
Teach Me The Worldly Ways

She wound up making several circuits of the food court, reading each menu, looking at the pictures of the various dishes, enjoying the smells, and accepting any samples that various establishments handed out. She finally stopped in front of a Chinese counter.

She said out loud, as the order taker was in earshot, "I think I would like to try something from here, but I don't know what. Will you pick for me?"

"I'll tell you what, I'll pick two of my favorite dishes, one spicy and one not, and we can split them both."

"That sounds great, Jack."

Jack ordered Kung Pao chicken with fried rice, Mu Shu Pork with extra pancakes and plum sauce, two egg rolls, and two large cokes. The food was ready quickly, and he had Genie grab forks, lots of napkins, and, at her request, chopsticks. She had seen them being used in the pictures of Chinese dishes. Luckily Jack was fairly proficient with them, otherwise he figured they would still be eating this meal for breakfast.

They made their way to an empty spot near the middle of the court and Jack took everything off of their trays and arranged it on the table.

"Ok, this is Kung Pao chicken. It's pretty spicy, especially these little red peppers. You aren't even supposed to eat those." He stabbed a small piece of chicken with his fork and popped it in her mouth. Her eyes widened as she chewed. "Well? Too spicy?"

"No. It's delicious! What about that?" she pointed to the other dish.

This is Mu Shu pork; it's a little more complicated." He grabbed one of the wraps, slathered some of the plum sauce on it, scooped on some of the pork, and rolled it up carefully. Then he offered it to her to take a bite before taking one of his own.

"Mmmm, that's wonderful too. Teach me how to use these, please, Jack," she said, holding up the chopsticks.

The next several minutes were spent teaching her chopstick basics. She picked it up quickly, but eventually settled on using them for the larger pieces of food, falling back on the fork for things like the fried rice.

After that they were silent for awhile, stuffing their faces, until Jack remembered that they could talk and chew at the same time.

You like?

Very much, Jack. It's all delicious. It's a good thing I can't get fat, or I think I would quickly be a blimp.

Jack realized that this was true for him, now, as well. He could have steak for every meal... at least until his finances ran out.

Well, if both of us are going to start eating like pigs, then I'm going to have to figure out how to use your abilities for fun AND profit.

She just smiled.