
Dragonspine : Part 2

The path up the mountain was filled with hilichurls and hilichurl camps, one of our soldiers got injured while fighting because of a spell used by a hidden mage, so we were slowed down.

The researchers were scared and were sticking very close to us, asking me and the other soldiers again and again, if they were safe, fearing that they might be the next one to be targeted by a hidden mage.

Regardless, this was not enough to call off the expedition, even if one or two died, we would still have to continue, the resources that the Fatui poured into this expedition was alot, especially considering the fact that we were one of the five teams deployed on dragonspine, but we were the only ones with non Fatui-Operatives on the expedition, as the Fatui would never let a opportunity to earn money go.

I looked at my surroundings, seeing the lone statue of the seven in dragonspine ahead, with the ruins of the ancient civilization visible.

"Hey Boris! What do you think about the new Grape Wine at the Angel's Share? I heard they changed the recipe a little, I brought some with me along with some Dandelion Wine." Said Vlimir, a friend I made at the Fatui, in fact, the closest friend I made in the this world, he was the one closest to me. He was a young man, who just had gotten married a year ago, his wife was pregnant and he was about to be a father soon.

"I don't know, haven't tasted it yet, I had to train alot because I was unable to do anything for a long time, had to get back in shape. Besides, what are you gonna do after this mission? Since you are gonna be a father and all, the job's risky, if you continue you might not live long enough to see him grow up." I said, smiling at Vlimir.

Vlimir's grin faltered and he looked down and sighed, "I've been thinking about it for a while, Fey's also been telling me to quit for a while. I thought about it alot, I have to be there for my kid, make him or her a great man or woman, teach em manners and discipline, be with Fey. Over the years that I served the Fatui, I think I've gotten alot of savings, plus we have a huge plot of land in Liyue which we can use to make a farm, so I've decided that I am gonna call it quits after this mission, I was gonna call it quits the last one, but this one had alot of pay, so I couldn't refuse it." He said.

I nodded and looked forward, "Hm, it will feel lonely without you."

Vlimir laughed and slapped my back, "Haha! It's not like I am never gonna see you again it something, I will just not go on missions with you anymore, I am gonna meet you every day of the week, I am not leaving you any time soon kiddo." He said.

I smirked, "Says the guy who can't even talk back to his wife, you sure you can get permission from her to hang around with your Fatui friends? You need to man up." I said snarkily.

Vlimir's eye twitched and he decided to stay quiet.

And while we talking, we had already arrived at the ancient ruins.

I stopped looked back at the researchers and soldiers, "We will be camping here for the next 2 days, you can do all your research around here in that time, after that, we will move towards the west."

The Researchers nodded and went over to the soldiers carrying the injured soldier and took him from them and told them, "You can start setting up camp, we will treat his wounds."

The soldiers nodded and went to the side and started setting up the camp.

Vlimir was looking around the ruins and whistled, "Can't believe they made this stuff thousands of years ago, makes me think about the floating castle in the sky, Celestia right-"

I interrupted, "Don't talk about it, it's best you stay out of their way, even saying their name in a place like this is misfortune." I said, with a grimace in my eyes.

After all, I loved the lore of Genshin, and being in this world and made it terrifying, terrifying that such things exist and the events that I knew about happened actually.

Especially this place, one of the many graves of civilizations eradicated by the gods above.

Vlimir looked at me quietly and then said, "Alright.... Alright...."

Vlimir then turned and looked at the giant cave in front of us, "How about we explore this big cave while they set up the camp? Clad and Vlad can clear out the area, there's only a few hilichurls around."

I looked at the cave and shrugged, "I guess a little bit of exploring won't hurt."

Vlimir grinned, "Alright." And lit up a torch using his pyro vision and entered the cave, I followed behind.

Inside were remanents of hilichurl camps and the ancient civilization, the floor was also littered with bones.

We walked around for a while, before something caught my eye.

A skeleton, covered in purple armor.

"Come here." I said and signalled Vlimir to follow me.

I reached the skeleton and kneeled down beside it and wiped the snow off the armor, exposing the golden electro symbol, I immediately recognized what this was, "This the armor of the Inazuman Samurai Shogunates, the symbol confirms it." I said.

Vlimir raised his eyebrows, "What was an Inazuman Samurai doing all the way here at Mondstadt? Never mind that, what was he doing in Dragonspine?" He asked with a puzzled look in his face.

I looked around and saw a pouch attached to the armor and reached out and opened it, there was a withered book inside, along with a dried out quill and bottle of frozen ink and some mora.

"Look, a book." I said and took the book and opened it, "It looks like a diary."

"Hm, read it and tell me what's in it, I wanna know what this man was doing here so far away from his home." Said Vlimir while holding up the torch.

I nodded and started reading the diary quickly and closed it after reaching the end.

"This man was a Samurai named Kagui, this book was last updated 527 years ago, he died during the Calamity that happened in all the nations in Teyvat. Apparently, he was a great Samurai who served the Raiden Shogun. During the Raiden Gokaden some five hundred years ago, he saw a blade that he was entraced with, he described it as the beautiful blade ever, forged with the strongest and most potent materials found in all of Teyvat, imbued with the most potent elements, the sharpest blade he had seen. Entranced by it, he stole the blade the day before the Gokaden and fled Inazuma, going to Liyue before fleeing to Mondstadt after accidentally murdering a Milelith soldier who tried to exort Mora out of him. When the Calamity five hundred years ago occured, he probably died here fighting the forces that invaded Teyvat, probably drawn out here because of the amount of creatures that emerged from here." I said, before leaving the book on top of the skeleton.

"Hmm.... What an interesting man, giving up his life as a Samurai of the Shogun for a sword he fell in love with, then dying protecting a foreign country." Said Vlimir, looking down at the Skeleton.

I looked beside the Skeleton and saw a sword stabbed into the wall of the cave, only it's handle visible.

Could it be...

I gripped the snow covered handle, feeling the intricate designs and patterns on my palm, as the snow fell off, a golden and jaded handle was revealed with a golden guard on top of it.

I pulled out the sword and my and Vlimir's eyes widened.

What came out was not the completely broken rusty blade we expected, but a beautiful and sharp red blade, it's shade was dark on the inside and lighter on the sharp end, It looked sharp enough to be able to cut metal.

"W-Woah... What's that sword..... It's beautiful.... Isn't it supposed to be like 500 years old? It should have been completely destroyed by now, it should be in multiple pieces..... What is this blade even made of?...." Said Vlimir with an awe-struck voice.

"I... Am not sure... Though it's clear that this is no regular sword, the Samurai didn't just betray his god for a normal sword..... And first of all, this is a Katana, not a normal sword...." I said, admiring the Katana...

"Whatever. Anyway, aren't you learning how to use swords? This will be useful for you." Said Vlimir.

"Yes..... I am definitely taking this, but i think we should burn his remains, it's the least we can do for him, atleast what remains, since we are taking his Katana." I said and stood up and walked away from the skeleton, making way for Vlimir.

Vlimir nodded and stepped forward and extended his hand, "May your soul find peace, Kagui." He said and then used his vision to light the dead Samurai's remains on fire.