
Daddy's Girl or The Girls! or That Bitch Dangerous!!!!!!

Planet: Tarsonis


Place: Confederate ??? Academy

0700 - Post Morning Workout-Showers-

The girls strolled into the showers, separated into groups of three. On the right. Kelly, Ingrid, Ivory, and a few of their other friends. On the left, Yasha, along with Clark's steadily growing fanbase. These girls made her sick, they all did.

'Clark's attracting some of the most obsessive, pathetic, and highly unstable fangirl recruits. While those bitches hang out with Rishul and Caesar.

Still, why Clark? Why do they bully Clark? I mean Bryce...I can understand. He's a bit of a rat, and even these bitches don't snitch when we fantasize about killing the preceptors.'

Yasha turned, taking a shower on the far-right. Her head snapped back while its sensors blinked and cold water began to pour out. 'Another fight's brewing.'

The fangirls were eyeing Ingrid, the only girl naked within the shower.

She watched as a long brown-haired girl stepped out of the group. Saying. "Why are you handwashing your underwear? Don't you know anything? Soliyester is a fabric that expunges scents when run underwater. That includes our soap and your sweat...Oh sorry. Did those words go over your head?"

Ingrid rose her head, tilting it to the right. "You don't understand. YOU… DON'T...NEED… TOO...WASH...THIS. OK?` said the girl.

"My daddy said--" The girl stepped forward, cutting Ingrid's word short. "Your daddy isn't here. So, stop bringing him up."

She was miserable, they all were. Ingrid's words always made them dream of a time when their dads were around. And to an extent, she knew it. Used it, to politely get under their and Clark's skin. Made them bond over what they lost. Or who they missed.

'Smiling bitch.' Thought Yasha, watching as another girl stepped forward.

"Let her bring it, Kimberly Ann. Cause I heard her...daaaddddy! Was running this place!" Said another. Her words were loud, her voice obnoxious. It silenced both the girls' and boys' showers alike.

When the rest of Clark's Fanclub heard those words, they stepped forward with rage-filled eyes. Their psionic energy spiked, attracting everyone outside.

"Drop it. Or I'll slap some melanin into you. You pale-skinned bitch," said Victoria. She strode in between the two groups, staring down at Kimberly Ann and all her girls.

"Try me, you slanty-eyed light-skinned bitch," said Kimberly. Clenching her fist and leaning in closer.

Victoria leaned within inches of her face. "One. Although Soliyester can expunge most scents, its capability is still limited. So washing it during the process is advised. Two. Melanin is what makes your skin, and eyes darker. Okkkaay? That means I'll slap the black into you..."

Kimberly's fist rose as Victoria continued. "Three. If you swing that fist, I'll fire my psionic energy into your brain. Do you know what could happen if foreign psionic energy is injected into your body?"

"No." Whimpered Kimberly. Her eyes widened watching Victoria's dawn a wild grin. "Then swing. So I'll have a reason to break the rules and find out. Because I've been dying to find out." Her grin grew more demented by the second.

"Four." Said another girl, stepping forward to support Kimberly. "If you do I'll freeze--."

"Rule five. Unauthorized psionic use is punishable by 40 lashes. Rule six. Unauthorized fighting is punishable by 20 lashes. And unlike Lisa, who spared Clark. I'll have you both your ass."

The girls turned, their hearts dropped, their mouths quivered under the gaze of those familiar yellow eyes. "Y-y-y-yes miss Suki!" They all shouted in unison.

Suki turned her head. Staring at the boys who had their eyes pressed against the smoky grey glass. "Ten lashes, all of you."

The boys sighed walking towards their eventual lashings.


The kids sat within Suki's class, secretly eyeing each other and projecting death threats. Under the director's order, Suki did her best to slowly fan the flames and divide the kids.

"Ok kids. Today we'll be starting a new topic. This topic will be one you'll spend years on. This topic is called psionic efficiency. In short, you'll be learning how to save more energy while using your psionic energy. And before you ask. Yes, you guys suck at efficient psionic manipulation. No, I will not be expanding on the science around it. Frankly, most of you are too stupid to understand it."

Her words caused the kids to pause and glance at each other with twisted looks. They loved Suki's lectures, and would actively seek out their recordings. All of the kids did, even the kids who didn't have her class.

'She's probably talking about Ingrid.' Chimed one girl.

'No dah, she and kelly are two dumb bitches.' Echoed Kimberly Ann.

'She's talking about all of you, stupid. Outside of me, Caesar's the only one who would understand a full breakdown.' Stated Victoria, silencing everyone.

Kimberly glanced at her girls, their faces turning red from embarrassment. Kimberly turned back, sneering at Victoria. As she said. "If you're so superior, why hasn't Ingrid's daddy given you better treatment, bitch?"

She glanced around, smiling while most of the class glanced towards Ingrid. Thinking about how they'd kill her in her sleep. "If we all do it, maybe they won't punish us?" Said one girl, her voice. Clear as day.

"MY DADDY! WOULDN'T DO ANY OF THIS!" Ingrid's voice boomed across the room, her eyes darted to Suki. "Is it?" Asked Ingrid, whimpering with watery eyes.

Suki leaned against her desk, slightly observing the onlooking stares. "Who spread this rumor, Kimberly Ann?"

"P-p-p-preceptor Raif and Jaylen were laughing about it, ma'am." whimpered Kimberly. Suki stood up then limped towards the center of the room, her cane echoed with every step.

"And what other stuff did those two say?" Demanded Suki.

"He said, he probably got rid of her for the ghost bitch, and that he's been fantasizing about...um..a--Having sex with said ghost bitch...ma'am. Later, they joked about him impregnating her...m-m-ma'am."

"Ok." Said Suki, nodding her head. Burying her burning rage, smiling on as she imagined what the director would do to those two. 'I know you're watching.' Thought Suki, slowly opening her mouth.

"Nice story. Now, back to class. And Kimberly, don't think I forgot about your recent disruptions. To the front, NOW! AND YOU TOO INGRID!"

--Director Popovich's Office-- -Pov-

RAIF! Raif, Raif...how many other people did you leak my plans to? No matter, It shouldn't be too late. "Adjutant send a personal message to Suki's com. I want Raif and Jaylen dead. NOW!"

*Message sent, director Popovich.*

Good, good. Now, how's my little soldier's first fight going? It can't be too bad right? She spends all her time training with our more disciplined recruits.


Kimberly and Ingrid stood face to face in the center of the room. Kimberly smiled seeing Ingrid shiver from head to toe.

Ingrid eyed the datapad, Kimberly held within her right hand. "I'm going to enjoy making your friends watch this." Said Kimberly, dashing towards Ingrid.

Her datapad smashed into Ingrid's face, its screen shattering as she hit the floor.

Kimberly stood above her, smashing the datapad down onto her face. 'What do I do?' Thought Ingrid, glancing towards the crowd. 'What happens if foreign psionic energy is injected into a person's body?' Victoria's words replayed within her head.

"Why are you smiling!?" Yelled Kimberly. Raising her datapad once more, she could hear a part of the crowd chanting her name.

"What happens if foreign psionic energy is injected into a person's body? Victoria's question. Remember? she couldn't find out. Now, I can."

The crowd went silent. Victoria smirked leaning forward, raising her datapad to record the outcome. Caesar stopped his work, to do the same...Rishul, Kelly...everyone did.

Kimberly stopped, her eyes widened, her body shook, she scrambled back, panicking as Ingrid's stood. Blood dripped from her head, her cheeks swollen, her eyes cold and enraged. "URGHAHHH!!" Yelled Ingrid, doing her best to attack Kimberly's mind.

Kimberly hit the floor, thriving in pain. "MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP! I CAN'T MAKE IT STOP!"

'This is just her raw energy. I wonder what would happen if an ability was used...' Thought Caesar, glancing at Suki, she rose her hand. Attracting both girls' attention.

"Fights over. Going forward any! And all disputes will be decided in the arena, psionic powers only."

--Director Popovich's Office-- -Pov-

I knew it! I knew I was justified for doing what I did. If my program can turn sweat Ingrid into this. Then it can save us from the steadily growing rebel movement.