
Genshin Impact: An Author's Coping Method

Well ain't this something The picture used is not mine. I don't have the rights to the picture

ConflictedSHS · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 7: A Gaze From Afar

Before we start:


Talk and info= "Is"

Important text ,Communication/talks through Elio's POV observing Nathan, or Music🎶= "Annoyed"

Gameskills or Book text related or Conversation being inferred by a show screen= [!!!]


}--=No One's POV=--{

??:?? | Unknown Location

There are many things in the vast expanse of everything that and will exist. From universes with small or large differences to one another to vast amounts of knowledge that had been, have yet to or must never be discovered.

So there's a thought that knowledge can be in different forms and can be interpreted into something easier to comprehend. Let's say that a certain knowledge is in a form a story. A story that you may or may not have an idea of where it's going. A story that starts off with a prologue, maybe a chapter or episode zero in tv series. This story simply will be begin with just a normal interaction.












???: "Normal interaction my ass hahahaha!!! There's no way I would believe that!!! LMAO!!!" A laughter was heard from the mouth of a silver haired man with an iron mask acting as his left shoulder guard.

???: "Oh come on!!! I was trying to subject the readers into a false sense of understanding dang it!!!" Afigure wearing a black hoodie whine aloud as he fixed his cat eyeglasses back in place

???: "Reeves, you do realize you are revealing your intentions in the wrong place and time, right?"

Reeves: "Well, what do you want me to do to pass the time? Play cards. I'm bored and tired from playing games with you guys. I've already had more losses in those kinds of game. So no thank yo- and crap, I'm now holding uno cards."

Reeves snarled, staring at the three entities, who are sitting at the same table as him. He then focused his attention to one of the three, a girl with raven colored long hair. She wore a lightish green sweater and oval eye glasses. Reeves heeves out an amount of inhaled air looking to have a little bit of an irritated but 'unfortunately expecting' expression.

Reeves: "Seriously Layla, uno flip" He looked at her with his expression deadpanned

Layla: "I just wanted to play games with you guys again" She showed an innocent smile turning her head to the other two individuals at the same table with puppy dog eyes

???: "Sure I'm down. Wanna join Jack" A girl with golden long hair and scarlet red eyes said to her seat mate, who smiled eyes closed

Jack: "Irene is joining too so I might as well" he grinned as his mask shoulder guard change into gold, "There is also the fact that you've seemed to have already given me a strong hand to deal so it's a shame to waste it." He added as his grin widened

That man's expression though had left immediately after he sees Reeves appearing to have a certain look on his. The lad didn't realize while an idea landed on to his mind, then and there at the table, he appeared to have a rather devilish grin plastered on his face, which made everyone seated with him realize he is indeed planning something.

Everyone seeing it made reactions at the lad, who had yet to realize. Layla looked fine that she showed a beaming smile, Jack eye brows furrowed and Irene just sighs before shrugging.

Layla: "Hey Reeves, what're you planning?"

Reeves: "I just want us to check how a certain idea of mine is going." He responded while simultaneously taking an uno card from the deck and placing it on the center of the table, "But before I tell you guys, what's the turn rotation for this game?"

Jack: "Well due to our seating arrangements, Irene shall be first, Layla will be second, You'll be third *He points at Reeves* and I'll be last" He stated and continued while glancing at his cards, "The new rotation for the next game will be based on our rankings after this game"

Everyone nodded, Irene then commenced the game as she placed the first card. Reeves meanwhile thought of revealing his "slight" intervention with a universe by giving an idiot an unbelievable power


7:21 PM| Philippines

Me: *Achooo* "Did somebody speak I'll of me?"

???: "Nathan dear, dinner's ready. Can you set the table for me?"

Me: "Sure mom just give me a sec"

I turned of my device, tucked it on my pockets and headed to the dining room with some plates. I place them, went back to the kitchen and place the utensils and cups for a family of four. A minute or two went by, I've finished setting up before I then had my vision covered by what I felt were hands (?)

???: "Guess who~" A voice said playfully

Me: *Smiling* "I can't seem to know. Who are you?" I asked pretending to sound clueless

I already knew who it was my sister but decided to play with the person behind me since it's nice. I nibbled on my right fore finger acting I'm having a hard time figuring out who they are before finally stopping

Me: "Is that you Lain?"

Charlain: "Dang it you got me!" She took if her hands away from my eyes letting me gain back my sight.

I turned back to see the brown haired girl looking at me with her green eyes. Who is this girl? Well she's my sweet big sister although that doesn't fit well in my opinion due to her height being.

Charlain: "You're thinking about something insulting aren't you" she while pinched the skin of my left arm and pouted

Me: "No I didn't" I denied her the truth "Seriously, my sister's intuition is on the mark sometimes and that sure is scary" I shivered internally at the idea. It was simply just a thought much for me.

Mom: "Hey, you guys want to eat or what?"

We both shifted our attention to mom, who's already eating sinigang paired with some warm rice. Us siblings then looked back at one another and nodded in unison as we just talked it out with our expressions.

I could only blame that we watch too much anime and novels but I know how that'll come back to bite us *Cough* Devices' confiscated *Cough*. Anyway, for some reason, I feel like somebody is staring at me but I can't put my finger on it....











Is what I would say if it weren't for the obvious that it might be the people who gave me that book. So who could they be? I could make assumptions on who or what their identities are while I eat my meal.

Though one thing's for certain they may be one of those beings in those novels that have authorities over concepts existing in the vast expanse of the multiverse that's completely unfathomable to any gods I've known.

}--=No One's POV=--{

??:?? | Unknown Location

12 minutes since a group of unknown characters a game of uno flip with Irene first, Reeves being second, Layla third and Jack at dead last. They are now about to start a new game but that's when Irene finishes shuffling the deck. While, waiting...


One of the players, Reeves glass lenses made a crack sound which gained the attention of his fellow uno players

Layla: "Reeves, are you doing something fun?"


The raven haired girl inquired not worried for her friend (?). Irene and Jack meanwhile, were simply just anticipating the lads response. Reeves just shifted his eyes to her direction remaining silent until he responded to her question.

Reeves: "Well it's just that it's quite hilarious" The lad giggled softly, "I didn't expect someone like an Otaku of sorts to baffle me" he added with words causing everyone to tilt their head and furrow their brows in confusion towards his response while he just laughs at Elio's thoughts


Elio: "Why do I feel like the staring just got worse. *sweating profusely*"

(A/N): Pls give some stones this week that'd be great