
Genie, Hide Fast

"Idiot!" He shouted. "If you get too close to her, she'll get you too! Besides, I don't think she's a succubus. Look at that." Sam pointed to Lumiosa's lamp, which was laying on the floor.

"Is that...a lamp?" Max asked.

"I think she's a genie," Sam said.

"A genie? Wow!" Max then ran over to the lamp. He grabbed it to pick it up, but he immediately cried out in pain.

"What the fuck!? It's boiling hot!" He shouted out.

"Lumiosa, what did you do!?" Matt shouted at the genie.

"It is an automatic security feature to stop anyone from stealing my lamp from you, Master," Lumiosa explained. "Would you like me to disable it?"

"Yes!" Matt shouted, and Lumiosa snapped her fingers.

"I guess she really is a genie then?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, she is," Matt replied.

"Hey genie..." Max groaned. "Heal my hands." Max held them up, and Matt could see the burns. Lumiosa looked over at Matt.

"Master, do you wish for me to grant this boy's wish?" She asked him.

"Yeah, do it," Matt replied.

"Your wish is my command, Master." Lumiosa bowed, and took Max's hands in hers. The boy felt his hands tingle, and the pain dissipate. When he let go of his hands, the burns had completely gone. Lumiosa then returned to Matt's side, to await his next wish.

"It worked!" Max exclaimed. "My hands are healed!"

"So you can grant any wish, huh?" Sam asked her. She stayed quiet. "Uh, hello? Answer me!"

"Master, do I have permission to speak to these boys?" Lumiosa asked Matt.

"Uh yeah, of course," Matt replied.

"Thank you Master," Lumiosa answered, before turning to Sam. "To answer your question mortal, I am able to grant any wish that my Master makes, within the very limited, but very strict rules of genies."

"Well how about you get her to suck us off too?" Max asked. "Spread the love?"

Matt didn't get a chance to answer, because at that moment, they all heard the sound of Becky's bedroom door opening, meaning that she'd be down any second.

"Fuck!" Matt cried out. "Lumiosa, hide!"

"Yes Master," she said, before immediately vanishing in a puff of smoke. Becky walked downstairs in her pyjamas.