
I Have Someone To Share My Magical Life With

When Matt had woken up on Tuesday morning cuddled up to a nude Sophie, he'd enjoyed it greatly, and it was something he definitely wanted to repeat as often as possible. This morning, Matt had the pleasure of waking with not one nude girl, but 4, all of whom wanted to get in on the group cuddle. Matt opened his eyes, and examined the current positions of everyone. He was laid on his back, with Sophie in pole position, cuddled up properly with him.

On his other side was Kelly, who had moved out from underneath him after he'd finished filling her with vast quantities of his cum. On top of them were Megan and Sally. His cock and balls were rubbing against one of them, but he couldn't tell who. He didn't care, it felt good either way.

Matt figured the chances of him getting out from under this pile of female flesh without waking them up were low, so he resigned himself to laying there for a while. He didn't mind though, because the feeling of being skin-on-skin with these gorgeous girls was absolutely heavenly. As Matt laid there, he thought about everything that had happened since he'd first rubbed Lumiosa's lamp. He'd lost his virginity (Well, he'd had sex for the first time he'd actually remembered), and gotten himself a girlfriend, who herself also had a genie. Not a bad few days.

"Lost in thought?" Sophie asked him. Matt jumped slightly, and his girlfriend just giggled. "Aw, did I scare you?"

"I thought you were asleep!" Matt half-shouted, half-whispered.

"I've only been awake a minute or so," Sophie said. "What you thinking about?"

"Just about how great my life's been since I got Lumiosa," Matt replied, smiling. "I just thank God, or whoever it was who sent me Lumiosa."

"I'm glad you got Lumiosa too, so I have someone to share my magical life with," Sophie smiled, kissing her boyfriend. "Come on, let's get up."

"What about your friends?" Matt asked.

"Easy," Sophie replied, before whispering in her friends' ears. "Girls, don't wake up until I tell you to."

Sophie then rolled Megan off of her, and got out of bed.

"Come on," she said. Matt got out of bed too, and started following Sophie downstairs. They got into her living room, where her parents were laid spooning on the sofa, watching TV. Matt noticed their two lamps were sat on the table, being ignored, but he was more concerned with the fact that he and his girlfriend were naked in front of her parents.