
Genshin Impact: Another Life

A Genshin Impact addict dies due to being murdered by a notorious serial killer. His soul is transferred into the body of Aether, The Traveler. Memories of his past life are still intact. What will he do with this info? Will he follow the plot or cause chaos? (Author's note: And also, don't let the bad reviews scare you away from reading this book. Just enjoy it. There is a little One Piece crossover.)

some_writer · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
285 Chs


"Welcome back Shenhe. How was the journey to Liyue Harbor?" Cloud Retainer asked while walking towards Aether. Aether sheathed Enma.

"Boring, master. Everything was boring." Shenhe answered feeling annoyed. Cloud Retainer chuckled.

"That's because the mortal here is not there. When he is, your views on the Harbor will—

"Hold on a minute. He's mortal?" Shenhe asked Cloud Retainer who nodded and smiled.

"Didn't expect that did you Shenhe? Yes, this gentleman is mortal. He is a mortal that defeated a dragon and recently the Osial

He actually got some good hits on Osial. A shame it did nothing to him. We'll definitely work on that." Cloud Retainer shook her head. Aether sighed. Shenhe shook her head in disbelief.

"I simply cannot believe you. A mortal defeating a god? You're drunk are you master?" Shenhe deadpanned at her.

"No I'm not. Just because I got drunk last week does not mean I will get drunk this week. And yes, he did do those but not by himself of course. He had help. He defeated the dragon with his comrades and the Anemo Archon. He defeated Osial with The Jade Chamber that was sacrificed by the Tianquan Ningguang. " Shenhe scowled.

" So you bent the truth? " Shenhe asked.

" He did most of the work when fighting Osial. When we wanted to help he just charged in again like a madman. He did die for a while when overusing his adeptal energy but... Shenhe?? " Cloud Retainer stopped talking and looked at her adopted daughter in confusion.

" He has adeptal energy and he died using it Why didn't you seal him?" Shenhe asked.

" Funny, that's what Mountain Shaper said last month as well. Look at what happened, I'm here learning with the adepti on how to control my adeptal energy. " Aether smiled.

" You're teaching him? Are you insane?! " Shenhe asked while a dark look was across her face.

"That's what my brother said as well. And look at him now, teaching him adeptal techniques that I never thought he'd teach." Cloud Retainer smiled at her.

"And Moon Carver helped a lot as well. I know a lot of things now. I regret knowing some of them. " Aether grumbled at the last part. Cloud Retainer looked at him.

" We're going to have a talk about what the two idiots taught you. " Cloud Retainer said. Aether nodded. Shenhe stared at the interaction.

"Hmph!" She huffed and walked away. Aether looked at her walking away and looked back at Cloud Retainer.

"So that's Shenhe? I like her personality. But what was that just now?" Aether asked her.

"Shenhe hasn't interacted with mortals like you in a long time. Especially humans. My abode is the only comfort zone. Seeing a stranger breach her comfort zone can be quite stressful at times." Cloud Retainer explained.

" Give her some space. I'll probably try to force her to talk to you but it's a small chance she would actually follow my orders." Cloud Retainer muttered. She smiled and looked at Aether.

" But I know that you'll definitely talk to her. Seeing that you're still looking at where she stood. But let's not think about that for now. You still have so much to do here. We shall begin. " Cloud Retainer said.

Three hours of non stop training later, Aether was standing on one knee while breathing heavily. He had Enma stabbed to the ground and his hand holding it for support.

"What are these robots? It's like they suddenly increase their power with a thought. Oh right, Cloud Retainer's controlling how much power they use." Aether thought.

"That part of training is done. Now one more thing. Control exercises. I know you're probably sick and tired of doing these exercises but you've gotten so strong after quickly mastering these control exercises we can't simply pass this. So get up. You're going to learn 10x more stuff when you're with me. That's a promise. " Cloud Retainer promised. And learn a lot more he did. Aether felt his reserves keep getting even more denser and more powerful over the minute.

One hour later. Aether was walking slowly and breathing heavily out of the training grounds. He arrived at the living room and dropped on the sofa. A clone created by Aether appeared beside him.

"Cook for me please." Aether asked the clone. The clone immediately went toethe kitchen and started cooking.

"You're sitting in my spot and you're sweating. Please get out or I will not hold back my punches. " Shenhe threatened. Aether smiled and got up.

" You should've said something, lady. " Aether ruffled her white hair and walked to the kitchen.

" What the fuck was that? " Shenhe asked herself while putting her hands on her hair to tidy it up.

" It means he likes you, Shenhe. He does that to a lot of people he likes. Except boys of course.He doesn't swing that way, I think. " Cloud Retainer walked in front of her.

" Likes me? Why? What do I have that he likes?" Shenhe asked her master while tilting her head to the side.

"That I do not know. How about you ask him?" Cloud Retainer asked her daughter. Shenhe shook her head immediately.

"No! And that's final? What's that smell?" Shenhe asked and sniffed the air. Cloud Retainer had a joyful look on her face.

"It's the mortal's cooking. Come Shenhe we must try it!" Cloud Retainer pushed Shenhe with her wing.

"No master! I do not want to try it!" Shenhe struggled to escape her master's strength.

"How dare you lie straight to my face? You know you want to try it. Accept what you're feeling." Shenhe grumbled and went to the kitchen.. Cloud Retainer smirked in victory.

"Yes! One small step towards having grandchildren!" Cloud Retainer thought to herself while having stars in her eyes.

In the kitchen, multiple clones of Aether were preparing the dining table. Aether was looking around in satisfaction.

"I want an apple." Aether muttered and an apple popped in front of him. Aether had an impressed look on his face as he grabbed the apple and ate it.

"Where's my Serenitea Pot?" Aether asked himself. A clone arrived beside him.

"The food's done. The tables done. It's ready." The clone reported.

"Good." Aether muttered and finished eating the apple. He burned the remains of it and looked at Cloud Retainer and Shenhe who just arrived.

"Hey guys. Lunch is ready. Come please sit." Aether invited and Cloud Retainer happily sat on her seat. Shenhe stared at him.

"Do I have something on my face? Or am I just that handsome you can't resist looking at me?" Aether raised his eyebrow at her. Shenhe's eye twitched and she angrily sat on her seat. Cloud Retainer chuckled to her.

"Yes.... My plan is working... Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!" Cloud Retainer laughed evilly to herself. Aether and Shenhe stared at her.

"Master? Are you really not drunk?" Shenhe asked. Cloud Retainer waved her wing at her.

" No I'm not. I just thought of a joke told by Guizhong thousands of years ago. Still hits the spot till this day. " Cloud Retainer made an excuse.

" Excuses.... " Shenhe grumbled. Aether served the food in front of the two. After he was done, he sat beside Shenhe who looked at him suspiciously.

"I've noticed, why are our foods different?" Cloud Retainer asked.

"I cook food that the two of you like. You told me what Shenhe liked when we were climbing Mt Aocang." Aether answered.

" Master... Why did you gossip behind my back?" Shenhe narrowed her eyes at her. Cloud Retainer laughed.

"I did not gossip. I just told what kind of food you like. And I think he really listened." Cloud Retainer pointed at Shenhe's food. Shenhe looked down. There were herbs on tofu, some pieces of chicken and some herbs on the rice as well.

Shenhe picked up her chopsticks and picked up a piece of tofu that a some herbs on them. She ate it. Her eyes immediately widened in satisfaction as she dug in her food seconds after swallowing her food.

"Good. Good. He'll be the perfect match for her. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....

To be continued.....