The two of them continued walking, Lumiosa looking around the neighbourhood with great interest.
"Master, do you own all these buildings?" She eventually asked.
"What? No, of course not. These are people's houses."
"I do not understand. Are you not nobility?"
"Nobility? Why would you think that?"
"Your home is most lavish. I have never had a commoner as a Master with such a wonderful home."
"It's pretty standard around here. Where are you even from?"
"From my lamp, Master."
"Well...where've you been before? Where did your last Master live?"
"I don't know...It was a big town...with a big library..."
"Alright, never mind then..."
They got to the school, and walked through the halls together, Lumiosa still fascinated by everything around her. They walked into Matt's first class, maths, where most of the class was already there.
"Hey Matt, who's that?" Asked the class bully, Dan, who was sat with his girlfriend, the Alpha-bitch Cindy.
"Probably some whore he paid to pretend to be his girlfriend," Cindy laughed.
"Actually, she's the new girl," Matt replied, resisting the urge to wish these two to the sun. "I agreed to show her around."
"Well then let me give her some advice," Cindy said, turning to Lumiosa. "Stay away from this dork. Hang out with me and I'll make you cool."
"But I must stay with him, he is my Master," Lumiosa said.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Dan asked. They didn't get a chance to reply, since at that point, the teacher, Mr Jameson, walked in.
"Alright everyone, settle down," He said. "Now, I've been told we've got a new girl today. Where is she?"
"She's here Mr Johnson!" Matt shouted, pointing to Lumiosa.
"Alright, well why don't you come up to the front and introduce yourself?" Mr Jameson said, sitting down at his desk. Lumiosa looked over to Matt, who nodded his approval, so she went up to the front of the classroom. She was about to speak, before she realised she didn't actually know what to say.