
Year 1827

1827. A 16-year-old boy called David is out exploring the town where he lives, a small town in the American south. His mother had sent him down to the shops to pick up a few things, so down he went, holding the basket his mother had given him in his hand.

"Mornin' Mrs Johnson," David said as he walked into the shop.

"Mornin' David, what can I get for you?" She asked him.

"A quart of milk and a couple of ounces of that there ham joint please."

"Comin' right up, David. So how's your mother doin' nowadays?"

"As well as can be. She's got a mighty dreadful cough though, that just won't go away."

"Well, I'll pray for her."

Mrs Johnson gave him the milk and meat, and David set off carrying it home in the basket. On the way home, he passed the Jefferson farm, where he saw their two slave girls, Amelia and Jessica, working the land. They were 15-year-old twins who'd been in the Jeffersons' service for 3 years, during which time they were regularly reminded of the fact they were only bought because they were cheap. David admittedly had a crush on them, but he could never have gotten a chance with the Jeffersons' "property".

"Mornin' ladies," David said to them as he stood by the fence.

"Oh...mornin' David," Amelia said. "We can't talk right now. Mr Jefferson's due to make his rounds in a few minutes, and we can't afford another beatin'."

"Beat two beautiful girls like you?" David said. "Why, I do reckon that Mr Jefferson's the devil himself."

"That's very sweet of you David, but sadly he doesn't see us that way," Jessica said. "And he's been in a bad mood all day. He'll probably have no hesitation lettin' it out on a bunch of "fuckin' Negros", as he likes to call us."

"What's the matter, his Mrs forget to "polish his flagpole" this mornin'?" David asked, and the two girls blushed.

"David...you're such a joker..." Jessica said. "But you really should go now."

"Alright, but you two ladies owe me one," David smiled, before letting the girls walk off to get back to their work.

He set off walking, but he then noticed something sat there, in the mud. It was filthy, but one little bit of it was shining. He set the basket down, and reached down to get the shiny object. He couldn't quite work out what it was, so he picked the basket back up, and walked down to the river. He took the muddy item, dipped it into the river water, and rubbed it to try and get the mud off. As he rubbed it, he felt it begin to warm up in his hands. The mud slid off, and grey smoke began pouring out of the tip. David let go of the lamp in shock, and backed away from the river. To his surprise, he saw the lamp float on top of the water, and the clouds of smoke begin to form the shape of a girl. She was beautiful, nude, and grinning at him.

"Greetings Master," she said. "I am Apriya, your loyal genie servant."

"Genie?" David asked. "What's that?"

"Why, simply the best thing to have ever happened to you, Master," Apriya replied, walking towards him. David backed away cautiously. "What's your name, Master?"

"D-David. David Brookman."

"That's a cute name. So tell me Master, what do you desire?"


"Well Master, because you rubbed my lamp, I am bound to serve you for the rest of your days, granting every wish you make."

"So what, you're my slave?"

"In a way, but I am much more effective than an ordinary slave. For example, can an ordinary slave do this?"

Apriya then began, to David's amazement, to float into the air, and around him.

"My Gawd..." David exclaimed.

"No Master, it is you who is now my God," Apriya corrected him. "Whatever you desire, I can grant you."


"Well, almost anything. Just tell me what you want Master, and it shall be yours."