
Genesis Initiative

[Participant of WPC #316: Kingdom Building] GENESIS INITIATIVE- UNs bid to build a colony on a Xeno planet as a safety measure in order to ensure the human race's survival. Follow the journey of UNSS REAPER crew as they face one problem after another with their guns and fists while trying to make the utopian dream come true in a world that defies all common sense. Hi, author here some of you might know me by my old account aka DRACULA and my novel Timeline Restart anyways enjoy the read thou be warned there are stepsiblings involved thou their not blood-related at all if you get my drift.

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37 Chs

The Truth Behind Gaias Actions

"Big guy do ever take a brake oh wait I forgot you are an undead you never hunger nor tire right?"

Natasha who completed her checkup of the sleeping Drac asked trying to liven up the deathly silent dead Duke's room since the only other people or more correctly 5 other death knights without her in the room apart from Dracula were them.

Ark neither moved nor talked from the moment she came into the room he only kept staring at Dracula with his bloodred glowing eyes with pitch-black scleras that could be seen through his narrow T-shaped helmet visor.

Hearing this Ark mentally rolled his eyes because after one month he could already easily understand the human's language thanks to his telepathic capabilities as he tried to answer with his vocal cords which didn't go so well because the only thing he managed to produce was the sound of a zombie growling before it rips off a chunk of flesh from a person.


"I'm guessing that's a yes?"

Natasha asked as she started packing her things.


This time Ark answered telepathically.

"Alright, I'm leaving big guy and you well I guess keep doing what you've been doing for the past month."

Natasha said as she picked up her bag and walked past the two death knights guarding the large black wooden doors that they opened up for her and closed after she left.

Thank god she finally left that woman gives me the creeps you feel it too don't you guys?

Ark asked his undead comrades who before getting sacrificed in that unholy ritual used to be dukes knights under his command and now after they submitted actually became death knights like him thanks to Dracula's death and life mana which they also received and it's the reason why Drac is still in a coma for so long.

Yeah, that woman is scary!

I agree I don't know why but it feels like if I do something that she won't like Ill be a deadman well more dead than I already am.

Yeah, she's pure evil!

The knights telepathically badmouthed Natasha causing her to start sneezing all of a sudden.

Hmmm, it must be those big guys they must be badmouthing me. Such bad boys just you wait then I get my hands on you I'll make you regret not vaporizing into the afterlife then you had the chance!

Natasha thought as she continued to walk through the castles large already cleaned up from webs, dust, trash, and random human bones corridor made out of stones that became black due to the liches and other's death mana which was decorated in worn down fancy and expensive paintings while smiling with an evil smile.

Suddenly Ark had another impending death premonition so he ordered his knights to stop badmouthing Natasha immediately.

All right stop it I think she knows that were badmouthing her.



I think we better move on to the afterlife while we still have the chance boss!

Idiot we can't anymore even if we want to!

Alright, enough guys! Anyways speaking about the afterlife these evil souls are filled with resentment. I don't get it thousands of them are trying to kill him yet the few hundred of them keep on protecting him as if before their deaths they cared deeply for him.

Ark said in his mind as he looked at Dracula covered with a blanket lying in the Duke's fancy and expensive kingsized bed as thousands of souls in a form of black mini skulls kept hitting and biting each other around him like pesky flies.

While the mana in the air which consisted mostly of death mana kept getting absorbed by his body like a dry sponge and it should be only a matter of time before he recovers from mana depletion and wakes up.

And his soul just how many people did he kill and what kind of sins did he commit for it to look like that?

Ark debated because as an undead he could see how people's souls look and to say that Dracula's soul was horrifying and disgusting was an understatement if a normal person saw it they would go mad in seconds and possibly die from a heart attack on the spot.

Suddenly Ark and other knights felt a terrifying presence appear out of nowhere as they did they grabbed their greatswords who were either laying on the black stone floor covered in expensive wore down fur carpets or were placed against the stone walls and turned towards the location of the presence in unison only to feel that they couldn't move anymore no matter how hard they tried.

"Don't worry I won't hurt your master."

Gaia said as she fully materialized and walked to the sleeping Dracula.

"It's time to wake up that little wolf girl needs her dark prince to save her."

Gaia whispered as she kissed Dracula's scarred forehead with her plump green lips while her long green loose hair fell on his pillow.

My precious son.

Gaia said the last part of her words in her mind because she knew that Death and Life were watching and she had no intention of letting them find it out so soon they should suffer for as long as possible for what they did to him in his previous life.


"So it was all a dream after all I didn't come back to life I died in that interrogation facility..."

I muttered under my breath as I stared at the endless darkness in front of me and around as far as I could see with a bloodred sky with red lighting going wild in it over my head, I couldn't even hear my own voice.

So it must be hell then?

I asked myself in my mind as I looked down at my rotten arms with open wounds showing rotten muscles and bones in which hundreds of worms kept squirming and moving while feasting on my rotten flesh while I sat on a throne made out of human bones which rested on a pile made out of thousands of human skulls.

"Ha!Ha!Ha! Yes, that's how a soul of a sinner should look like!"

I started laughing like the psychopath I am, only to hear a voice that was so foreign to me at this point yet at the same time so familiar.

"My beloved grandson, what has become of you?"

"Gra...grandma, grandfather."

I managed to stutter out as I felt a lump stuck in my throat upon seeing my dead grandma and grandfather standing in front of me and looking down at me while smiling with warmth and love-filled smiles.

"Please... please don't look at me."

It makes my heart bleed upon knowing that you see what I've become.

I said as I sank my rotten nails into my chest and squeezed my unbeating dead heart which felt as if it was being stabbed by thousands of red hot needles at the same time.

"Silly child, it doesn't matter what you've become we will always love you."

My grandma said with a voice full of love and happiness as she embraced me in her grandmotherly hug.

So warm.

This was the only thought I had in my mind as I felt my cold body become warm while tears of rotten blood started sliding down my rotten cheeks.

Only for my grandmother's image to morph into Gaias who had the same warmth and love-filled smile.

"It's time to wake up that little wolf girl needs her dark prince to save her."

As the woman said those words I opened my eyes and sat up inside my bed only to see the 8 feet tall completely covered from head to toe knights kneel on their right knees at once.

My lord, you have finally awakened...

I heard Ark speak in my mind as a bunch of notifications started popping up in my HUD view which almost made me want to black out again.

[You have formed a contract with Ark]

[You have formed a contract with...]


"So you are saying that the reason I blacked out and have been in a coma for a whole month is that I formed a contract with you and through you with all the undead in the city and around it which had drained me of my death and life mana."

I asked Ark as I enjoyed the ocean view through the large now my rooms opened French window while greedily breathing in and out the fresh uncontaminated with pollution and other toxic shit air like back on Earth which made me feel alive like never before which apparently unlike what I feared is perfectly suited for humans which is fucking weird.

Yes, my lord.

Ark standing on my left in case I collapsed from how weak my body was now since he had to help me to walk to the window because the first time I tried I collapsed to the ground said.

"Alright, first things first drop the lord I'm a Captain not some kind of fancy noble also sir is enough since it seems like we will be spending a lot of time together plus you are not my soldier exactly."

Understood sir.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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DRACULAVONDEATHcreators' thoughts