
Genshin: New Life, New Hype

I died by a missile, which is very strange. I was transported in Genshin Impact but the world is not what I expected it to be. The world is bigger than the game. So I decided to live in this New Life. _________________ Support me on patrêon.com/KyuNova Buymêacoffēe.com/kyuto If you want to access all advanced chapters.

Kyu_To · Videojogos
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72 Chs

A little event in the plaza

"Woohoo! That was amazing!"

"We want to see more! Come one dance for us!"

"Tsk, I think you just want to see the ladies."

"Hmph! I admit I wanted to see those erotic ladies dancing with fire. But I also saw gawking at them. You are no worse than me aren't you!"


Anyway, Ignoring the bystander's bicker. Looking at the girl dancers, wearing only bra and panties, or more like skimpy fire dance set. It's no wonder these perverts loves to see more.

To be honest I was also ogling at those ladies. I'm not innocent either.

But, who would berate me?



I look around and only saw people crowding around me. I frowned as I could feel those words directed at me.

"Down here. I never thought not only you're greedy for money but also a pervert."

I look down and see a small pink haired kid. Well if it isn't Diona? Why is she here? I tilted my head in confusion.

Seeing her feline eyes glaring at me grumpily as if judging me right now. Hands akimbo as she pointed finger on me.

Tails and ears twitching every second.

"Who might you be?"

"...I'm Diona! I'm here to recruit you!"

"Huh?" Now I'm confused.

"... I want you to be my partner!"

"Hello, do you speak human language?"

"Huh?" She tilted her cutely.

Rubbing my head. Somehow I have feeling I understand but at the same time not.

"Can you please explain to me why you want to recruit me? I mean, who are you?"

"Didn't I tell you my name?"

"Well, you did..." This conversation get's nowhere. "What I'm trying say is. What do you want from me? What do you do? How old are you? Why are you here looking for me? What do you even do?"

"Stop stop stop! What are those questions. I can't understand everything." Diona crouched down and covered her ears.

"Now let's us present the next performer, She is a the most talented girl known, The most beautiful, The otherworldly princess and she is also known for her good of conduct in Adventurer's Guild. Ladies and Gentlement let's have a round of applause to Lady of the Night- Prinzessin Der Verurteilung! Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort!"

Just as I was about to continue asking Diona. On the center of the plaza, a host with a handle? Is it supposed to be a microphone? It seems that object can volume up sounds.

The host's face twitched as he read the script on his hand. I can see his cheeks twitching. I chuckled a little bit, saying those words probable taken a toll on him.

I was a little bit surprised who the next performer. Fischl...

How nostalgic, my first main character. At first, I was just enjoying F2P but as time passes, the more your adv level went up, the stronger and harder the enemies. No choice, I bought all the banner till C6 ok every character.

Well who I was? A hacker! Well I did not hack the server but I hack money. Thanks to corrupt officials, their money was worth it.

As I was reminded in the past. Fischl went in the center of the Plaza. Walking elegantly and slow step by step. Thin waist and hips sway as she walks. Hand on her waist. She brush up her hair at the back and took a pose in the middle.

Then one of her hands move to her face as she covers her eye.

"Greetings to thee! I, the Prinzessin Der Verurteilung, Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort will present to thee, My most wonderous ability in my command with my most glorious servant Oz!"


"Y-Yeah! Go for it..." The crowd doesn't know how to react.

"I see the lack of your eactions from, I hasn't started yet but you're already mesmerized by my entrance! Very well, you can give your round of applause." Fischl didn't notice the awkwardness but kept going.

I smiled at her usual antics. I clapped my hands. I didn't think the crowd would follow suit. The Plaza was resounded by a round of applause.

Fischl nodded as she expected our reactions. She then sent Oz up in the sky. The crowd saw a darting violet string of light as Oz, the Electro Raven fly up leaving a trail.

"Now my dear audience, This Prinzessin will start her glorious performance. The world will hear my call as the Light of my power befall upon the night!"

Fischl took out a her bow as she fired a Electro arrow above. The arrow hit Oz who was flying above Fischl. If I remember correctly, hitting Oz would conjest lighting strike to the nearby enemy.

But, my knowledge was far off.

As the arrow hit Oz. Oz released a ring of lightning expanding outward. Fischl then shot four arrows in sequences, hitting the fourside of the ring of lighting that was slowly expanding. As the arrows hits the respective sides. A vertical ring of lightning formed on those sides, then these lightnings eventually hit each other as they expand. In the air above, a globe of lighting formed!

It was so bright and beautiful. It's like a gigantic Plasma ball hovering above.

Everyone's mouth gaped opened. Inside the ball, Oz started circling inside the ball as he was leaving a trail of lightning making it even more fantastical.

Compared to the first show, this one was so much the ordinary people could not say anything. Leaving them speechless. No one has ever seen a Vision Holder performed such a show.

Furthermore, The plasma ball also emits sounds. This is like an Electro music; Tesla Coil music. However, the sound it emited is not what you think, it's a acoustic piano!!? How?!?

This is impossible? Can someone explain to me how she did it? Hello? Anyone?

Then Fischl danced like a swan. She dance like a princess in ball. So smooth and elegant. Beautiful is what the people thinks.

She dance with a bow in her hand then release a streak of arrows above. These arrows also left a trail of light but halfway above it exploded like a fireworks.

Diona at my side also gawked at performance, Fischl was doing. She even forgot to tell me something.