
Preparing For The Gathering

Matt opened her eyes, and looked at Sophie, who was still inhabiting Matt's body. Matt kissed him, and he opened his eyes.

"Morning," Sophie smiled, kissing her back. "I must admit, I'm pretty comfy. I might cuddle myself more often."

"Yeah, but how about we turn back to normal?" Matt suggested, and Sophie nodded. The two teens got up, and picked up their respective lamps. They rubbed them, and their genies were summoned.

"We wish to be back to normal," Sophie said.

"Yeah, we do," Matt said.

"Your wish is my command, Master," Lumiosa smiled.

"Mine too," said Alexis, and a second later, the two teens were back in their own bodies.

"You know, I never thought I'd be so happy to see my penis," Matt remarked.

"Oh yes, because I'm sure having boobs and a pussy was sheer torture for you," Sophie said sarcastically.

"There's no place like home, and home for me means being in my body," Matt said.

Matt and Sophie hung out together for the rest of the day, but as the evening approached, they began to prepare for the gathering.

"Alright Lumiosa, I wish to be completely invisible to everyone except you, Sophie, Alexis, and myself," Matt commanded.

"Your wish is my command, Master," Lumiosa smiled. She took Alexis' hand, and the two genies snapped their fingers.

"Did it work?" Sophie asked.

"Yes Miss Sophie," Lumiosa replied. "With Alexis' help, my Master can no longer be seen by anyone aside from the four of us."

"Okay good," Sophie said. "But Matt, I don't advise you to take Lumiosa with you, in case they find her."

"Well what if I need to wish for something?" Matt asked.

"Wish for a mental link between the two of you," Sophie replied. "So you can think wishes to her."

"Can I do that?"

"Yes you can, Master," Lumiosa told him. "Do you wish for it?"

"Yes, I do." Matt nodded. Lumiosa snapped her fingers.

"Hello Master," Matt heard in his head, in Lumiosa's voice.

"Woah..." Matt said outloud.

"Just think about sending words to me," Lumiosa thought to him.

"Okay..." Matt thought. "Lumiosa, can you hear me?"

"Yes Master," she thought back, before giggling.

"Judging by you two being quiet, I think we can assume it worked," Alexis said, and Matt nodded.

Matt, Sophie and Alexis got dressed, Matt having to wish for his invisibility to apply to his clothes too. The three of them then teleported to Sophie's house, and Alexis drove them to Mr Brookman's house in Sophie's Ferrari.