Back in present, Matt Evans was currently in the process of firing his umpteenth load of the day into Anna's pussy. His face was one of sheer delight. Sophie may have been his crush for years, but he'd spent many an evening masturbating to thoughts of Anna too, so to fuck her was like a dream come true. But to be fair, most of Matt's life now was like a dream come true.
To Matt's annoyance, he felt the warm wetness of Anna's vagina pull off of his cock. He opened his eyes, and saw Sophie stood there with Alexis. Both of them were dressed.
"Come on Matt," Sophie said.
"Whuh...what?" Matt asked through the horny haze that was clouding his mind. Sophie grabbed him, and pulled him onto his feet.
"Matt, we've been summoned to a meeting with the society," Sophie said.
"But I'm having fun!" Matt complained.
"Come on," Sophie said. "Get Lumiosa and we'll go."
"Oh fine!" Matt agreed, despite every fibre of his being wanting to rip Sophie's clothes off and fuck her on the table. "Where is she, anyway?"
"I'm here, Master!"
The 3 of them turned to look in the direction of the voice. Lumiosa was sat on a chair, with her legs wrapped around Sam, who was fucking her hard. Meanwhile, she was making out with Cindy, who was frantically fingering herself.
"Lumiosa, I wish for you to undo our horniness, and get us dressed," Matt commanded.
"Your wish is my command!" Lumiosa moaned in pleasure. She snapped her fingers, and Matt felt as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, in that he no longer wanted to fuck to death everyone he saw. Lumiosa appeared next to him, dressed back in her clothes.
"What the fuck Matt!?" Sam moaned. "You're such a cock-block! I was about to cum!"
"Oh shut up and just fuck Cindy," Sophie said. Sam's body instantly responded to the command by moving over to Cindy, and ramming into her pussy. She wasn't complaining.
The 4 of them left the classroom, and headed back to Sophie's Ferrari.
"What do you think they want?" Matt asked his girlfriend as they cuddled in the back of the car.
"I dunno," Sophie replied. "But judging by Neil's tone, I doubt it's good."
"We'll be fine though. No-one can hurt us. Not now we're free from the rules."
"I know, but I still don't like talking to them."
"We'll get through it, whatever it is."
They arrived at Sophie's house, and walked in. The other members of the society were reclined on various sofas and armchairs, some of which were normally there, and some of which had been conjured up.