
Freedom or Graduation Day or A Mother and Her Son

[Suki pic]

[Popocivich pic]

[Caesar picture (inspiration)]


Place: Tarsonis City


Place: C.O.M.A

- 1900 - Confederate Onze Master Academy - Grand Auditorium

Noble and commoners alike, gathered from all over the star sector. Standing in front of them was Popovich, beside him? The academy's brightest staff members. Most looked upon Popovich with starstruck eyes. While they prayed, for their child's name to be called.

"Mothers, fathers, aunties, and uncles. As many of you know, my I. Am general Popovich or, the director, to those within this facility." Popovich paused, stopping to partake in the audience's awe.

After stepping forward, he smiled before continuing. "For the last five-plus years, the youth of this academy struggling. Fighting day in, day out, to achieve these illustrious rewards. Designed to help propel their careers forward.

But worry not! For those of you who do not hear your names called are still some of the Confederacy's brightest and youngest. As such, I expect many of you to go on and do great things."

The audience nodded, applauding Popovich's words. Yet when his smile faded, so did their applause.

"Before we begin. It is with a heavy heart, that I must remind you all. THIS IS AN ACHIEVEMENT-BASED CEREMONY! They earn what they get. There are no nobles or commoners in my book! What you're parents have donated WILL NOT MATTER! Only the effort which you displayed and the results it has shown will matter," Popovich said.

For the briefest of moments, everything went silent. But as the crowd processed his words, their clamoring soon turned to cheers then adulation. "With that, let us begin."

- 1900 - Confederate Onze Master Academy - Engineering Department - Workshop 5015 -

Suki stepped into the dimly lit workshop, dressed in a plain black chest wrap and matching pants. Draped around her body was a dark blue kimono with a golden koi-fish running along its back.

She cracked a small smile looking upon Caesar, who sat by a workbench, designing an unknown machine the size of an engine block.

"How you've grown," Suki whispered. When she blinked, the towering, strapping young man was replaced by a young 8-year old boy.

Caesar smiled, while he turned to meet her. His gaze returned Suki back to reality as the two locked eyes Caesar finally stood up. His towering, now 7-foot figure caused her to swell with pride and joy as she thought back to how he'd grown as a man.

"My little cunt, why aren't you celebrating with the others?" Suki asked.

Caesar's eye twitched as Suki leaned in to hug him. Within her right hand was a massive shopping bag."You met the old fuck, didn't you?"

"Of course I did, he's quite the personality." Chimed Suki, the two paused. Holding each other in the other's embrace.

"Come with us," said Caesar.

"You know I can't," responded Suki. The two stood there, rocking back and forth as if music were playing. 'High-command would never approve it. Many of them fear not your power but your intelligence. They wouldn't allow Popovich to let go if he wanted to, and he doesn't want to. For him…and them…I'm a hostage.'

Caesar said nothing, his body pulsated with anger. However, Suki just laughed.

'Oh, stop it. This is just how things are done now. High-command would be foolish to risk another Mengsk or Popovich, rising up to usurp power from right under their nose. Besides, if two generals can go rogue with a division of soldiers while a third usurps control over their black ops divisions, then you'll have your chance. They'll fuck up again.'

'Yeah…I know,' sighed Caesar.

'Now, enough about that.' "It's time for my gift!" Said Suki. A wide and bright smile stretched across her face as she pulled away from Caesar.

"So, what'd you think?" Suki asked, holding a long all-white, modified lab coat within her hands. Caesar laughed, "you're going to get me written up." Seeing the embroidered naval patterns and insignias along the coat.

"Oooh, hush. That mouth will get you written up. Now, let's go celebrate. Drinks on me," said Suki. While leaning against his arm. "By the way, where is everyone?" She asked, as Caesar his gift and datapad.

"The boys are drinking at the Crown Pub while the girls are in Ingrid's in her room reviewing everything I have on her father."

"So…you finally told her. That poor girl, it must be hell to have a parent so grotesque," sighed Suki.

Caesar nodded while thinking about his own father. "Tell me about it. They cried after seeing the video of her father raping Annabella. Annabella, what that man's done to her is just grotesque."

"What about the crew selections? Surely you aren't leaving it to high-command?"

"Are you mad!?" Said Caesar, the duo stepped into the elevator. "Instead of the standard 6050 or max capacity, I've opted for 4500, enabling me to modify that rust bucket as I see fit."

"Smart. Black op ships don't need the extra field agents, that'd only raise questions."

"Tell me about it. I've only selected my first 1000 but finding quality men amongst the trash Popovich gave me is hard. And at the rate things are going, I'll have to…make exceptions," said Caesar, frowning as he said it.

"You! Make exceptions!?"

"I know right. Lowering my standards hurt," said Caesar. The two paused while the door opened.

"I'm gonna miss you're wrinkling face," chimed Caesar. Sighing as he stepped into her car.

"Come now, don't say that. You can call this wrinkling face whenever you have time," responded Suki. She tried to smile. But the two knew it wouldn't be the same.

"Thank you," Caesar whispered. Suki's eyes watered as he continued. "If it wasn't for you I'd be an anti-social cunt with a superiority complex. I'd be my dad…no. I'd be worse, way worse. So thank you…for being the closest thing–for raising me like a son. I'm not sure If you'll ever see me as such but to me…" 'You'll always be my mom.'

"My beautiful baby boy. I thought you'd never say it…say it! Come now, we both know the difference between saying it and thinking it."


"I raised a prick."

With this, we mark the end of volume 1. Truth be told I'm conflicted about continuing this book. I feel like people don't like it.

yooooooooooocreators' thoughts