
Dear Diary ..

Megan, Sally and Kelly were sprawled out on top of each-other on Sally's bed, sleeping deeply, to recover from the ultimate fucking that they'd all just received from their genies. Meanwhile, Marcio, Iago and Barnabus were sat on the bed with them, stroking their skin softly, and chatting.

"I do love having a Mistress rather than a Master," Marcio smiled. "Much better when they wish for you to fuck them."

"Oh yes, because you're so reluctant to fuck guys," Iago said sarcastically. "What about the time Sarah and Jürgen told us to fuck? You were more keen than I was."

"What can I say?" Marcio grinned. "I like sex."

"So, you two know each-other then?" Barnabus asked.

"Our last Masters were part of a society of Masters," Iago replied. "And from the looks of the calendar on that wall over there, it's only been a few days."

Barnabus looked over at the calendar, and was shocked.

"A new century!?" He exclaimed. "My word, it's been longer than usual."

"When did your last Master die?" Iago asked him.

"1903," Barnabus replied. "I honestly expected his daughter to rub my lamp after that. I don't know how I've ended up sealed away for more than hundred years." Iago and Marcio stayed silent.

Alexis reclined on the sofa in her lamp, the one that had been a gift from a Roman senator she'd served, as something to remember him by. He was a pretty sweet guy. Loved cuddles as much as she did. Cute cum face.

She reached for her mug of hot chocolate, and took a sip, before setting it back down on the table, and picking up her diary. She'd not updated it for yesterday or today yet, so she had a lot to write. She opened it, and willed it to flick to the back. She ran her finger along the paper's surface, the words being automatically imprinted into it. After all, who needs a pen when you've got magic flowing from your fingertips?

"Yesterday we finally stood up to the society. Matt and Sophie had us create alternate dimensions for them, where they can live out bad lives as punishment for everything they've done. I honestly don't know if I agree with it, but I'm very glad those people are gone now. They were no good.

Today we sent the lamps out into the world, to allow them to be found by humans who will become their Masters. We nearly didn't though. Sophie was against it, because she thought that those hundreds of people would just end up causing more harm than good, so she wanted to keep the lamps hidden. Matt convinced her otherwise though, and they had Lumiosa and I monitor the lamps, to ensure that nothing bad happens. I can already sense that 3 of them have been rubbed; two brothers and a sister."

Alexis reached the end up the page, and another appeared after it automatically, extending the already very long book.

"I've been thinking about the future a lot. No-one's said it yet, but if Matt and Sophie are exempt from the rules, it means they can wish to be immortal. Not that I'd mind that. I like Sophie after all, and an eternity with her is much more preferable to more cruel Masters. I just wonder if they'll do it."

Alexis closed her diary, and let it float back onto the shelf where it lived, next to her first edition of The Canterbury Tales (She'd get around to reading it one day, she swore!) and Leonardo's painting of her reclining on the banks of the Arno. Every museum in the world would probably have begged her for it, but her Master had given her "La Bella dalla Lanterna" as a gift, and she would treasure it for the rest of her eternal existence.