
Get Over Me

"You can't make me stay here while you revel on a woman who will never come back for you. I've done everything to make this work...." "You forced yourself on me solely because of my money. This is the price you pay. I have no love left in me to give." She knew he had nothing to offer her and truth be told, aside from blindly following a celebrity and making a name for herself for the past six months, she knew this had to end. She can't continue living with a man who might never get over his past mistakes.

Olokode_Kareemoh · Adolescente
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2 Chs


 Saturday is always a busy day at work and now I regret accepting to follow her to the concert yesterday. It's probably my worst day of the month. I wouldn't blame her, all she was doing was trying to look out for me. She made that very clear when I listened to her voicemail this morning. I had left her with Mr Casanova yesterday, whatever name fits. We had more than five different bookings today and I marveled at the decorations when I got to the office this morning. Fio is doing a great job on the decorations stuff. I watched every balloon and ribbons and flowers gently taking in the serenity of the atmosphere. I smile. This is what we do. We create the best memories for people who deserve it. The best of my job is when the parties both agree to spend the rest of their lives with each other. It's sweet hearing it over and over again. However, Fio told me they already knew their partners would propose. So no matter how surprised they acted, we just assumed it's all staged and it's intriguing watching it happen all over again. Saturday is a blessed day among the days. Today, we have five bookings. Five couples will walk in here proposing to stay with one another for as long as the world exists and I'll watch them kiss. That part. 

 The VIP is mainly for the rich and celebrities. Those old couples I want to renew their vows in groundbreaking style. watched an old couple of octogenarians renew their vows in this hall some months ago. I wish Dad could do that for Mum one of these days but I bet he could afford all these paparazzi. He wouldn't want to be near them either. Mum is a party person and I'm sure she would love it. It doesn't matter as the case may be, none of them think about themselves anymore. They're more concerned about their only child who would probably not stand a chance of getting married till she dies. Speaking of which, I have an appointment with Mum tomorrow. God, I hope it never holds. I'm tired of the same trip to the same person with the same treatment and the same results. Herbs nauseate me. I wish she stopped blaming herself or Dad had stopped blaming her for what happened unconsciously. Besides, she said she never remembers me falling from her back. But then how does she explain the two guys that died after making out with me? Tola is a dick, not that I want him dead but I had hated him the moment he was introduced to me by my Mum who wants me married young at all cost. Thank God I never got to marry him before he kicked the bucket. We had thought he was sick until I brought Dele to them and he died the following week after making out with me. Now, I have to watch five different men die on me before I could get married. My mother had been careless when I was young and she had let me fall off her back. That's the theory. She had to leave with the guilt. Since everyone in the community already knew what was going on in my family, I had to leave Ibadan and stay in this Godforsaken state called Lagos. 

Fio's tap on my shoulder and her heavy sigh jolted me back to the presence.

"You've been staring at the heart since you got in. You feel like ripping it off?"

I knew that was a joke, so I laughed.

"I told you, no one's ever broken my heart."

"I hear you. Not that you'll open up anyway."

"What's up with the VIP? Has he called?"

"Not him. His manager called. They're not canceling."

"Good for him. I can't imagine all these will go to waste."

"Some ladies are just lucky.

Fiona has started with her usual 'life is not fair' theory. She's been hovering around Robert for quite a while and if for anything, even a blind man will see how uninterested the latter is, in her. She wouldn't let go though, so I call it obsession but she calls it unrequited. Let's call a spade a spade.

" I bought something for the VIP. I need Shaw to stop squirming on my dress all the time. He has no problem with you."

"That's because he is obsessed with me."

Shaw had had his eyes on me since the day I submitted my proposal to the company. He is a guy who doesn't back down.

"Do you know who is coming?"

"To the VIP? When did we ever know?"

"You can ask Shaw I'm sure he'll be glad to tell you."

"It doesn't matter, so why should I? It's not like we'll get to have a shot at photograph with them." I scoffed.

The company is keen on making the name of the celebrity private until they arrive at our doorstep. Today's VIP seems to get everyone intense, even me. I heard Mr Tokunbo calling him big fish that'll elevate the whole company in a matter of seconds and he seems all quirky about it. I've been here for over six months and I've never seen him happier and scared as shit at the same time. Not that the company is behind in anything, I guess he just wants to make a name at all costs. He has the money.

"Have you seen Joke this morning?" I asked suddenly remembering how I forgot to ask about the waitress who was indisposed yesterday.

"Oh! Shaw relieved her. She is not here." Fio replied.

The bell dings after and it's time for the show. We all rushed into Mr Tokunbo's large office. All twelve of us working at the VIP.

He looked rather ravishing this morning and I can swear this is the first time I'll be seeing him in this outfit. This must be great. He cleared his throat and surveyed our dressing from head to toe. He smiled when he got to me. I always leave them breathless with the way I dress. He once said I dressed too much for my job but today, he seems satisfied and that made me smile. He is just like my father, unpredictable. I stole a glance at Shaw, he was wearing a well-tailored suit with a broch neatly attached to the chest pocket. I'm glad my dress fits the occasion. Our job always is to be the unaware crowd who chirps in and wow the hell out of the proposal and that's exactly what we're doing here today. We mix with the crowd of ten that the celebrity booked and we blend in. I had my hair fall on my shoulders and smeared my face with makeup. Fiona made me. Mr Tokunbo cleared his throat again as he began.

"You've all heard my story every day and I have no intention of boring you with the fact that I single-handedly brought this company up and nursed it to where it is today. I'm sure no one here prays to work with black hair and destroy it with grey hair, so please. This is my life and it's delicate. This celebrity we're having here today is not here. I don't want any word of his visit here today to get out of the four walls of this building. Considered yourself fired and worst still, jailed if any of what is about to happen here today ever gets out. As far as our celebrity is concerned, he is never here. We'll do our thing as usual and let it all go. No strings attached. No cameras. No pictures were taken. Let the friends do their thing. Maintain your lane. And for the first time, he is never here. They were never here. Understood?" Everyone chorused but it took a while for me to finally add mine. 

I don't understand why people live such an uncomfortable lifestyle.


Without turning, his voice is unmistakable.

"Hey, Shaw. You look good."

I tried as much as possible to make the smile real and vivid enough.

"Thank you. You look...ravishing as always."

"Hmm. Do you mind? I need to take a second look at the VIP lounge."

"Of course. Do you think we can talk after all this?"

"I don't know Shaw. I had a messed up day yesterday and I hadn't the chance to rest. I might just head home."

"Of course. Anytime you're available you can let me know."

I don't know why he hasn't stopped trying. Not that Shaw is not good looking but I love him enough not to get him killed. I'm doing him a favor and he didn't even know that. Do I need to write on my forehead that I fell off my mother's back when I was young anas and seven men had to die on me before I could get any stable relationship? They just don't get it. 

"Can I ask you something though?" I was considering Fiona's suggestion because now I'm more curious.

"Of course."

"Do you know who is coming?"

"It's Big Bass." He blurted out.

My feet grew cold and my hands trembled. Now I know why. 

My mind went back to the little scenario of the night before. Francis. I had looked him up on Instagram and he goes by Francis Hugh. He is the supposed husband of Caitlyn Hugh, the woman Ara idolized. I love Caitlyn and it came as a surprise to me that I hadn't looked long enough to know she is married to Francis Hugh. That explains why I had meant nothing to him yesterday night. I am a nobody.

What's the probability that he is going to show up at Big Bass's proposal event? He came to his concert, he might as well be a big fan of his. Or worse still, family. 

I went into the VIP lounge once more. I surveyed the last piece and checked all entries. Not that I didn't trust Fio but certain things need double-checking, especially in this critical condition. If Big Bass is coming here, no doubt Mr. Tokunbo has indefinitely hit the jackpot. But how? No picture is to be taken and I had no idea or that sells market. It's his anyway. Mine is to make sure everything is in place. The right wine, the right settings, the right music, the right light and atmosphere, the right entry, and the beautiful exit. That's all he's going to get. That's all customers get.

It was nearly evening when the entourage filed into the parking lot. Too many cars for ten attendees if you'd asked me. Everywhere was silent and thank God most of the customers on the other side of the hall had gone. It's all quiet and serene now. This is exactly what Mr. Tokunbo wants. He was all smiles as he stood at the entrance beaming his strength out. I was standing right beside Shaw who was closely beside Mr. Tokunbo. Fio was on his right-hand side and the assistant decorator, Sarah. Some bodyguards stepped out of the cars and one stood in front of the limousine and the other opened the door. He stepped out in his mightiness. I wasted a quarter of my salary to go watch this guy at his concert yesterday. I never get to see him. Here he is at my office on a platter of gold. He stepped on the floor as if the world irritated him. Then he came. My nightmare. He stepped out right after him. Francis Hugh. I tried looking him straight in the eye, but he had his sunglasses on like the night before. Why is he here? I know that's a stupid question to ask but none of this guy's reels on Instagram feature Big Bass in any way. Why is he here?

"Welcome to 'SERENE' Big Bass." Mr. Tokunbo outstretched his hands, beaming from head to buttocks.

"It's an honor," Shaw added.

I was just standing rigid unable to move the better part of me. My mouth. He was standing right in front of me and for the first time since yesterday, I feel like ripping the smile lurking behind his lips off. 

"What's your name?" He asked me after Big Bass had introduced him as his associate.

For some minutes, my palm got sweaty and the burrow raised high above its stance. My stomach rumbled and the little patience I had in me zapped through the evening breeze. He is playing the cards again.

"Ava. I'm Ava, sir."

I tried looking into Big Bass's eyes instead.

We ushered them in. A bag was handed over to Fiona. In it will be pictures of the lady and the guy. Of course, now we know it's Big Bass. All we had to do was unravel the mystery lady. Mr Tokunbo and Shaw took the entourage into the VIP lounge sitting somewhere they wouldn't see the decorations, yet while I and Fiona took the bag to tag in the pictures. I tried as hard as possible not to show my displeasure with the events that unfolded before me. And to add salt to injury, as Fiona dipped her hands into the bag, she flipped it over and Caitlyn's picture sprung up.