
Graduation Exam (VIII)

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate ??? Academy

-- Jun 11, 2529 - Confederate calendar - Day of the graduation exam --

The audience focused on Kai. He limped from house to house, doing his all to stay one step ahead of his pursuers.

He leaped over fences, dove through windows, and weaved between furniture. All the while burning through his energy at an obscene rate.

At first, those within Clark's camp jeered and laughed. But as they watched Kai stay one step ahead. They knew regardless of the injuries, he. Was just better.

"Why's he running?" A recruit asked. The other looked upon him before whispering. "Even without injuries surviving a 5 versus 1 is a tough ask."

"Especially when your pursers are around your skill level," chimed another. He went on to say, "even if he won. They'd leave him near death's door."

His words were echoed by many. Their eyes remained fixated on Kai, who now hid from Popovich's rat alongside Clark's four followers.

---Kai's pov--

It was a trap! It was a fucking trap. But how did they know I would go after Vicky? Wait.

With Caesar killing Henry then Toom, Popovich must've realized. There is no way Cooper would've known he's not the type to think things over. He's more of a follower...no. A grunt, with no analytical combat sense or better yet. He's a do as you say, not as you do. Type of guy.

Meaning Popovich-- Somebody under Popovich has to be feeding him live orders. It's the only way that clown would've led three ambushes against me, let alone anybody. So the question then becomes, how could I expose him before killing him?


Kai stopped, his eye fell upon the smoke rising from a nearby house. 'Isn't that the home Rishul and Samir fought in?'

A tiny smirk escaped his lips as Cooper and his men charged up the stairway. He stood before diving out the window.

"Hinata, Recor!" Yelled Cooper. He eyed Kai, using telekinesis to stop his fall.

"He's heading to that smoking house. I want you two to circle around, then breach and hold the kitchen. Micky, breach the front. Clive, wait five seconds then breach after him. Remember, thanks to Rishul's fight with Samir the POI (place of Interest) no longer possesses a second floor.

Kai's psionic energy should be running low. But he still has 3 rifle rounds and 5 pistol rounds. So we'll be trapping him on the first before engaging him in a prolonged fire-fight.

Hinata, Clive. I need you to conserve your ammo. After he runs out he will charge us, but ideally, he's out of psionic energy before then.

I'll sneak in through the first-floor washroom, leaving no point of exit. DO NOT BREACH! Before I start firing! Or he'll pick us off one by one," finished Cooper.

The others nodded before sprinting off with passion-filled eyes. 'Wow Coop. You've really bloomed,' thought one.

'Watch out Caesar, we got our own mastermind.'

'And here I thought Cooper was tactically stupid.'

While the group praised Cooper and got into position. Kai had been shifting through the rubble, trying his best to find a speaker system.

---Kai's pov ---

I know it's here somewhere. I found the broken entertainment unit. But Samir or Rishul didn't touch that. And why's It so hard to spot the speakers and cables ripped out by Samir's telekinesis? God, fuck Rishul.

That overly righteous firebug did a number on this place. Seriously, if that firebug didn't create so much rubble. I could've used my psychometry to track Samir's actions during the fight-- footsteps, there here.

#an: check back to chapters 17-18. Kai's psychometry ability allows him to see what a person has done by touching them or an item they touched.#

Ok. I can't read their thoughts because of the psi-screeners they are wearing. But judging by the layout of this POI. Their only points of entry are the front, back door, and washroom window.

If I hold the living room they'll kill me in a prolonged fire-fight. So I'll hold the washroom. Its window can only fit one person and the doorway is tight.


As Kai entered the destroyed washroom, he let out a small grin when he sensed Cooper floating up to the window. 'Whoever is helping him is a basic fool,' thought Kai. When his eyes fell to the floor the grin got wider, while his eyes began to sparkle.

'Found the speaker, time to fight,' chimed Kai. He floated up to meet Cooper, floating by the window. Cooper sneered back with his pistol trained on Kai's head.

Bang! Bang! He fired twice, alerting the others but missing Kai. The bullets flew over his head.

"Telekinesis won't save you forever!" Yelled Cooper. He was right and both of them knew it.

'Although my telekinesis is stronger. It still takes a fair amount of energy to override somebody else's telekinesis,' thought Kai. He could hear Hinata and the others barging through the front and back door. 'They'll be on me in seconds. No matter.'

BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG. 'I gotta keep him busy.' Thought Cooper, firing shot after.

Kai raised both arms, Cooper's eyes widened as Kai's remaining psionic energy overpowered Cooper's telekinesis.

"No you don't!" Yelled Cooper.

"Shut up," said Kai. As he fell to the floor, Kai drew his pistol while sending Cooper straight at the door. Hinata kicked the door open, hitting Cooper outside the head and knocking his psi-screen off.

Recor and Micky stormed in followed by Hinata and Clive. The four glanced at the dazed Cooper before looking at the wounded Kai.

"Any last words?" Asked Hinata.

Kai smirked staring into her eye. To his surprise, she didn't show any hate like the rest.

"Any last words?" Repeated Hinata. The other raised their pistols, ready to fire.

"Remove your psi-screens," chimed Kai. His eyes fell on Cooper. While his hands slid to the fallen psi-screen. 'This is too big to be your standard psi-screen,' thought Kai.

The group eyed Hinata, who frowned after doing as Kai asked. He sid the psi-screen closer to the speaker as frowns began to appear upon their faces. Popovich had the cameras switched to Rishul's impending fight.

Although he knew that the nobles' suspicions would grow, Popovich had no choice. 'Anabella knowing doesn't matter. But if they all find out I'm creating my own forces then I'm in trouble.' Thought Popovich. He sighed watching Kai connect the speaker to Cooper's psi-screener.

"Computer, have the marine opposite to that signal terminated."

His eyes moved to Hinata and the kids who helped kill Cooper before shooting themselves. A sigh escaped his lips. However, a smirk quickly followed. 'Today I'm going to get fucked. Tomorrow. I'm going to get fucked. And worse yet, sweat baby Ingrid is in that boy's camp. Impressive...'

Popovich sighed once more than allowed the cameras to pan back. When it did. It showed Kai leaning back, triumphant but unconscious.

The nobles sneered, wanting to punish Popovich. Yet they couldn't…

Even they, couldn't go too far.

I just noticed I fucked up the previous chapter titles XD.

On the bright side, I just finished what might be the hardest chapter to write yet.

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts