
Get Love from Streaming App

Natalie Malca Moana, is a woman who came to Chicago hoping to find a job to help support her family's economy. However, not all went well. She finally tried her luck by doing a live stream on an adult app. She felt bittersweet there, but for the sake of her mother and two brothers and sisters, Natalie keeps trying hard and getting out of her comfort zone. With the fake name LORETTA and the flashy colored wigs she wore, Natalie became a very different person. Until finally, she was met with an account called Zeus The Lorax, an account that continues to provide the most expensive gifts in the three applications that Natalie uses. It was as if the figure in the account was following where Natalie was, without telling her who he really was. Because her curiosity was getting higher, she tried to invite Zeus through a video call, which is also a service in the application. The figure of a handsome man with golden blonde hair, sharp bright blue eyes, a firm jaw, and other facial features that further perfect this creature of God's creation. Natalie never thought that behind the account was hidden a prince with a white horse! The man's name was Nicholas Ramirez. Nothing else Natalie knew because Nicholas was so mysterious, he didn't even talk much. How will their relationship continue? Does it end there? So what was Nicholas' goal is always giving gifts without trying to interact with Natalie? Because to be honest, Natalie was getting increasingly curious about this man named Nicholas.

Kinderhun · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Invitation To Breakfast Together

"Okay, sorry."

Natalie blinked, she thought Nicholas would still be stubborn.

"No—not that I meant to deny your kindness or anything, but I—"

"I see what you mean," Nicholas cut in, flashing a smile at Natalie. Instantly the woman's cheeks turned red, she couldn't deny that Nicholas was more handsome when she met him in person. "You're prettier with this appearance, Nat. And more beautiful to meet in person," Nicholas said, surprising Natalie half to death.

Why is Nicholas' words the same as her thoughts just now?!

"Th–thanks for the compliment, it turns out that you are really this handsome too." Natalie complimented him back while smiling very sweetly, she was indeed quite confident with her smile, which people always said was very sweet and charming. Even though the only ones who said that was her family and neighbors far away.

"May I have your contact?"


"So that if I ask for your time during a video call service, we don't need to do it in the application. I can also give you the money directly, that's better, right? The money will not be deducted from your application and agency," he said again, explaining what the man meant by asking for Natalie's contact.

"O–oh, that's right." Hesitantly, Natalie took Nicholas' cell phone and gave him her contacts. Actually, the agency forbade Natalie from making personal contact with the man in the live streaming application. However, as long as the agency doesn't find out, she thinks everything will be safe.



The atmosphere between them was very awkward. It turned out that Nicholas didn't smile too much, plus his expression was even, and his personality seemed calm. The man can say exactly what he wants to say, directly and honestly. Maybe this was one of the things that made Natalie feel awkward. Because Natalie frequently serves men who talk a lot, even the most perverted ones.

Natalie held her breath as Nicholas leaned forward, the man continued to stare at her intensely. "Don't be nervous, just think of us as having a video call," Nicholas said with a faint smile that made Natalie scream in her heart because the charm of this blonde man was too crazy and difficult to express in words.

The woman took a deep breath, controlling herself to calm down. She felt like she was being teased by Nicholas, and Natalie didn't want to be seen as such.

"Okay, sorry, I'm having a hard time controlling myself because it's the first time I've met a man as handsome as you," Natalie complimented.

Nicholas chuckled, was amused, and poured the wine into a small glass and drank it. "You're good at complimenting, aren't you."

"No, I'm telling the truth. Are you not aware of your own charm, sir?"

"I know, but it's not something very special," Nicholas replied nonchalantly as he put his glass back on the table.

Natalie just laughed at what Nicholas said. Not something very special? Doesn't he realize that a beautiful or handsome face makes a person's life problems go away by half? In this world, no one can resist good-looking people. They will definitely be prioritized, even if it's just a charming face and a nice body.

And Natalie has felt that way several times. When she was shabby and had no money to care for herself, Natalie had a hard time getting a job.

"I didn't expect you to be almost taken to your room by one of my guests," Nicholas said, recounting the previous incident.

"Huh? Ah, did that person tell you? Well, luckily I got away."

"You're quite brave, aren't you? I now understand why you only carried one heel back then. You threw another shoe in his face," Nicholas said, chuckling. He stifled a laugh as hard as he could when he heard the explanations from the men.

"Oh, come on. If he doesn't come after me, I won't throw my heels in his face," Natalie replied, very embarrassed, her cheeks turning red again from Nicholas' teasing her.

They talked for almost two hours, as if they didn't know the time. Natalie did have to get used to it at first, but in the end she was able to enjoy her time with Nicholas. Although the man rarely expressed himself, but Nicholas started the topic more often. Moreover, whenever Natalie spoke, the blonde man always listened and looked her in the eyes as if he really appreciated the person he was currently talking to.

"Looks like I have to go, it's late. Sorry, Nat. I held you to rest," Nicholas said as he got up from his seat. Natalie did the same.

"No problem, I also enjoy talking to you," Natalie replied, a sweet smile etched on her beautiful face. She ushered Nicholas out of the room.

"Ah, there's one more thing I want to talk about."

Natalie raised her eyebrows, quite curious. "What's that?"

"In the morning, would you like to have breakfast with me?" Nicholas asked as he looked at the woman so seriously.

Natalie's heart was pounding again, she suddenly felt like Nicholas was proposing to her because he was looking at her so seriously. No, Natalie. Your imagination goes too far.

"Wi–with pleasure, let's have breakfast together," Natalie replied, accepting the blonde man's invitation.

"Okay, see you later."

Natalie smiled and waved her hand as Nicholas drifted further away from her. After that, Natalie closed the door and felt like screaming as loud as she could at what had happened today. She plopped down on the bed. Even after Nicholas wasn't with her anymore, Natalie's heart was still racing.

"Nicholas isn't good for my heart," Natalie muttered, clutching her chest. The woman's eyes were now looking at Joy who was sleeping very soundly on the bed next to her. She smiled bitterly, and Natalie hoped that Joy didn't remember that she had been harassed by these impudent men. Natalie felt bad because she suddenly thought that the reason she accidentally met Nicholas was that it started with Joy being drunk. "Today is very complicated, Joy. Annoyance and happiness are mixed into one," she said again as if she was talking directly to her friend.

On the other hand, Denzel had been waiting for Nicholas.

"You're here?" Nicholas asked as he took off his jacket and loosened the tie that was making him a little tight.

"It seems too long if you say you just want to apologize to that woman," Denzel said suspiciously.

"She's Loretta, I don't want to waste my chance to have fun with her," Nicholas said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Hearing this, Denzel couldn't believe it, then said, "Is she Loretta?! Your favorite host? Wait, was the woman with her is Joyce?!" Denzel asked enthusiastically.

Nicholas gave his cousin a strange look. "You didn't notice at all?"

"Not at all! Wow, how lucky! Wait, what do you mean, having fun? You had sex with her?!"

"No, just talking to each other. At first, she still insisted on hiding her identity, but in the end, she couldn't lie anymore," Nicholas said, telling what he had done with Loretta, aka Natalie.

Denzel was flabbergasted to see Nicholas suddenly smile as if he was remembering his time with that woman. Denzel knew that his cousin was really interested in the woman who hosted the streaming application. And actually, it was Denzel who offered Nicholas to download such an app. However, he didn't expect his cousin to be so obsessed with the host named Loretta.

"You really like her, don't you?" Denzel asked.


"Wow ... so quick to answer and without hesitation. But you're really great to notice, but isn't Loretta's appearance very different from the woman earlier?"

"Because I like her, so I can realize that she is Loretta."

"Nic, really. I get goosebumps when you're like this."

Nicholas lay down, looking up at the ceiling. "Go to your room. I wanna sleep," the man said with a flat expression again. "Oh, I'm also taking her to breakfast this morning."

"Really? You mean with Joyce too?!" Denzel asked excitedly.


Denzel immediately shouted with joy upon hearing that. Not only Nicholas, but Denzel has also liked the host named Joyce for a long time. The man with the wolfcut hair style walked closer to Nicholas. "Can this be called a double date?"

"You're so confident, what if Joyce already has a boyfriend?" Nicholas replied, giving his cousin a strange look.

"That's impossible! She often says she doesn't have a boyfriend yet!"

"It could be a lie, if a host is open about her love relationship, all men like you will definitely back off and make her no longer have money from working as a live streaming host," Nicholas said there was a point, even though he was hurt, but Denzel couldn't deny it anymore.

The corner of Denzel's lips twitched in annoyance, Nicholas seemed to be unconscious. "Then you're sure Loretta isn't married?"

"I'm sure."

"Huh, You think even though she's single, she'll be attracted to you?"

Nicholas was silent for a moment, All this time, he had only been paying attention to Natalie without intending to interact directly. However, it turns out that after getting to know more about the woman, for some reason the interest in the woman deepens and there is a sense of belonging to her. "Denzel, don't make me feel insecure."

"And you've done it to me!"