
'I Am Your Genie'

Jack woke with the sun in his face. "Dammit," he thought, "fell asleep on the couch again." He sat up slowly, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. Funny, the TV wasn't on. Waking up on the couch wasn't that unusual. He often fell asleep watching a late movie or Letterman, only to awaken to some inane morning show. "Huh, must have cut it off during the night, I guess."

He got up and started for the kitchen to get some juice when a quiet voice said, "Good morning, master." He jolted to a stop and spun toward the voice, suddenly wide-awake with heart pounding. From the far corner of the room stepped a vision; the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was clothed in the sheerest of silk that revealed much, yet hid just enough to be incredibly tantalizing.

As his befuddled mind tried to process what he saw and its implications, the young woman stepped in front of him, stopped, and smiled. Her slightly small mouth had full lips that formed a stunning yet demure smile which lit up the room, made his heart beat even faster, and awakened his cock. She stood, eyes slightly downcast, apparently waiting for him to say something.

"Uh... who... what... how..." He swallowed and tried again. "Who are you, and how did you get in here?"

Her smile widened at his confusion, causing his rapidly-beating heart to skip a few, then she said, "I am whomever you would like me to be, master. As to how I got here, is that not obvious? Did you not open my box?"

The box. Everything rushed back into his head; the box, the puzzle, the glowing mist. Suddenly he had to sit down. He made it back to the couch before his legs gave out from under him, his eyes never leaving the girl.

"The box? How... What do you mean? What was that light? What did you do to me?" he asked, remembering now that the pink mist was the last thing he saw the night before.

The woman's smile gave way to a small, albeit cute frown. "You do not know of the box? You must. I am here. You did open it, yes?"

Jack felt a little better now that he was not the only one confused, then realized that might not be a good thing. "Well, yeah, I did. I solved the puzzle."

"Ah," she said, her smile returning, "This is correct, then. You are my rightful master. I am your Genie."

Miss Oracle is a powerful psychic, a palm reader and a professional astrologer.

Miss Oracle does not have a genie, and is certainly not a genie herself. But, she knows how to fulfill wishes. For getting your personalized readings - general predictions, solving problems, fulfilling wishes, psychic readings, dreams interpretations, etc - you can write to her at - MissOracle999@gmail.com

This is going to change your life.

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