"Did that please you, Master?" She asked.
"Oh very much so," Matt replied, nodding contently.
"Would you like me to pleasure you some more, Master?"
"Not for now. For now, get under the duvet with me so we can cuddle."
"At once, Master."
Lumiosa got under the duvet, and Matt held her in his arms, kissing her. Whoever had stolen her lamp and sent it to him, he was thankful to them, since he was sure that Lumiosa was happier being out and serving, rather than being dormant in her lamp. He was certainly happy to have her.
"Lumiosa, I wish I could control my TV with my mind," Matt wished.
"Your wish is my command, Master," Lumiosa smiled. Matt then turned her to face the TV, and he turned it on with his mind. He switched to an old sitcom that was on, he laid there spooning Lumiosa as they watched it, rubbing his cock on her ass, and stroking her stomach sensually. Lumiosa didn't seem to really get the jokes, but she enjoyed spending time with her Master.
Matt eventually moved his hands down to Lumiosa's groin, and began rubbing her vagina.
"Master..." she moaned. "Would you like me to pleasure you?"
"No Lumiosa, tonight, I'm going to pleasure you."
"As you wish, Master..." Matt slid his fingers into Lumiosa's vagina. He'd never fingered a girl before, so he wasn't really sure of the technique behind it. But then, he realised, he didn't have to.
"Lumiosa, I wish I knew everything there is to know about pleasuring a girl." Instantly, Matt's head filled with knowledge.
"Oh Master..." Lumiosa moaned, as she felt Matt's expert hands get to work on her vagina.
"Does that feel good, Lumiosa?"
"Yes Master..." Matt rubbed her clit, and she squealed.
"Lumiosa, I wish that when you cum, it won't end until I command it to."
"Your wish is my...Ohhhh Master..."
Matt's hands were working overtime, his fingers thrusting in and out of Lumiosa, rubbing anything they could find.
"Master, I'm going to..." Lumiosa moaned, before she went over the edge, and cried out in orgasm. Matt kept his fingers inside her, and he felt her pussy contracting around them. As Matt had wished, Lumiosa kept on orgasming far longer than normal. Eventually Matt pulled his fingers out of her, and opted to squeezes her tits, hump her ass, and kiss her neck as she rode out her unending orgasm.
"Lumiosa, get on your hands and knees," Matt whispered in her ear.
"Yes Master..." she moaned in response, her pussy in the process of exploding with pleasure. She pulled herself up, probably with magical help, and got on all-fours. Matt then positioned himself behind her, and slid into her vagina.
"Oh yeah..." Matt moaned. "That feels incredible..." Matt could feel Lumiosa's vagina contracting orgasmically around his cock, and he just stayed still for a few minutes, enjoying the feeling, before he started thrusting.
"Oh Master...That feels wonderful Master..." Lumiosa moaned. Matt grabbed her ass, and thrust as hard as he could, in and out of her pussy.
"Oh God...Lumiosa, I wish my room was soundproof!" He moaned in pleasure.
"Yes Master!" Lumiosa cried out.
"Good, because I'm gonna...I'm gonna...UhhhhhHHhHhHHhH!"
Matt thrust forward hard, and leaned his head back as he erupted into her. This, he thought, was what he'd always dreamed having a genie would be like. Blasting giant loads of cum into hot girls who'd obey his every command. It was bliss.
Once Matt was done cumming, he got right back to thrusting. After all, it took a lot of fucking to burn off unlimited sexual stamina. He planned on keeping on fucking her until he passed out from sheer exhaustion, and that is exactly what he did. As he shot his umpteenth load into Lumiosa, he fell on top of her. He managed to give her neck a soft kiss, before he fell unconscious.