
Chapter 698 Direct Association Between Energy and Space

Last time's "ground compression transmission experiment" demonstrated the existence of space and reinforced the definition of the "Voidon Hypothesis," allowing research to continue in the direction suggested by the Voidon Hypothesis.

Only with the feasibility of research in the direction of the Voidon Hypothesis could various arguments concerning Voidons proceed, and could Voidons be linked with energy.

This was content envisioned by Zhang Qican, while Zhao Yi provided assistance and expansions.

Therefore, as the head of the theoretical group, Zhao Yi decided that the experiment would be led by Zhang Qican, with the other three members assisting.

Although Zhao Yi said this, in reality, he himself was still the decision-maker, but he mainly wanted to promote Zhang Qican. It was somewhat unfair that any achievements from researching space mathematics alongside Zhao Yi would belong to him.