
Getting Krumped in DC with Edgy Space Magic

Deep within the vacuum of space, hidden in the heart of a collapsing star, the last of the Old Ones lurks, nursing a festering wound. Knowing that his death is imminent, he curses the gods that banished him. With the last of his power, he calls forth a soul from the void to carry about his vengeance in exchange for the soul's wildest wishes. ~~~ This is a DC AU with the possibility of new worlds in the far future. To give credit where credit is due, this book is heavily inspired by The Average DC Experience. The update schedule will be on average 2-3 chapters a week, mainly on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

YoungMasterLemon16 · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs


Returning back to the boarded up store, I checked my surroundings before coating my fist in void energy, and punching through the shop's door. Maintaining the energy fortification, I stretched my hand around until I found the door locks. I unlocked the door and pulled my hand back out, shaking the dust and wood chips off of it.

Quickly entering the shop, the scent of dust and piss was strong enough to make my eyes water. Although the building was abandoned, it didn't mean that the animals had abandoned it. Trying to get used to the smell, I quickly latched my door shut and took a seat on a bench next to an old magazine rack.

A quick glance through the periodicals told me that I was in fact in Metropolis, but unfortunately the current date was still a mystery. What was interesting was the fact that the location of the Cadmus facility was in Metropolis and not Washington D.C.

Which again could mean any number of possibilities. I could have been kept in a separate facility from Superboy, I could have replaced Superboy's role in the show or even his physical body. A shudder crawled up my body as I realized that I might not even be in my own body.

I quickly examined my right hand for the small scar that had been there since infancy. A tiny, jagged plus-mark that was so small you would never notice it unless you'd seen these hands tens of thousands of times. Luckily the scar was still there, but a seed of doubt had been planted in my head.

What if I looked different? I already know that my body has grown more muscular and powerful, but what about my physical features? Feeling my heart begin to race once more, I entered the bathroom in the back of the store. Thankfully the mirror was one of the few undamaged amenities in the small, derelict store.

Brushing away the layers of dust and dirt with my hand, I let out a sigh of relief as I saw a familiar face. I certainly looked different with the lack of baby fat, but it wasn't a bad thing; in fact, I'd say it looks better. My hair, still as thick as ever with its dark, brown hue and my eyes the same shade of hazel that I'd inherited from my mother and father were the only things completely unchanged on my face.

Something interesting I noticed was that I didn't have any stubble. Normally my hair grows pretty fast and forces me to shave more often than I like to, but my skin was as smooth as marble with none of the coarseness characterized by facial hair. Whether this was a result of my being transported across dimensions or that incident after I crawled out of the ground still remained to be seen.

Speaking of which, so much had happened that I'd nearly forgotten to check all the notifications. I only remember gaining a skill and some other stuff before my hunger took over. Leaving the bathroom, I took a seat on the bench and opened up my system. I scanned through it noting the new skill, increased stats and... my racial change.

So, I'm no longer a human? No, it said I was a "half", but if this trend continues will I completely shed my humanity? At that point, will I lose what makes me human or will I be unaffected entirely? I just sighed, it's a problem for future me. Current me is more concerned with what he's supposed to do next.

Speaking of which, what's my next move? I could try and do vigilante stuff until the Justice League takes notice of me, but that's kinda... yeah, not for me. I'll help out if it's happening in front of me, but I'm not going to go out of my way to look for trouble. What I need to do is find somewhere rife with criminals that no one would mind if they go missing. After all, this place is scary.

That thought was punctuated by yet another loud boom followed by an even louder crash as someone was sent hurtling down from the sky, flattening a bank. Yep, if I don't want that to be me, I better improve as fast as I can.

C'mon Damien think! The perfect city crawling with crime where the heroes are seemingly never able to keep up. I got it! It has to be Gotham. Although there's not a lot of abilities for me to steal, I can still farm stat points from the criminals living there. If I'm not mistaken, Gotham is supposed to be cursed or some shit, so it should always have more prey for me.

Huh, since when have I considered other people to be prey? They're just like me aren't they, but there's this instinct inside me screaming to kill, maim and hunt; to feed, to grow, to... evolve. It's definitely controllable, just strange because I've always considered myself to be a man without any great desires or aspirations. My only life goals were to have a good time and find a life partner, but I'm guessing that the second goal is going to be scrapped considering my current situation.

I guess I'll just have to have such a good time that I make up for the second. Well, gaining power should be fun enough for now. It'll definitely get stale eventually, but for now, I'll have what fun I can with it.

As my body began to relax for the first time since my transmigration, my mind began to drift between different thoughts until I fell asleep.


Hey guys, it's me with one more little tidbit for y'all. Since finals are right around the corner, I need to buckle down and get my work done. So... short hiatus. I promise. It should be like two weeks without any updates, but if I find myself with some free time, I'll make another chapter.