

[WARNING 18++ WARNING!!!! HIGHLY TRIGGERING] He rescued me from hell, became my refuge, my safe space, only for me to discover that he is not the man I thought he was, he saved me from hell to put me through more pain and agony.' Sold by her own father, Lydda finds herself trapped in the underworld, a world she never thought existed, a world she had more connections to than she knew, a world she would never escape. Will she succumb to her reality or will she fall apart?

DaoistOoHFxK · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 5



Lydda's POV

"You Stupid Bitch!!!!" He spat, his Back hand landing so hard on my face it knocked me out of my seat landing me near the entrance through which we came.

I felt a metallic taste in my mouth and I knew that there was going to be bruising.

Fear surged through me and tears lined themselves at the bridge of my eyes, with a voice I hardly noticed as mine, I began apologizing endlessly.

My hands were sweating and my head was ringing from the impact of the slap, but the only thing on my mind was fear the only thing I felt was fear, fear towards this man that I didn't know, who just parted with a very hefty amount of money to purchase me, only for me to spit in his face.

I know how it sounds, how bad it sounds, and how I should infact do more than spit in his face, but let's face reality, I was treading on dangerous turffs, this was a different world, a cruel merciless world, a world where people don't think twice before blowing each other's heads off, like I had seen earlier when I was being led out of that club, a world where fathers sell off their own daughters because of a fucking gambling addiction, my heart sank at the thought of my dad.

"I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry please." I trembled trying to get up but my knees had long bailed on me.

In one swift motion, he grabbed me by the arm, his nails digging into my skin so roughly it stung.

"Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, please"

"Shut the fuck up." He growled once more throwing me to the floor, landing me on one of his guards's feet.

"Bring her up." He ordered, proceeding to walk up a flight of stairs. I hadn't even assessed my surrounding, it was only then that I noticed how huge this place was, and how classy it was, I was about to take the place in when my body was lifted off of the floor and I was dragged up the stairs by the guard, his nails also digging in the exact spot where the man's nails were.

"Sir please you're hurting me." I whimpered gesturing to my arm, he looked at me with mixed emotions in his eyes and shifted his hold from my arm to my wrist.

"T th thank you..." I stuttered, and as luck would have had it, I tripped over my dress almost falling down the stairs, but the man guard was quick on reflex, his arm secure around my waist as he lifted me back to balance, for a second I caught pity in his eyes, which was quickly replaced with a stoic look, I was very confused but I dared not say a word, although I wished I could ask to take off the shoes I was wearing, they were so uncomfortable I could not feel my toes anymore, whoever invented heels must have low-key strived to invent a self pain inflicting tool for women, to unknowingly make themselves suffer because why do these shoes hurt so much?

We walked up three more flights of stairs, which had me out of breath from the man's pace, how big is this fucking house? Is it even a house or is it a fuckingmansion?

"Boss" the guard called out standing in front of two giant doors and as soon as they were opened he was gone.

"Are you going to stand there all night or are you going to come in?" The man said harshly. I swallowed dry air, stepping into the room, it was a bed room, probably his, it looked big enough to fit two of my previous house, if that makes any sense, and the bed also looked like it was meant for royalty, what I would give to rest my little body and forget about the horrors of the day.

The man sat on a couch not far from the bed, looking sadistically at me, I dreaded to know what was going through his mind, I felt like bait, and this felt like one of those moments where you know you're in danger and the danger is inevitable and you're just dreading your whole existence, waiting for the whole thing to just happen so it can be over and done with.

"Strip." He said pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

Okay what?

"Excuse me?" I blurted out a bit too strongly.

"I don't think I stuttered." He said

"C...could you b..be more specific?"

Are you out of your fucking mind is what I wanted to ask!!!

I mean just because you're dangerously handsome, it doesn't mean you get to make ridiculous demands, God he looked handsome, his hair was a bit disheveled now and he had dark circles under his eyes, he also just looked like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Hmmm" he hummed, running his fingers through his hair, he began stalking towards me, I heard the sound of unclasping and noticed it was a pocket knife.

He stood behind me, wrapping his cold hand around my neck in a chockehold.

"When I say strip, I expect you to do just that." He roughly said between gritted teeth I don't know how I responded but all I heard next was the sound of material ripping, he was tearing the dress I had on with his knife, and although he didn't tear it off my body, he tore it to make his point.

"I don't think I should have to ask you again" he said walking back to his seat and with trembling hands I began unzipping what was left of the material. An involuntary tear fell from my eye onto the floor and my vision began blurring as more tears filled my eyes, I felt so defeated, what was even happening right now? In a normal light, I was supposed to be in my bed

Along with my sorry tears, the dress fell to the floor leaving me in nothing but a lacy thong that they had forced me to wear back in that club, the dress didn't require a bra so my boobs were completely exposed.

I moved my arms to try and cover my body but was quickly stopped.

"No no, Move those arms, I want to see what I paid for, hurry up and get rid of everything I Want to get the full view." He said gesturing towards the thong, and I quickly got rid of it, so as to get this whole moment over and done with, there was no use begging for mercy, I mean how can I expect to receive mercy from A man who goes about purchasing innocent girls?

"If I repeat my self, this night will not end on a very pleasant note." He said driving me out of my thoughts, taping on his lap.

I walked over to him, sitting myself on his lap as requested.

He buried his nose in my neck almost like he was breathing me in, his warm musty breath sending shivers throughout my whole body, then he sunk his teeth into the skin of my shoulder, receiving an awful scream from me, it hurt, he wasn't just grazing his teeth against my skin, he was literally biting me, Hard!

I squirmed and kicked trying to get up but he held me in place.

"You have no idea how pleasant your cries are to me, how therapeutic they sound I love it" he said licking and nibbling on the mark he just left.

Did this fucker think this was twilight?

I whimpered, a tear falling freely.

"you innocent girls amuse me, and I just love seeing you shatter," he chuckled, molding my breast with his right hand while his left hand kept massaging my thighs.

I got goosebumps at how wrong all this felt, how violated I felt, how disgusting this whole situation was, I wanted to vanish, but more than anything I wanted to look my father in the face and ask him why.

"You like that?" The man asked pinching my niple.

"Of course you don't like it, you're a poor little virgin who's never done anything."

I didn't want to cry anymore but I couldn't stop the tears, all I could think about at this moment was how much I hated my hated my father, and how different things would have been had he tried harder and not pushed mom away.

"What about this you like it?" He asked sliding his hand all the way down to my vagina, using his fingers to massage up and down my folds, his other hand now wrapped around my neck. I dreaded the emotion, I hoped for a miracle, anything, even an earthquake would do, but there was nothing, there was no escape.

"Not even wet?" He scolded in a lunatic voice.

"I know how we can solve that," he said once again licking my neck, he forced me to look at him, his eyes boring deep into my soul then he pressed his lips against mine in an oddly gentle manner.

"Kiss me back" he said desperately forcing his tongue onto my mouth.

"Kiss me back dammit!" he demanded deepening the kiss and I could only immitate his actions, a bit of warmth spreading through my body, I felt disgusted at the thought but felt even more disgusted when an involuntary moan left my lips while he proceeded on with rubbing his fingers down there, I couldn't help but feel a little sensation, I tried squirming away, disgusted at the thought that I actually felt something and it was pleasant.

"Mm" he moaned back, "now this is what I wanted." He said bringing his fingers to look at the wetness they were coated in.

"Good girl" he whispered against my lips, unexpectedly shoving a finger into my vagina.

A single tear droped falling from my eye and as he stared at me, I let out an ear tearing scream, it was so loud that even I couldn't recognize it was Coming from me, I tried kicking out of his hold, but he only tightened his hand around my neck restricting my airflow.

He wanted to see me break and he did.

"Please stop" I cried "Not like this, please, I beg you please"

"Please" I kept crying

"Mmm how do you like that?" He asked roughly pumping his fingers in and out of me.

"Tell me you like it" he kept pumping

"Please stop" I cried

"Say you like it, say you like it you little whore"

"Say it, say you like it." His voice sounded crazier as he got rougher and rougher, his hold around my neck getting tighter too.

"Please" were the only words I could get out of my mouth, I couldn't feel anything anymore, I don't even think I was in that room anymore, the only thing that was there was my body, which was roughly being fingerd by a crazy cruel man.

A man who had purchased me

A man who in one night had managed to break me into a million pieces

A man I would kill with my own hands.

"Fucking slut." He said throwing me to the floor.

"Stupid! Stupid! BITCH!" He screamed kicking me in the stomach a few times.

"Fuck" he said grabbing his glass, gulping down the rest of his liquor throwing the glass across the room, then he picked up the phone.

"Get her the fuck out of here"

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