
The order of the black tree

Ilya gritted his teeth as he walked into the house, he hated seeing them, his dad and that so called older sister of his.

Xu Chenyao raised her head when she heard some sounds coming from the windows.

Her heart jumped a bit when she saw the smiling woman outside the window.

She was good with lip reading so she could understand every word that came out of the woman's mouth.

"...Stay with my brother and you're bound to die a slow and painful death.."

Xu Chenyao smiled coldy making the woman's outside flinch.

"...Then I'll happily die in his arms.."

Darya's eyes widened when she saw the smile on Xu Chenyao's face, her expression spelt "Your words mean nothing to me.."

She gritted her teeth "Insolent bitch!" as she walked away.

Xu Chenyao laughed as she watched the woman get in her car and drive off, she guessed Ilya and that woman were related.

Maybe she was his older sister, Xu Chenyao stroked her chin and smiled.