
Genius Manager: I Can Make All Girls Talented!

"Want to get famous? You know where to find me!” ----------------- Darius had nothing going for him. Ever since he could remember, he had been treated as absolute trash by his boss, who was one of the greatest scouts for actors, singers, idols, and anything you could think of. However, everything changed one day when a truck rammed into him and sent him back in time to start his career as a nobody. But, this time, he hadn’t returned empty-handed. He received a great talent that would make him the best Manager the world had ever seen. 【Talent Booster: You can increase the talent of those close to you. The closer and more intimate they are, the better the skill's effects will be.】 You can’t sing? Sleep with me, and you’ll win a Grammy. You can’t act? Sleep with me, and you’ll win an Oscar You’re talentless? Sleep with me, and I’ll make you whatever you desire. ----------------- Disclaimer: This book has mature content. (2 Chapters Daily) Discord link: https://discord.gg/Z9pY9tE9e8 For Spicy Pictures, join my Patreon: https://tinyurl.com/NaughtyJ

Naughty_J · Urbano
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127 Chs

Chapter 19 - Avery Takes the Fat Loss Pill!

"And what is that?" Avery asked, clearly wondering what sort of pill Darius had just pulled out from his pocket.

"A pill that can make you lose all the fat from your body. It will give you the greatest possible body for you."

Avery just laughed in his face. "Do you try to do this scam often? Because it's probably the worst one I've heard in years."

She couldn't believe that Darius had said something like this. Did he think that she was dumb or what? Who would believe that such a pill would even exist?

Darius knew that he needed to convince her. After all, he would have had the same reaction as her.

"If such a pill could really do things like that, then wouldn't it be on the medical market? Why do you, a rookie manager, have something like this?"

Darius gritted his teeth. He wasn't sure how to respond to that. She was right, it didn't make sense. He also couldn't tell her about his return to the past…she would simply think of him as someone crazy.

"Just try it. The worst thing that can happen is that I'm scamming you."

Avery frowned. "I don't need to give you anything in exchange for it?"

"Well, I told you. I see potential in you. So, if it works, you'll have to agree to join my agency, and you'll also have to agree to change the content that you are currently streaming."

Avery shrugged and took the pill from his hands. She didn't know one bit that it would do anything, so she didn't take a lot of risks here. The worst thing that could happen is that she would join his agency. She truly wasn't losing much.

Still, right before taking it, she looked at him dead in the eyes.

"If this is some sort of drug, then you'll regret it. My father and my mother will come after you, and you will never be able to make a name for yourself."

Darius nodded without any hesitation. His parents would love him. By giving this pill, he would have made his daughter beautiful. Who wouldn't like that?

Seeing that Darius was so confident about this mysterious pill, she ate it with a bit of water that was on her right. She took the pill, and…nothing happened for a few seconds.

She laughed. "How long is it supposed to take for it to come into effect?"

"Shouldn't be long."

Darius still wasn't panicking. The system had never tricked him once in his life, and he didn't believe that it was about to trick him right now, not after everything that had happened in the last few days.

There was just one thing on Darius's mind. And it was that he would have to explain her change to her parents and maids. They were bound to completely freak out when they saw her again.

Avery sighted. "Seems like you were trying a scam. Look, I'm still as fat as before." She looked down at her arm, which was not without an ounce of fat. "Wait?! WHAT!"

Avery stood up. However, she didn't struggle like she usually would. She just ran inside the mansion and headed toward the closest mirror inside. Darius followed her without wasting any time and ran past the two maids. The two maids looked confused, seeing someone with pink running around the house. At first, they thought it was Avery, but they realized that it was impossible. Avery wasn't anywhere as good-looking as this.

Avery quickly arrived in front of a mirror and started touching her body. Her bikini was still fitting on her body because she had only lost fat in the right places. Her breasts and her ass were still big and jiggly, just like before. That Fat Loss Pill was truly a miracle. There was no doubt about it.

Darius still had 50 Popularity, too. He would be able to buy another overpowered item soon enough. 

She grabbed her face and tried to pull her skin, but there was no face fat. She only pulled skin.

"H-How is this possible?! What did you just give me?"

The two maids who were right behind Darius also panicked when they saw Avery's new body. "Miss Avery, is that really you? Did something happen back there?"

"I-I don't know…this is impossible. My body…it's perfect, just look at it."

The maids stared at it and gritted their teeth. She looked even better than them now.

"Yes, you look great miss. But how did you lose weight that fast? You were with this mysterious for less than five minutes."

"H-He gave me something, and it made me like this. I don't know. I thought he was scamming me, but it's true. My body really did change like he did." She turned to look toward Darius, walking toward him. "What did you give me back there? Tell me. I want to see it again."

Darius looked around, a bit embarrassed. "Well, it was the only pill that I had. I can't give it to you again. It was a one-time thing. Still, it worked just like I said it would, right?"

"Yes, it did. But what was that pill? Where did it come from?"

Darius couldn't tell her that it came from some Goddess's shop. She would just laugh in his face. He also didn't want to reveal his powers as it would just make things more complicated. Everyone around the world would learn about his existence, and it wouldn't only attract good people. People with bad intentions were sure to come for him in that case.

"I don't know. Look, it worked, didn't it? And you remember what you promised, right?"

She nodded with a frown. "I do, and I'll respect it. Just give me a contract, and I'll sign it."


The front door opened, revealing an even bigger-chested woman.

"Avery? Is that really you?" She gasped. "W-What happened to your body? What's this about signing a contract? Who did you make a deal with?"

"M-Mom, I can explain everything…"

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