
Genesis Initiative

[Participant of WPC #316: Kingdom Building] GENESIS INITIATIVE- UNs bid to build a colony on a Xeno planet as a safety measure in order to ensure the human race's survival. Follow the journey of UNSS REAPER crew as they face one problem after another with their guns and fists while trying to make the utopian dream come true in a world that defies all common sense. Hi, author here some of you might know me by my old account aka DRACULA and my novel Timeline Restart anyways enjoy the read thou be warned there are stepsiblings involved thou their not blood-related at all if you get my drift.

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37 Chs

Bloodbath 2

"Fuck! God damn piece of crap!"

Fiorenzo cursed under his breath as his machine gun's red hot barrel finally melted down from his continuous fire that had its power cable connected to the ship's energy grid under the floor.

Out of reflex, Fiorenzo tried to grab a spare barrel with his left hand but after grabbing nothing but empty air he looked at his hand only to see that he had already used up all his spare barrels.


Lying on the floor of the corridor Fiorenzo cursed once again as he grabbed his rifle that was lying on his left behind the already red-hot barricade full of holes, switched his selector switch to full auto popped his head behind his cover again, placed his rifles forearm grip with an extendable bipod onto the ground, pressed his stock against his shoulder with his left hand as if he was still using a machinegun and started pouring out bullets at the drone right in front of him who was only 5 meters away from him.

While one after another hot spent cartridges got ejected to his right side and ricocheted off the floor until they finally lost their momentum and joined the hundreds of spent cartridges lying all around on the floor.

He saw the 6.8 mm APHE bullets pierce through the drones exoskeleton armor which was focused on tanking on laser-based weaponry and not bullets that despite his arms usage as a shield to defend its crab-like head passed through easily and once the bullets were inside his body the HE fuzes detonated ripping the drone from inside out.

Fiorenzo continued to pour out bullets until there was nothing left of the drone which even after taking the beating of dozens of bullets still continued to patch itself together at naked eye visible speed until its brain finally got turned to mush causing it to collapse onto the floor.

Then he set his rifle's camera sights which was wirelessly connected to his helmet's HUD screen through his microchip onto another drone and emptied his last 3 rounds at its head from his 50 rounds mag.

As the holographic count on his rifle's left side hit zero Fiorenzo rolled behind his barricade onto his back and changed his jungle mag and was about to roll back only for his battle buddy who was his machinegun assistant to interrupt him.

"Fiorenzo give me all of your grenades!"

Jenkins said in a calm voice completely ignoring everything around him because of the microchip disabling everything that would make him ineffective in combat as he took out his one offensive and one defensive grenade and his last 40 mm grenade from the pouches of his vest.

What the fuck how did he even get his hands on these grenades?! He's not supposed to have them! Ah, fuck it if this goes on will be dead meat anyways! At least he will get to have some fun for one last time

Fiorenzo cursed in his mind as he without saying anything took out all of his grenades and gave them to Jenkins who glued all 7 grenades into a bundle with duct tape while Fiorenzo rolled back and continued to pour out bullets.

With his right hand, Jenkins grabbed the bundle of grenades while with his left hand, he pulled out a defensive grenades safety pin and threw the bundle of grenades to the cluster of tightly packed drones while shouting at top of his lungs.


Causing everyone to stop shooting and take cover behind their almost destroyed barricades which were barely covering their heads at this point even thou they were lying on the floor while praying for their dear lives that they don't get killed by stray shrapnel.


All Heinrich could hear was the high-pitched ringing in his ears and his own heartbeat as blood trickled out from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth because even though his helmet completely shut off all external sound just before the explosion the shockwave from the blast still traveled through his body giving his organs a thorough beating in the process.

Heinrich mustered all the strength he could and popped his head out from his destroyed barricade only to see the bloody graveyard consisting of drone's charred biomatter and debris from the forklifts through his cracked bloodred HUD view because of his eyes scleras filled with blood from his ruptured blood vessels.

Thank god the emergency state includes the protocol of sucking out air once the computer confirms that all crew members have their helmets on.

Heinrich thanked his lucky stars that he didn't get burned alive by the flames that without oxygen after the explosion disappeared immediately as he thought that all the drones got killed only to almost lose all hope after seeing 9 rapidly regenerating drones walk towards him who had no problem staying alive for a couple of hours without an external source of oxygen because they had their own biological oxygen tanks in their bodies.

Heinrich tried to raise his rifle with his right hand but after raising it just a few centimeters his arm gave out because his over-exhausted body was beginning to shut down because of the microchip pushing his body over its limits otherwise as they liked to call it DEATH ANGEL MODE and the shockwave which caused all of his muscles and bones to get covered in mini ruptures and fractures.

So this is the end for us huh?

Heinrich thought with a bitter smile as he looked at his squad's and everyone else's status in the corner of his view that mostly glowed in red which meant that almost all of them were in a critical condition only for the sound of an exploding 80 mm grenade travel through the corridor.

Heinrich looked to the back of the corridor only to start laughing like a madman after seeing 2 fully-enclosed helmets with white skull paint job with shark-like teeth bloodred glowing red round visors pop out behind the drones as the ship's emergency red lighting flickered on and off signaling that the ship is boarded by hostile forces revealing Draculas over 7 feet tall body clad in his pitch-black exoskeleton armor straight from the factory.


Our reaper you didn't abandon us after all.

Heinrich thought as his vision slowly turned dark.


After firing my smart 50 cal modular rifle's under barrel grenade launcher which caused the nearest to me now headless drone to collapse onto his knees I set my rifles camera sight's bloodred crosshair onto the next nearest drone and started pulling my trigger causing 12.7*99 mm APHE bullets to exit the muzzle of my 1654 mm long rifle in my slowed down bloodred HUD view.

And tear through the drone's back, neck, and head and explode leaving basketball-sized holes while with my right hand, I took out a fresh 80 mm shell from its ammunition belt tied around my left things nanocomposite plate, and by the time I inserted the fresh round into my grenade launcher the drone who had barely anything left of its top crashed onto the floor.


I muttered under my breath in a voice that felt as if a robot was talking instead of a human as I fired my grenade launcher once again after raising my rifle slightly and after that grabbed my rifles forearm grip with an extendable bipod with my left exoskeleton armor gloved hand and started pouring out bullets once again while targeting the drones backs necks and heads as I started sprinting with almost Inhuman speed towards the slowly turning around drones.

Just as the drone right in front of me fired his bio canons at me I knelt down on my right armored knee in the nick of time causing the plasma balls to pass over my helmet-covered head while I pressed the muzzle of my rifle into the drone's chest at 15 degrees angle, switched my selector switch to full-auto fire with my right thumb and poured out my last 5 bullets from my 30 rounds capacity jungle mag causing the fuckers biomatter to splash onto the ceiling.

Without waisting time with my right armored foot, I kicked the drone with all the inhuman strength, I could muster causing the drone to slam into its comrade while I pressed my rifles mags release switch with my right pinky finger causing the black plastic magazine to fall to the floor.

Only to catch it with my right hand, flip it upside down and insert it back into my rifle while turning to my right as I laid down on my armored back with a rectangular energy pack and oxygen tank fixed to it and after releasing my bolt poured out half of my mag into the drone who was about to blast me with his biocanons.

Then after 2.5 seconds I rolled onto my stomach while turning to the left and emptied the remaining rounds in my mag at the standing-up drone.


I muttered out once again as I stood up thinking that it was the end of it as a notification popped out in my HUD view.

[Warning! Exoskeletons Armors energy levels critical!]

Only for my sixth sense to start ringing alarm bells in my mind like never before without hesitation, I spun around while letting go of my 40 kilograms heavy rifle as I pulled out my smart modular pistol with an extended 32 rounds magazine from its holster tied around my right thing but I was a tad bit too slow.

As a plasma ball grazed my stomach effortlessly melting through my much more heavily armored vest than marines while I started pressing my trigger until the rapidly regenerating fucker who I thought for sure was already dead became dead for good this time.


[Einherjar mark 1 exoskeleton armor critically damaged]

[Moderate large and small intestines injury sustained!]

[Internal bleeding detected]

I read through my microchips notifications that showed both my exoskeleton armors and my bodies holographic image with my injury and the internal bleeding in my view as I calmly as if it was nothing but a scratch sprayed my anti-bleeding gel onto my sizzling wound which solidified in a second while with my left hand I injected all the regeneration stimulants I had on me into my neck.

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DRACULAVONDEATHcreators' thoughts