Matthew Evans, "Matt" to his friends, was a virgin. It wasn't something he was proud of, but it was true. At 18, he was full of hormones, which he unfortunately only got to deal with by masturbation, his penis having never felt the touch of a girl. Fortunately his two best friends, Max and Sam were also virgins, so the three of them bonded over their lack of sex lives.
Now, the three boys were like any others. When not fantasising about getting laid, they played video games, did a little bit of sport, and complained about school. Matt had a 19-year-old sister, Becky, who'd been with her current boyfriend, Jamie, for over 2 years, so he figured the chances of her also being a virgin were pretty much zero. Our story begins on a Saturday evening, when the 3 boys were over at Matt's house for a sleepover, and were currently playing games on the Playstation.
"Hey, stop camping!" Max shouted.
"There's no rule against it!" Sam shouted back.
"Hey you guys, keep it down!" Becky shouted, knocking on the door.
"Sorry sis!" Matt shouted out at her. He thought he could hear a murmur of "morons" coming from her.
"Hey Matt, your sister's kinda hot!" Max said.
"Hey, that's my sister you're talking about!" Matt protested.
"Yeah, so?" Max replied. "I bet if I had a sister, you'd be crushing over her too."
"I don't mind you crushing on my sister, but you don't have to keep reminding me!" Matt shouted.
"Fine, but just for the record, she's not, right Max?" Max asked the third boy.
"Yep," Sam replied, much to Matt's annoyance.
The rest of the night went on as expected. The boys eventually went to bed, with Matt sleeping in his bed, and his two friends in sleeping bags. Matt woke up the next morning early, unable to sleep. He looked over at his clock, and saw that it was just approaching 7am. He could feel his morning wood straining against his boxers. On any normal morning, he'd have sorted that out, but he wasn't about to start masturbating with his friends in the room. And besides, he was thirsty.
Slowly, so as to not wake up his friends, both out of courtesy for them, and a desire for them to not see his boner, Matt got out of bed, and left the room. In just his boxers, Matt walked downstairs, his boner having just about gone away by the time he reached the kitchen. Matt poured himself a glass of apple juice, and sat drinking it on the sofa, when suddenly there was a knock at the front door. He wasn't sure who would be calling at 7am on a Sunday, but he got up to answer it.