
How it Began (1) or A Tragic Kid

To all the people who decide to read this fanfiction, thank you for giving this story a chance.

If you are expecting this to be a fast pace MC-focused story.

I'm here to tell you that it won't be.

This is a story that will feature extensive world-building as such, will occasionally pull away from the MC to develop the story.

(An: I'll normally do it when I feel it could add more to the story.)

An: = Author note.

MUST-READ!!!! This story is based on starcraft & Halo

However, all battles will have a more realistic take to them instead of not an RTS one!!


Chapter 1

Year: 2524

Location: Tarsonis super city; homeworld, and capital of the Terran Confederacy.

A black-haired, eight-year-old boy could be seen digging through the wasted tech surrounding the Mega city's recycling plant.

Two guards scoffed as they watched him, along with the other local kids shuffling through the outdated junk tech.

They looked upon the bits of green fuel that covered these kids' worn-out cloth and stitched-up backpacks. They disregarded the plant's sparkling steel, wide bar electric fencing, and the two automated taser turrets placed high upon the front gate. To watch a single red-haired boy creeping closer towards the high-end junk on the far end of their fence.

Their rifles raised as the boy shifted toward high-end junk, he'd pick up the batteries and scrap around him. The guards pointed their guns, while the other kids watched but just looked as the guard's guns clicked.

The red-haired boy looked up before backing away. Seeing this scene, one of the many kids behind him cried. "Ah man, they're acting like bitches today." before walking away with his bag of junk.

It was only worth ten credits at best, but he'd be forced to take three. And as for the rest...they followed with the same dejected look and fate.

This made the guards happy, with the brats gone they'd get to relax while they stool bits of the scrap behind them. However just as they were about to, they noticed one boy shuffling through the junk without a care in the world.

"Octavian!" the first guard yelled. However, the black-haired kid ignored him. "OCTAVIAN!" the first guard screamed but the kid still ignored him.

They watched as Octavian pulled a last-gen motherboard from beneath a small mound of junk. They were shocked by its quality and paused to watch as he moved towards the electric fence.

"OCTAVIAN!!" The guard yelled once more. And just like before the boy disregarded him. He reached for his gun, but his partner stopped him before saying. "Stop calling him Octavian. And Caesar, you have 3--"

Guard two's mouth dropped seeing Caesar's tiny arm rip a small commercial drone through the electric bars.

Its cracked 3d monitors snapped off the drone's hinges as the electricity fried their circuitry. The wings followed, leaving the guards in complete shock. Guard two looked to Caesar, who although short on breath, was completely unharmed.

They watched him rip the drop apart for its pocket-sized transmitter and receiver. Their eyes shined bright while Caesar got up and bagged all his goods before walking towards the rundown exit.

"Your amazing Octavian!" Guard one could barely contain his excitement as he thought of how rich they'd be with Caesar...assistance.

Caesar stopped and turned to his right, his light grey eyes began to flash with an eerie bluish-green hue.

The junk around both guard's feet parted like the sea causing them to fall face-first into a cement they hadn't seen all week.

Both men looked up to the sight of Caesar's outstretched hands with absolute dread. Piss streamed down their crotches, while their eyes stayed trained on Caesar's glowing bluish-green eyes.

The rusted metal which surrounded them like a wall began to collapse, burying them in a sea of metal and liquid green fuel...their last thoughts 'He's one of them!'

As the dust settled the black-haired boy strolled towards the recycling planet's courtyard exit with his worn-out backpack, baggy dirt, and fuel-stained blue jeans and shirt. But stopped between the open courtyard's gate to look upon the city's glistening skyscrapers and setting sun.

The sun's light shined brightly off the city's massive, luxurious skyscrapers. Glistening the sky roads and highlighting the cities most beautiful pyramid-styled penthouse mansions shining, which shined brightly from the clouds above. A few of their rooftops opened to create landing space for skyships and helicopters.

When the sun's light reflected off these buildings, it created the illusion of a city paved in gold.

The boy yearned to walk into this Asgardian-like scene. But sadly turned left, to a neighborhood that smelled of piss, jizz, and beer. As he walked down the street what little joy he had faded with the panhandlers, whores, and lower-middle-class snobs.

The skyscrapers here dawned a dull silver color to match the sky roads attached, and the houses below. The lucky few tested the confederacy's prototypical hoverbikes while others stood by, watching.

The boy stopped for a moment before continuing onwards, while many gave him looks of disgust, he ignored it while returning to his normally stoic self.

An hour later the sunset and the buildings were now made of basic cement and outdated steel. The boy looked towards the many neon lights that blinked off and on, along with the homeless who slept below.

Gangsters, pimps, and hookers disregarded his existence as old and barely operational commercial drones flew above. Several houses were broken down while the sky roads above had a few loose cables connected to televisions below them.

The boy continued onward before coming to an abrupt halt in front of a small house placed oddly between two well-lit skyscrapers.

For a brief moment, anger flashed within the boy's eyes while he looked upon the house's cracked metal doors and outdated fingerprint doorknob.

*Click, click* The boy paused watching the knob slowly turn, his emotion faded with the opening of the and when an old balding white male stepped outside. The boy lowered his head while biting his lip.

"OCTAVIAN!" The man's nasally voice caused Caesar's eyes to flash with the same bluish-green hue.

Snapping his eyes shut, Caesar bit his tongue as the man continued, "...Caesar! AUGgustusssssss! You're late and my time is VAAALLLUABLE! Now come boy, leave your trash and head to the basement. For If you survive today, I'll be labeled a god!"

With that, the man strolled back into the house with a highly exaggerated walk. Having raised his head, Caesar stared into the man's back with a dangerous glint in his now dilated eyes.

'Control, control...control' thought Caesar as his dilated pupils returned to normal the bluish-green hue faded away, while he dropped his old bag with a loud *Thud!* Within the middle of the hallway, the man led him to a locked basement door.

*Click...click...click* as the man began to unlock the door, Caesar's right hand started to shake while fear began to seep into his heart. 'Will I die like mom? Will I die like the rest? Hell, even if I survive what would the outcome of the experiments that killed mom be?'

*Click...beep* With the door unlocked the pair descended into a basement lined in thick black cables that seemed to connect to the skyscrapers surrounding their house.

In the center of the basement was a clean steel table attached to thick rusted clamps, and to its far-right was a custom-built supercomputer with an outdated 160p all-green 3d monitor.

Nearby the computer were three small mechanical vials, which connected to the computers and had multiple tubes that ran towards the table.

(An: the monitor can only display the color green)

Back in the center of the room, Caesar lay on the steel table while his father strapped him in and prepared the injections. Scattered all over his body were 27 older needle incisions.

Caesar stared into his father's widened eyes while the man said. "Smile Octavian! For if you survive then the eleven will see me as the greatest thing since Yamato himself!"

'If? When I survive your dead.'

(An: the Skyscrapers are apartments, malls, businesses, indoor parks...etc. And if you were paying close attention to some of the things in this chapter you should've seen hints at the mc's powers.)

Thank you for your giving this story a chance. If it isn't too much to ask.

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yooooooooooocreators' thoughts