
Made For Him

Giving her lips another sound kiss, he then worked his way across her jaw-line, down her neck, and across her shoulder, eliciting soft moans and gasps as he went. Finally he reached his current goal; her perfect breasts. He had always considered himself a bit of a breast man, and felt he had been quite remiss in not giving this particular perfect pair the attention they deserved earlier. Even when lying on her back, her breasts stood high, firm, and proud. While not huge, they were nicely large and round in proportion to her body. She had said her body was formed to his ideal, and her tits certainly seemed to support that statement, at least in appearance.

As far as Jack was concerned, there were two factors that went into the ultimate set of breasts. Appearance was of course one of them. Sensitivity to stimulation was the other. He had sometimes heard women wonder just what men saw in breasts. He and several buddies had spent quite a few beers in similar discussions. While they had never come away with any consistent answers as to why guys liked LOOKING at breasts, he knew one of the main reasons he personally had such a fondness for them: A good pair of breasts, when wired correctly and operated properly by a skilled technician, could provide great rewards to their owner.

He had spent many an hour over several girlfriends trying to perfect his technique. They all had considered him perhaps a bit obsessed, but none had complained about the resulting attention, especially his last girlfriend. While her breasts had not quite been the most sensitive of the lot, they had been close, and that plus his past experience had allowed him to drive her moderately nuts from the stimulation on frequent occasions, even achieving an occasional small orgasm. Now, looking down at the lovely globes beneath him, it was time to see it they really qualified as the ultimate pair.

He began by caressing the firm, silky flesh with the lightest of feather touches, avoiding the nipples and areolas for now. That she began to mew and wiggle almost immediately was a good sign. He increased the pressure ever so slightly to a level meant to tickle as well as pleasure. He spent quite some time with this technique, exploring every square millimeter of her globes to find where she was most sensitive, and then focusing on those areas. The undersides of her breasts were especially vulnerable, resulting in violent squirming and pleading for him to do something more substantial. He finally relented, by tickling her nipples instead. She reacted by squirming so much that he could not keep the contact that he wanted, so he straddled her upper abdomen to hold her in place.

"But Master..." she pleaded, but he wasn't having any and interrupted her with a wicked grin. "I seem to remember someone tormenting me in a similar fashion earlier this morning. It's only fair." Actually, it wasn't really. His earlier torment had been at his request, and hers wasn't. Still, he was having fun, so...