and women fought with or under general Mengsk.

"W-w-w-was it right to s-s-s-stay loyal?" Asked the doctor. It was a question they all asked, however, because they asked they would be labeled disloyal. For hidden from sight were two ghosts. Watching, recording, writing down the name of any soul they deemed to be disloyal to the Confederacy.

These ghosts once recruits, were Mark and Hinata, Caesar's men. Now, apprentice rank seaman within the confederate navy. And today was their first official Ghost mission.


"My dear citizens. When my father sent me away I thought him to be foolish. For never in my wildest dreams did I think the Confederacy would kill a man for speak'n his heart. Especially one such as himself.

Angus never wanted war. He prepared for it, like any good leader. Yet prayed for a peaceful resolution, we all did. Even as I speak I'm still...official. A general within the Confederacy army.

A general, who like his father. Grew up knowing and befriending the people that would one day kill try to kill him. But they did kill him."


The people shuttered as a bullet ripped through the raining night sky. Everyone gasped when it pierced halfway through the glass before coming to stop.

Juliana staggered back, clutching their young child tightly within her arms. 'Why isn't he afraid?' Thought Juliana.

Arcturus paused then continued his speech.

'Oh, I should've known. You confederate DOG!' She roared within her mind. Secretly eyeing him as she stepped forward to return by his side.

The audience's cries turned to rage as her silent rage radiated alongside his, across every live feed.

"MENGSK! MENGSK! MENGSK..." Chanted the crowd.

'I promise to find the bitch who killed you pa.'


The live feed cut off. Across Korhal, Tarsonis, and every other Confederate planet or station.

"W-w-w-was it right to s-s-s-stay loyal?" Repeated the Doctor. Any unbiased thinker would think there was something up with what just happened. However, the soldiers within this pub were anything but unbiased.

'But why would he do that? Could he be struggling to find soldiers?' Thought the doctor. As he eyed the soldiers, he then thought. 'If he could do this, then he would do worse. So would the confederacy. I better quit while I still can.'

- Confederate Council Headquarters - The Next Evening -

The 11...now 10 family heads took their seats within the Confederate council. Surrounding these 10 wealthy figures, seated at their round table. Were the 500 most important nobles within the Confederacy, or otherwise known as the senate. And seated around the front was number 15, Popovich.

#An: The 11 are one through 11, Popovich being 15 makes him the 4 most influential noble. #

They all frowned with heavy hearts, while a small 5'8 sandy-haired white male spoke.

"Good evening my fellow Confederates. As many of you know, my name is Constantino Terra. And today, we are to discuss the recent events that took place on top of the Korhal grand mausoleum."

"Grah!" Snorted Duke. "What's there to discuss? That scheming motherfucker framed us!"

His voice boomed across the room. Constantino glanced up to see every noble-looking upon him. He turned to Popovich, who said. "No, we didn't. And before you ask. Not a single ghost was on that planet."

"That doesn't matter when nobody will believe us," said the head senator.

As everybody clenched their fists, the room went silent.

"What options do we have?" Asked matriarch Holt.

A female artificial intelligence rose from the table. "Based on your personalities and the data at hand. I have calculated three truly viable options.

The first? Admit, then apologize for killing Angus in haste. Before denying all claims related to this recent event. This will cause civilians across the sector to not only doubt you but them as well. Reducing rebel sentiment and war potential.

The second--"

"STOP!" Yelled matriarch Tygore.

Popovich stood up to speak, interrupting a Tygore.

'Such a beautiful display of power,' thought many of the nobles.

"Incompetence!" He yelled, staring down at the matriarch. "Fact of the matter is, not only do the civilians not trust us. But they love and adore Arcturus Mengsk. Who as they see it did not flinch in the face of danger.

As I speak, not only are men and women from all over Korhal rushing to join him. But our own soldiers are questioning everything, from resignation to damn right treason!"


"SHUT UP DUKE! BECAUSE I'M NOT DONE!" Popovich yelled, stunning the room. "Do you think that Angus was the only man with that sentiment? Well, guess what. He's not! Military resignation has spiked because our brightest distrust both groups.

As I speak ghosts across the nation are assassinating those with thoughts of forming their own group. And what's worse is that this situation is "

The room went silent, even Popovich. Who looked upon the confederate flag, hoping for inspiration.

"So then what do we do?" Asked Constantino, everyone had this question on their mind.

Yet after some time, Popovich spoke once more. "I think we should do whatever to win the people back. Cut taxes on the poor while increasing our own. Make previous restrictive tech more available. Invest in healthcare, pregnancy, food. Anything that'll win them over. Even reducing their taxes while increasing our own."

His words enraged the crowd but the next part won them over. "I know Mengsk, we've shared a lot of drinks. Unlike his father, Arcturus is not one to sue for peace. He's a dangerous man with a brilliant mind.

So it's best to assume he's going to use the peace to prepare for war, why? Because they're not ready yet.

If they were, Angus would've displayed capital ships during his speech. However, with the way things are. We can't risk war because of how anger our people are."

"And if we do that?" Asked Constantino.

"If we do that, the rebel movement will grow by epic proportions. However, this will also be our best chance to address military issues." Stated general or rather, old Patriarch Duke.

"I propose we expand the use of neural technology! We can't risk anything like this again," added Duke, Popovich nodded in agreement.