
Genesis Initiative

[Participant of WPC #316: Kingdom Building] GENESIS INITIATIVE- UNs bid to build a colony on a Xeno planet as a safety measure in order to ensure the human race's survival. Follow the journey of UNSS REAPER crew as they face one problem after another with their guns and fists while trying to make the utopian dream come true in a world that defies all common sense. Hi, author here some of you might know me by my old account aka DRACULA and my novel Timeline Restart anyways enjoy the read thou be warned there are stepsiblings involved thou their not blood-related at all if you get my drift.

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37 Chs



Inside a star system named new sol that UN's probes explored 7 years ago, after out of nowhere a stable wormhole formed itself at the edge of the Kuiper belt in 2042.

An entirely black destroyer class spaceship carrying 600 of the UN's handpicked best and brightest which mostly comprised of the ship's crew and the rest were scientists and everyone else needed to build a functioning colony outpost on a Xeno planet to welcome the next planned wave of colonists.

The ship measured 600 meters long with a width of 200 meters and had a rectangular predatory aesthetically pleasing to the human eye shape.

More than a third of the length was occupied by 4 enormous chemical engines and its nuclear plant. A huge mass of sensor arrays stabbed out from the ship's front.

It was armed with two ultra-heavy mass accelerator cannons on the front's top and bottom, 59 PDLCs(point defense laser canon) hidden all over the spaceship, and 32 nuclear space torpedo pods inside the top of the spaceship between the mass accelerators and bridge.

Protected by a 300 mm nanocomposite armor belt and experimental EMRS(electro magnetic repulsive shield) which only worked against kinetic-based weaponry, the ship had everything the crew needed from barracks and armories, medbay, relaxation zones, R&D laboratories to a hangar bay that stored 3 VAMPIRE class gunships.

Exited the wormhole with the help of its 4 main chemical thrusters burning with blue flames dangerously close to the only habitable 30 percent bigger than earth exoplanet named new earth in the new sol system.

"Status report!"

The XO of UNSS REAPER spoke into his comms as he unbuckled out of his station chair while armored shutters of the bridge's viewports rolled up exposing the blue light from the systems A-class star.

"Captain all departments reporting green."

AM my XO who has been my best friend for almost 40 years and unlike me who started out as an army grunt and climbed up to the rank of a captain after rotating to the navy from special forces.

Once I recovered from my injuries and the spaceships became a thing in 2035 began his military carrier after graduating from the UN's space navy academy looked up at me from his station's console after a few seconds.

"Good bring us into the new Earth's exosphere, check the data from new Earth's satellites, and send it over to me also wake up our sleeping beauties it's time they start earning their paycheck for once."

"Aye Captain."

"Navigation you heard the boss bring the ship into the exosphere and sensors send all the data from satellites to the boss."

AM passed down my orders while I unbuckled from my seat.

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

Both the two veteran 2nd lieutenants echoed out as they started doing their jobs.

Strange nothing happened inside the wormhole yet my sixth sense which I acquired by bordering on life and death several times during my 30 years of service is still telling me that some kind of cluster fuck is about to happen any moment.

Ah, fuck it I must be going senile. I mean it's not like the wormhole that has been stable for 10 straight years is going to suddenly destabilize itself and disappear leaving us stranded here right?

I debated in my mind as I entered my room which was right behind my station chair and was guarded by two military police soldiers fully geared up in the same equipment that marines used.

While subconsciously scratching my for some unknown reason itching razor wire scar around my neck that I received from the time I was actually dead for entire 4 minutes until the paramedics restarted my heart with my black gloves gloved right hand which was a part of my uniform the same as Arthurs.




Lilith Dracula's little step-sister the commander of the REAPERS onboard platoon of veteran ex-special forces turned space marines.

Who followed in his footsteps after she got drafted into the army for her mandatory service which after 2025 stipulated that all men and women from age 18 to 30 years old must serve in the army for one year groaned in displeasure as she woke up from the sound of the doors of her room getting hit by AM.

"For god's sake stop with the banging, my head feels like it's about to explode!"

Lilith roared at top of her lungs as she pulled her doors open after tying her blanket around her E-cup breasts only to see an almost 7 feet tall 20 years old looking AM with short-cut blonde hair under his black beret with the ship's insignia a bloodred headless armored reaper resting his scythe on his right spiked shoulder.

And blue eyes dressed in the UN's space navy standard black space uniform with his 10 mm pistol inside its black holster tied around his right thigh he was already 51 years old but just like everyone else thanks to the additional military-grade experimental augmentations he received before departing Earth in order to be able to survive on new Earth.

Got his biological clock reset to 20 years old because every crewmember's life expectancy increased to almost 200 years after receiving the augmentations standing in front of her doors.

"Jesus christ Lilith just how much did you drink last night you look like a zombie!"

AM exclaimed loudly as he looked at Lilith's pale Asian face with black eyebags under her green eyes.

"Fuck don't even mention it I feel like I'll drop dead at any moment."

Lilith said as she started scratching her pink and purple dyed bob-cut hair with her right side shaved clean.

Upon hearing this AM exhaled heavily.

"Seriously you're like a female copy of Drac anyways here take this these are my personal hangover pills one is enough to kill your hangover."

AM said as he gave Lilith a plastic bottle.

"Thanks by the way then do we depart for the planet?"

Lilith asked as she took the plastic bottle from AM's hands.

"Not sure but you'll probably get your orders shortly after your brother is done going over the satellite data."

"Understood by the way could you wake up my space jarheads for me? Pretty please?"

Lilith asked as she made herself appear as cute as possible which worked like a charm on AM even thou her lean and ripped lightly tattooed and scarred muscles made her look like a man.

"Seriously your just as lazy as Drac but fine ill do it but don't come crying to me later."

AM agreed as he ran his right hand through his face.

"Thanks, Amy you are the best."

Lilith said happily as she closed her doors.

Fuck she gets me every time with that cute act of hers no wonder Drac calls her the devil.

AM cursed in his mind as he walked towards the first squad room through the ship's round corridor covered in pipes and cables.

"Sigh* What did I expect all these ex-army grunts are the same."

Arthur complained under his breath as he exhaled heavily once again from seeing the locked first squad's doors.

Well since they like sleeping so much I might as well test their combat readiness.

AM thought evilly as he remotely accessed the ship's emergency sirens through his microchip inside his brain in his blue HUD view and activated them inside the marine's rooms.

Immediately he could hear the shouting of the squad's commanders, the cursing of the grunts, and the sound of their lockers being slammed open until finally, the 3 squads and their officer's doors slammed open, and the 40 jarheads already fully geared up in their black nanocomposite fully enclosed helmets.

With sandglass-shaped visors and white skull paint jobs, black space uniforms under their black nanocomposite vests with pouches full of mags and grenades, and already cocked and loaded smart modular rifles in their hands stormed out inside the corridor only to freeze upon seeing AM smiling with an evil smile while looking at them.

"3 minutes, not bad you lot but I think you can do better the captain can do it in two minutes I guess we will need to run a few more training drills like these ones."

"AM, I'm going to fucking kill you!"

Lilith threatened AM as she took off her fully enclosed helmet with a hose connected to her oxygen tank on her back.

"Hey, I told you not to come crying to me later."

AM said with an innocent voice as he spread his hands.

"Son of a bitch just you wait I'm going to tell big bro about this!"

The pissed-off Lilith said as she stormed inside her room and slammed her doors shut.

"What are looking at lot the show is over!"

AM barked at the barely holding it in marines.


Just as the intel pukes said the atmosphere consists mainly of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases and unknown elements. The gravity is 1.3 times the Earth's and there seems to be some kind of intelligent lifeforms but it's quite hard to get any more information because some kind of energy that is radiating from the planet is interfering with satellite scans.

I thought as I scanned through the satellite's data in my glass see-through holographic monitor only to get a notification from the ship's computer about the activation of emergency sirens.

"Sigh* It seems like this guy still doesn't understand the hardships of grunts thou his right we need to run a few drills to whoop those alcoholics into shape."

I muttered under my breath only for the lighting to turn red and the emergency sirens to start blaring through the whole ship all of a sudden.

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