
Introduction With The Group

"Sophie, may I introduce you to the rest of the group," Mr Brookman said. "This is Jürgen, Brian, Sarah and Neil, and their genies, Marcio, Lexia, Iago and Ophelia. Everyone, this is Sophie Swift, and her genie, Alexis."

"Oh God..." Alexis groaned.

"What?" Sophie asked her. She quickly got her answer.

"Alexis, as beautiful as ever I see," said Marcio, Jürgen's genie.

"Hello Marcio..." Alexis said, obviously annoyed to see him.

"Why the last time I gazed upon your beauty, you were with that painter in Florence," Marcio said, before squeezing Alexis's ass. "Maybe if our Masters dismiss us, we can go for a quick "catch up" session. Or a long one."

"As much as I would LOVE that," Alexis said sarcastically. "My Mistress has forbidden me from having sex with anyone but her." Alexis was lying, but Sophie could see why, so she didn't see anything. Marcio looked at Sophie, and grinned.

"A shame, but your Mistress is quite the beauty herself," he said.

"Marcio, setz dich!" Jürgen shouted at him. Marcio looked annoyed.

"Ihr Wunsch ist mir Befehl, Meister," he said, before returning to his Master's side.

"I apologise for my genie's behaviour girls," Jürgen said in a heavy German accent. "He has always been a raunchy one. Please, sit."

Alexis and Sophie went over to an empty sofa, and sat down.

"It is a great pleasure to meet you," said Sarah. "It is especially good to meet another female Master. Our last female member died 4 decades ago."

"And one so young, too," said Neil. "It gives me hope that our organisation will outlive the 5 of us."

"You see Sophie," Brian explained. "I hope you'll let me call you that, by the way. The 5 of us here are all on first name terms. You see Sophie, all of us here are in our 60s or 70s. We've all not got many years left. It's why we were all so excited when we discovered you. A girl with a genie who's actually as old as she looks."

"Would you like a drink, Sophie?" Mr Brookman, or rather, Alex, asked her. He then looked over at Miss Showers, who snapped her fingers. The doors opened, and in walked two nude, and VERY attractive girls, who were carrying several bottles of wine, and a glass for Sophie.

"What about Alexis?" Sophie asked.

"As you wish," Alex said. Miss Showers snapped her fingers again, and another nude girl ran in carrying another wine glass. The girls then poured wine into the glasses for Sophie and Alexis, bowed, and left.

"I assume they're not here of their own free will?" Sophie asked him.

"Not completely," Alex replied, sitting down on an armchair. Miss Showers moved over to give him a shoulder massage. "But don't worry, no-one misses them. They've been passed down through my family like Miss Showers here. The girl who brought Alexis' glass, for example, was enslaved by my grandfather in 1830."

"1830!?" Sophie exclaimed, trying not to spit her wine out. "How is that possible!?"

"Basic maths," Alex replied. "My grandfather was born in 1811, and discovered Apriya's lamp in 1827. He died in 1899, passing all his possessions onto his then 38-year-old son, who passed everything on to me when he died in 1955."

"I guess that works, but how are those girls still alive?" Sophie asked. "I thought people still had to die at their time?"

"We do, but regular humans can be kept alive as long as we desire," Brian explained.