
Genius : Into The Unknown

Hard working and dedicated to the crown, famous twins Princess Elizabeth and Prince Valentine of The Great Kingdom of Eredhen are sent to The Woodlock Academy of The Elite. At the Academy, they meet the two top students, Vernon and Heather, who are both as hard working and dedicated to their families as the twins. But the twins were greedy and hungry for success. But what if the twins' greed and hunger were to mix with the love they felt for the students? Only a genius can find out.

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Chapter 2 : Better than Perfect

I layed on my bed as Val layed in his, both of us with moisturizing face masks and in our pijamas. I looked up at the ceiling, closing my eyes and visualizing myself on my father's throne, with his crown and my cousins at my feet.

"I can't wait to be Queen." I sighed. I could feel Val's eyes on me.

"I swear, if you break into a villainous song about power and world domination-"

"Don't worry, I'm not."

Despite being ready for the crown, our father felt like we weren't ready enough. Our mother tried speaking to him various times, trying to give us our rightful place in the line of succession. But he would still say 'No, they need more experience. Being King or Queen is not an easy job.'

I was currently ninth in the line of succession, meanwhile, Val was tenth. He was older, but he passed his place to me. He knew how hard I worked to be the next ruler of Eredhen after my father and I have always loved him for supporting me in every choice I've ever made, just how I have supported him. We always found a way to work our way to the top and it was dirty. Wether it is blood or only tears being spilled, it was worth it in the end. At least for us, it was.

"Eli?" I heard Val say.


"How's Marilyn? Have you spoken to her?"

"No.. I told her I'd call her and Charles tonight, actually. Let's wait until these twenty five minutes are over and then we can call her."

Marilyn and Charles were our best friends, but we considered ourselves as siblings as all our parents were close friends. Madilyn's hair was light blonde and her eyes were grey-ish blue in color, meanwhile Charles hair was black and his eyes dark brown. Their parents were Kings and Queens of neighboring countries that had remained our allies for centuries. The last time we had seen them was a few days ago when their parents visited our Palace for tea and we spent the whole day in the west wing, watching movies, playing games, catching up and doing all sorts of crap. I missed them both.

Twenty five minutes had passed and Valentine and I were video chatting with Charles and Marilyn.

"So.. You're planning to take the spot from them to get your rightful spot for the throne?... Nice." Commented Marilyn as she ate a green grape.

"I don't understand.. Why not just tell your father you're ready?" I heard Charles say.

"Because once he makes a decision there's no way of changing it. He even convinced mother that we weren't ready. He sent us to this school to prepare us for the throne, we're only doing what's right." I responded. I watched as Charles sat next to Marilyn as he hummed in response.

"I have something to say.." Marilyn said, her eyebrows were slightly raised and her lips pressed into a thin line as if contemplating whether or not she should share what ever was in her mind. She ate another grape before she spoke again. "I think my parents are arranging a marriage for me.. I don't know with who, but I don't want to marry anyone. Not now.."

"But how do you know?" I asked, feeling Val shifting next to me.

"I overheard them talking about it in my father's study."

"Well, maybe they still haven't done their decision yet, so don't worry and just keep living life as you would normally do." I said.

"For once you finally say something that doesn't have to do with demanding for answers." Charles murmured.

"I do not! You're lucky you're not here right now or else I would have beaten you to death with this pillow." Madilyn laughed and Charles smiled at me, Valentine's head rested on my shoulder and I looked at him, seeing his eyes closing. "Maybe we should call it a night, guys. We have to wake up early tomorrow for another tour. Goodnight."

"Alright then, Night Night!" Said Madilyn as Charles sent a kiss, making me chuckle and sent him the middle finger instead before the call ended. I layed Val back down on his bed and I then got up, taking the laptop and walking over to my bed, to watch a bit of my favorite series.

I thought about Vernon for a second. We hadn't known eachother for more than twenty minutes as we walked to the suite but as I spoke to Madilyn and Charles about him, I felt strange, and I didn't like it. So I started to think about Charles instead. It was clear he liked me. He had shown it many times before. But he hadn't made a move on me or anything. He always knew what was right and what was wrong and always tried to change my mind from playing dirty to get what I wanted. But as much as I wanted to change for him, I always drifted back to my old ways. He was always so perfect at everything, just like the rest of us. But he was better than perfect.

That's when I heard a knock on my door, interrupting my thoughts about Prince Charles. I got up and asked,

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Vernon." the person said. I walked towars the door and opened it slowly. He looked at me with a slight blush on his cheeks and a gentle, dimpled smile. "I'm very sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing, but I have a package from your father, King Arthur." He continued, holding up a flat, rectangular box with a red ribbon on it.

"Oh it's alright, thank you, Vernon..." I said quietly, taking the box from his hand. I raised my head slightly as he was a bit taller than me and he just stood there, looking at me for the longest second, just like when he first saw me.

"Well, goodnight, Elizabeth. I shall see you and your brother tomorrow." He said, bowing his head.

"You shall, and goodnight to you too, Vernon." I replied. He looked at me one last time before turning around and walking to his room. The smile I held fell from my face and I looked at the box while closing the door.