
Genshin Impact: Emmy in Teyvat

The world of Teyvat housed many secrets within its numerous corners yet none are capable of uncovering these mysteries and returning to tell the tale. Emmy was a normal kid who lived her days in Mondstadt until one day she had contact with an ancient artifact that completely changed her life. Granting her powers of old and awakened something within her that she never thought she had. Watch as she goes on a journey to document, adventure, and investigate her world's mysteries while making friends and foes along the way. "I shall scale the mountains and cliffs, Fly in the sky and battle against thunderstorms and even time shall not make me yield, I am the one who will seek the truth of this world" - Emmy Edgar Not my photo by the way.

Guardian_Loli · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
105 Chs

Chapter 49: Original Technique?

The pale moon lay over the world as its light graced all the mortal and the immortal, living and undead.

The spring breeze blew through the fields of [Windrise] and traveled to [Cider Lake] and over the edges of [Brightcrown Canyon], the windmills turned in the city as it passed.

The silhouette of the celestial entity floated silently on the lake, frequently, dandelions hit the surface causing the image to wane and disappear.

The moon hung indifferently in the sky as it had no mind to share for the loss of its image, for it was dead.

It was night in the city of freedom, the bustling of the city had long seized but in some hidden corners there was still a buzz of activity.

Drunkards dashed their sorrows away and others laughed in return, relishing in the fact it wasn't them.

Quietly, a glaze of light crept through the window sills of a room and tiptoed into the space. It lay on the bed of a young girl as its presence was there hither and in line with its nature, it leaned back and watched the girl embrace discovery in silence.

'The guards are not allowed to question their master and as such, they turn a blind eye to all of my actions,' Emmy thought as she looked at her diary, she cupped her face as she had her signature sunsettia pajama on her.

But why was this so? Emmy thought that her grandfather was able to know all her actions but it seems that she was wrong.

'He knows about the kidnapping incident but not how I got my powers? Why doesn't he investigate?'

While he was a greedy person, her grandfather was no stupid man. He was only tempted by benefits in his old age but in his youth and now her grandfather was a general first and foremost.

And what good general would leave himself in the dark of such a potentially rewarding or detrimental thing? This was blatantly ignoring the usage of a double-edged sword in one's household.

There was no way he wouldn't desire such information.

'System, do you know why?'

[The personality of the Host's grandfather is relatively unknown but it seems that he has no interest in attempting to do anything to the Host for the moment. Why? Well it is either due to the intervention of the host's parents or another party.]

Another party?

Emmy's mind raced with possibilities as she once again entered the mysterious state she dubbed [The Realm of Thought].

[Realm of Thought] allowed her to abuse her ability to focus by centralizing all her brain power to a unified objective...

That was to think of scenarios, how to counter them, the after-effects, and many more things. This greatly reduced the failure of many of her plans as each was carefully thought out in this state.

Unknowingly, Emmy had created her original technique from a young age and it aided her in not only reading an entire library 3 times but memorizing many key concepts.

Whether it be by talent or will, Emmy had done something marvelous. The system quietly took note of this technique and began evaluating its rank and attributes.

Absently it wondered if this should be shown in the Host's status or kept hidden but ultimately it decided to wait and see.

While the system did its thing Emmy began to start hers.

Using [Realm of Thought], she identified all the people who knew and were most likely to know and have a relative amount of control over the clan and the hidden unit of guards.

They were her grandfather, parents, uncles, aunt, grandmother, and Fatui.

Why the Fatui? Well...

'They tried to kidnap me once,' Emmy rubbed her chin and didn't think about that incident any further.

It was in the past.

[The Host is indeed a mysterious character.]

'Thank you for the compliment. Now back to the matter at hand.'

As she went through all of these people, Emmy immediately eliminated her aunt, uncles, and parents from the equation. Why?

Her parents were on an adventure and thus were unable to even receive such information.

Her uncle was a busy man who had to lead an army and her second uncle was also busy managing the political side of the Kujou clan. In short, they had no time to listen and receive such information.

As for her aunt.

'She's a shrew that hates my mother. She wants her children to inherit the clan and all that stupid stuff my mother and I could care less about.'

People might call her disrespectful for badmouthing her elders but Emmy would just laugh at them and say...

Yes! Yes, she was disrespectful to her elders.

They are just some people in the world who are infuriating.

Emmy didn't think for a second that her aunt would even look in her direction, much less get information on her. But just in case, she would leave a little caution toward her.

While most would think being from a large and powerful family was great, it had a lot of struggles. Between assassination attempts, family feuds, and searching through ruins and caves?

Emmy would much rather have the latter.

But that wasn't what she was looking for.

Emmy quickly got back on track before she eliminated Fatui from the equation along with her grandfather, leaving only her grandmother in the equation.

[Would the Host care to share why this is so?]

The system said, already knowing the answer but still wanting to test Emmy. Physical training wasn't the only training, mental training was also important.

Critical thinking was only a subcategory under the mental category.

'The Fatui no longer have any pull in the clan for now since they were exposed for the attempted kidnapping of an heir and all negotiations were cut off completely from what I know. As for grandfather? He is not the one who truly rules the clan. It is my grandmother.'


'A simple emotion called love. While he is a power-hungry fool, grandfather does love his family a lot but his nature has changed over the years. Grandmother used to serve in the shogunate as an officer under him.'

It was a typical love story and grandfather was a typical general at the height of his youth.

He fell in love and that love had never waned, thus when her grandmother asked him to not investigate the reason behind her power, he complied.

'It might also have to do with the fact that grandmother is an astrologist as well, thus she had a hand in destiny. So grandfather trusts her judgment.'

[Splendid. While it may be something that anyone can come up with in time. The Host has displayed excellent qualities, would the Host also like to undergo training for this as well?]

'If it doesn't bother my schedule too much, then yes.'


Emmy yawned and closed her diary, covering the ink box she used, and placed the feather in a box as well. Then rubbing her eyes, she went to the bed.

She covered herself with the sheets and before she completely dosed off she looked toward a corner of her room and spoke.

"You should get some sleep, Goodnight!"


Emmy fell asleep after she said those words and thus was unaware of the guard's words of confusion.

Only the stagnant moon lay witness to these words but it too had long since fallen into a deep slumber.

For eternity.


A/N: About the moon... If you know, you know, heh. ;)

Also, should I make a discord?

Idk what to say really. Every time i have a question it slips my mind. Whelp just comment, review and add this to your library if you like it. Gimme the power stones as well and thanks for reading :).

Guardian_Lolicreators' thoughts