
Genshin Impact: Ultimate System

Warning: this is wish fulfillment, MC will be shameless enough to copy anime moves since yours truly is the most uncreative being in the whole multiverse Synopsis: Well shit, it seems I died but luckily enough god pitied me and sent my sorry ass to another world with the anime system.

Shonpufi · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Ch 12-Ascension(See if you can tell the reference OST before reading)

Hello!, My name is Meliodas Pendragon and I was reincarnated in the world of Genshin impact.

honestly, it's been quite tiring since I've left home, I've already fought a dragon first thing when I entered Mondstat on the first day.

Currently Amber And Paimon are trying to get Ather's unconscious body off the tree that I blasted him into. it was quite the funny show seeing the panicked expressions of Amber and the flying Emergency Food, attempting to get him off the tree.

After a while, they managed to get him down and had him lying on the ground still waiting for him to wake up.

Suddenly I heard a notification sound coming fro my ear. looking in front of me a panel appeared that said

[ding! Quest complete

Rewards: 10 gacha tickets one SSR guaranteed

Spear Mastery Upgrade B>A]

As I received those notifications my mind felt a sharp pain as years of spearman ship experience was shoved into my head. Although it didn't have any type of special moves or abilities. it was enough to start making my own style and moves with A grade spear manship base that I have now.

Also looking at the Gacha tickets in my inventory I was about to until i saw the little fairy flying towards me with an angry but cute face.


New Pov-

When the two finally got Ather down the tree the little fairy went towards Meliodas with an angry face and said.

"Hey! Why did you blow him away when he tried to help you!. Hmp I'm going to give you an ugly nickname now!" the little fairy said as she started to mumble to herself, brainstorming many mean nicknames for meliodas.

"I didn't need any help from the beginning, Didn't you see how I sent the blondie attack back towards him? I was about to do the same thing to Storm Terror and get my revenge but he got in the way so it's his fault" Meliodas exclaimed as he defended himself.

"But-" As the fairy was about to complain Amber spoke up.

"I see... but please don't do that again Meliodas although I can see why you did it, I would appreciate it if you didn't use violence to solve your grudge," the browned-haired beauty asked Meliodas with puppy eyes. She knew that Meliodas was strong and that she couldn't do anything about him wanting revenge so she resorted to puppy eyes.

looking at her hopeful expression Meliodas said "Sigh, fine... but he still owes me my mora" As he said those words Amber nodded in approval and went to the next topic

"By the way Meliodas I didn't know you were so strong!, The way you went woosh, boom, kaboom was awesome!!" Amber said as reenacted the sound effect of Meliodases fight.

Seeing the cheerful girl like this Meloiodas couldn't help but smile and pat the girl's head earning him a glare from her but she didn't hate it so she let him go this time.

"Oh by the way is that person your friend?" Meliodas asked Amber earning her confusion.

"Who?" Amber asked thinking that he was perhaps talking about Ather, Although they had barely met today she got along with the fairy and the traveler well.

"I'm talking about the guy that's hiding in the alley over there," Meliodas said nonchalantly as he pointed to the alley next to them.

A sudden dramatic clap sounded from the alleyway as a handsome man in all blue, an eyepatch over his eye, and dark skin came out clapping his hands.

"Oh my, it's quite impressive that you could tell I was there. but the real question that should be asked is... are you an ally or are you a new storm?" the Chocalicious man asked.

"Eh, Kaeya? Why are you hiding in the alley?" Amber Asked with curiosity

Both Kaeya and Meliodas couldn't help but think how preciously innocent the girl was.

"He is here to see if the guy that can fight an oversized lizard is either an enemy or an ally. after all, it isn't every day you see someone fighting one" Meliodas said earning an understanding look from Amber.

Suddenly Amber said, "Well you don't need to worry Meliodas is a good person so you don't need to worry about him... although I only met him today, but that's besides the point!" Amber said as she protected Meliodas.

Seeing this Meliodas felt touched as this was a first for him.

"Geez your to cute!!" Meliodas said as he hugged her from behind startling her.

"W-What are Y-You doing dummy don't hug me so suddenly!!," Amber said as she became flustered from the sudden affection. And from the sides, Captain Chocalicious raised an eyebrow seeing the interaction between the both.

"So you don't like it when I hug you like this Bunnie?" Meliodas asked with a teasing smile.

"U-Um well I-its not that I don't like it" Muttered Amber in a low voice as she blushed. she just didn't know how to react to him she didn't hate it but at the same time, she hated the smug smile that adorned his face when she got flustered. Even though they barely met she feels something special about him that makes her let her guard down when she's with him.

Kaeya's face started to twitch in annoyance as he saw the scene in front of him. As a bachelorette, the most annoying thing for him was seeing people being all lovey-dovey in front of him. he felt that he was being fed dog food. "You can continue your flirting later The Acting Grandmaster wants to see you and the other one. um were is he?" Kaeya asked as he found a Blonde kid lying on the floor unconscious.

Smiling wrily Meliodas said "We will catch up later, We still need the blondie to wake up and it's kind of my fault that he is like this although he kinda deserved it too," Meliodas said making Kaeya nod as he walked away.


Pov change- Meliodas

As kaeya walked away I let go of Amber, as much as i like teasing Amber i don't want to weird her out to much by being to clingy. As i let go i saw that she looked... disappointed? hmm maybe she doesn't mind but that will be for latter.

"Hey Bunnie you know any good inns to rest in and put the blondie in. I'm beat and i don't want to leave the guy alone and unconscious in the middle of the street" i asked Amber.

hearing my question Amber nodded and said "Yes I know a good one It's called the Great Goth Hotel. Let's go!!" Amber said as she grabbed my hand and started to drag me along with her. Halfway there I had a realization.

"Dam we forgot him!!" I said in a panic

hearing what I said Amber realized that she was so caught up in showing me to the hotel that she forgot Ather and Paimon.

"Ather!! We need to go back" Amber said panicking

As we went back we were found with an angry Paimon but of course, I just offered her some food and she acted like it never happened.

We started walking back to the hotel with Ather over my shoulder. As we reached the place we entered and I have to say it really looked like what its called after. the aesthetic was... really really gothic but I guess that's what makes it unique Plus it kinda smells like when you open something new from a package.

going up to the counter I reserved two rooms for me and Ather, but of course, I just snatched the kid's mora and paid with his money. I have enough to pay for him but why would I ever do that? hmm, I forgot that Ather is way older than me Should I even be calling him kid... whatever I got the habit from the girls and I don't think I'll change that anytime soon.

With me still carrying Ather on my shoulder we reached the room and slumped him on the bed like a ragdoll earning me a glare from Paimon but I just pulled out some chicken skewers I saved earlier and she forgot what she was even mad about in the first place.

leaving the room Amber spoke" I'll see you later I still need to report back to headquarters and help with damage control" Amber said

"Alright see you later Bunnie," I said as I gave her a last head pat before she went away.

As I saw her walk away I started to head towards my own room. finally reaching it I opened it and I have to say that the place is well worth the money. I thought it would be more... medieval. or maybe just not as nice as this but I'm not complaining.

Reaching my bed I laid down as I said "System pull my ten draws"

[Of course host]

[Ding! 10 new items acquired]

[-Suspicious ring(A)


-Iron Sword(D)

-Sewing Mastery(C)

-Stand Arrow(S)

-Sage Coat(C)

-Demeter's Underwear(D)

-Golden Apple(A)

-New Pair of Socks(E)

-Bloody Stream, Jojos bizarre Adventure BGM(D)]



"He he"


Yes! Yes! A stand arrow hehehehehe. I can't believe it I actually got one I forgot they even existed but hey I'm happy! And this Suspicious ring? it looks like an Engagement Ring. Hmm weird but since it's A rank then I'm guessing that it's something good, hopefully. And now to the main dish [Mythos] although I don't know what it is, it is still a [SSSR] rank skill so it has to be something crazy strong!,

"System Show me the description for the skill [Mythos]" MEliodas said in excitement.

[Here it is host]

[Skill name: Mythos

Description: A skill harboring the power of the 8 Eikons


Chose starter to unlock-












"he he"

"heheheheheheheh" My face contorted into a shit-eating grin from what I just saw. Although it had been some time before I died I played FF16 and I have to say that it was one of my favorite games besides Ghost of Tsushima but the ending was trash. But I never thought I would be able to get not one but all of them eventually. And that... that brings a smile to my face. looking at my options with a wide grin I said

"System I chose..."


Till next time in Genshin Impact----
