
A Female Djinn

Master? Genie? What the hell was she talking about? This had to be a dream. Had he fallen asleep watching a rerun of "I Dream of Genie"? He must have. He was at this very moment really sleeping on the couch while it played on TV. Still, as dreams went, it could be worse. She was certainly hot, definitely hotter than Barbara Eden. He was afraid to ask too many questions, fearing that, if this was a dream it might end before anything good could happen (as they always did), but he didn't know what else to do.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but I'm not quite awake, yet. I had a late night that ended oddly. Could you kind of start from the beginning and tell me about, uh, yourself, or whatever..." He trailed off, not wanting to go too far and indicate to her that he wasn't who she expected him to be.

Apparently that was already obvious to her, though, as she said, "Yes, I can understand your confusion. You are not my originally intended master. But no matter, the box was opened by your hand, so my master you are."

She knelt on the floor in front of him, giving him an incredible view of her dazzling cleavage. He would have had a hard time concentrating on anything else if it hadn't been for the unbelievable story she told, and a pair of startlingly green eyes that captured his as she began speaking.

"I am a Genie, a female Jinn. I was placed in that box many, many years ago. Created by a Major Genie, it, and I, was intended to be a gift for a very wealthy Sultan as a present. That particular Sultan loved puzzles, and this box was constructed to be a great challenge for him, with me as his prize, when, or if, he solved it."

"Apparently he never did, or perhaps the box was stolen. I do not know. A Genie such as me is aware neither of what transpires outside his or her vessel, nor even of the passage of time itself while the vessel is sealed. But that does not matter, now. The way the box was created, my master is whoever solves the puzzle and opens the box. You have done so. So, master, how may I be of service?" As she said this last, she bowed her head briefly to the floor.