
Genesis Initiative

[Participant of WPC #316: Kingdom Building] GENESIS INITIATIVE- UNs bid to build a colony on a Xeno planet as a safety measure in order to ensure the human race's survival. Follow the journey of UNSS REAPER crew as they face one problem after another with their guns and fists while trying to make the utopian dream come true in a world that defies all common sense. Hi, author here some of you might know me by my old account aka DRACULA and my novel Timeline Restart anyways enjoy the read thou be warned there are stepsiblings involved thou their not blood-related at all if you get my drift.

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37 Chs

Memmories Of The Past R18

"Drac you never talked about it but can you tell me what was your first battle like?"

AM asked after taking another sip of his whiskey.

"My first battle huh?"

I muttered under my breath as I inhaled a cloud of smoke from my vape.

"We got into a fucking ambush and it was an utter cluster fuck..."

I started recounting my first battle as I relived it in my mind.





"Air support! We need fucking air support you sons of bitches!"

My platoons commander screamed into his wrecked IFVs radio only for a howitzers 150 mm HE shell to explode too close to his full of dents IFVs that I was taking cover behind while pouring out lead from my modified assault rifle at the advancing towards us infantry.


As I lay on the muddy ground with my bloodred view spinning from the blood leaking out from my forehead and the concussion from the explosion while the only thing I could hear in my head was the sound of my own heartbeat.

I saw my screaming and squirming wounded platoon mates get dragged to cover by their comrades as the damaged IFVs gunners kept rotating and firing their 30 mm APHE rounds from their already red hot auto canons barrels left and right while the HE shells from the howitzers kept exploding all around us sending hot shrapnel everywhere.


"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

A soldier trying to stuff back his guts screamed at the top of his lungs as a paramedic gave him a shot of morphine.


Another soldier covered in flames ran out from just destroyed IFV by a lucky HE shell that exploded too close to the IFV and started rolling on the muddy ground until he got burned into coal.

"...and I still have fucking nightmares about it."

I finished my words as I exhaled a cloud of smoke from my mouth.

Also, that was the battle that earned me the nickname REAPER.

I said to myself as another set of memory flooded my mind.

I looked at my squad's horrifically burned commander whose urban camo field uniform, his armored vest, skin, and muscles had melted into one vomiting-inducing mess as he begged with his burned vocal cords.

"Kill me..."

"He's not going to live the morphine that Mike gave him is only going to prolong his suffering you should just put a bullet in his head and let him rest in piece."

"Beowolf who was at the time my platoon's second in command said as he placed his left hand onto my right shoulder."

"Why not do it yourself, sir?"

I asked in a calm cold-blooded voice devoid of any emotions or feelings.

"Look at my hand."

Wolf said as he showed me his trembling right hand.

"I can't do it I'm barely holding on I feel like ill break down at any moment but you are the online one who seems fine for god's sake senior private Dracula look around you you're a natural-born killer."

Beowolf said as he pointed at my still-alive colleagues who were either crying quietly while curled up in a fetus position or just silently stared blankly into the sky with their eyes which gave the impression that their souls had left their bodies.

I wordlessly pulled out my pistol and turned off my pistols safety while walking closer to my commander.

As I pointed my pistol at my commander's forehead I saw him smile as he said the words that made me who I am today.

"Promise... me to... live on... no matter... what... so... that... I can... live... in your... memory."

"I promise."

I answered as I pulled the trigger causing everyone to grab their weapons like scarred rabbits and look at the source of the gunshot.

Only to see me rip off a burned flesh and fabric-covered dog tag from the commander's chain with my left hand while I inserted my pistol back into the holster tied around my same filthy uniform-covered right thigh.

Only for already drunk and trashed Lilith looking like a homeless person to pull me out from my memory train.

"Hey, big bro since you didn't go the medbay it must be just a scratch right? You're probably already all healed up and good to go so how about it wanna spare with me?"

Lilith asked while punching my wound with each hit applying more force until finally, I snapped.

"Let's go."

I said with suppressed anger evident in my voice as I stood up and started walking to the center of the bar where a bunch of my sweaty men and women in service uniforms with loose ties, unbuttoned collars, and rolled-up sleeves were going wild on the dance floor with different colored lights flashing on and off.

Fuck those two are going to kill each other one day.

AM cursed as he turned around on his chair while clearing his throat an roared at top of his voice.

"Clear the dance floor the Captain and tomboy gonna duke it out!"

Immediately the soldiers started whistling as they cleared the floor while discussing who to bet on.

"I'm betting on the Captain it's easy money no one had ever beaten the shit out of him yet not even his little step-sister."

A burly engineer said after finishing gulping down his beer only for a marine from the first squads alpha group to pipe in.

"Don't, you may not know this but the Captain almost got his stomach blasted out by the fighter drone and sergeant major Lilith knows that so he might actually lose this time."

"Oh, shit for real?!"

"Yeah, but you know his called the reaper for a reason so it's fifty-fifty I guess."

"Alright, anything goes except for the breasts..."

AM said as he glanced at me and then glanced at Lilith

"...dick and eyes also no DAM, ready? FIGHT!"

AM finished his words making me and Lilith who had already assumed fighting stances charge at each other.

I performed a forward right punch as I brought my left fist to my chin only for Lilith to skillfully evade it and grab my neck with her right hand and my right shoulder with her left hand as she tried to knee-kick my wound without any mercy.

Only for me to block her strike just in nick of time by placing my right foot forward and pressing my forearms against her right thigh as I leaned forward applying my 120 kilograms of body weight to counter her superhuman strength with my own.

Seeing this Lilith jumped onto my shoulders, locked her legs, and started squeezing my neck with her thighs.

In response, I dropped onto my knees, grabbed her thighs, and with all the superhuman strength I could muster slammed her down into the floor.

But Lilith wasn't letting go so seeing my vision getting dark from the lack of oxygen I raised her and slammed her again and again until she finally let go.

As she did I jumped onto wriggling in pain Lilith and pressed my left forearm against her throat while with my right hand, I pinned down her left hand.

"Give up."


Lilith answered as she spitted her bloody saliva into my face and started hitting my back with her right knee like a berserker gone mad as she did I applied more and more pressure until Lilith finally gave up by patting the floor with her right hand.

"Fucking crazy bitch she almost broke my spine!"

I cursed through my gritted teeth in anger as I gently pressed my right hand onto my crying spine while the spectating crowd went wild.

I stood up and extended my right hand for Lilith to grab onto only to see her already snoring.

Fuck just how much did she drink to get wasted so fast?.

I cursed as I squatted down, turned my back to her grabbed her right hand with my left hand, slid my right hand between her thighs causing my forearm to press against her pussy, clutched her skirt and panties with my fingers and while standing up pulled her onto my neck and back.

"I'm gonna spank her ass black and blue once she wakes up for this tantrum of hers."

I cursed angrily under my breath as I carried her out from the bar and towards her room.

After reaching her room I used my admin codes and remotely overrode her security through my microchip causing the doors to automatically open up and close after I entered the room.

After unceremoniously dropping Lilith onto her one-person-sized bed I was about to turn around and leave but Lilith opened her eyes all of a sudden, grabbed my right hand pulled me towards her, and pressed her black lips against mine.

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DRACULAVONDEATHcreators' thoughts