
GDXS: Origins

This story tells the how it all began that is from the other book. From the moment the mc awoke in a new world, being strip away from modern life to a dangerous life calling out for adventure. Everyday he looks for answers on how to find away back home. Many answers can be found in every corner while making new bonds along the way.

DjxCarma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Day 22

Earlier with the events of the previous day. Dennis met the twelfth harbinger and went down on a fight for his own sake in order to stay around. The battle ended in tie, while the harbinger left before he could be defeated, making Dennis the victor of this fight.

It was currently eight a clock in the morning and Dennis was still a sleep. He was being watching over by Dj all day after returning home last night. Dj was waiting for Dennis to wake up, but he heard a knocking at the main door.

"The doors open!"

Shouting out loud for whoever was outside can enter. He heard the door open and walked outside the room and saw Sara with a small white box in her hands.

"Ah, good morning, Sara."

"Good morning, Dj, is Dennis still a sleep?"

"Yeah, but his breathing become stable around the time I woke up thanks to the golem."

Dj said while pointing out at the golem that was waving throughout the window.

"Thats a relief… I thought we almost lost him last night because of his screaming…"

As Sara said. She then remembered one event that happened last night.

Earlier that night. Everyone was at the house making sure that Dennis stayed safe, but when Sara was using her healing magic on him. He was screaming from the pain. His screams were so loud that it even woke up the queen.

When it all happened, they had Dennis resting down on his bed, but they had to hold Dennis down since he was squirming around, throwing kicks and punches and it almost hit her.

The ones that held him down where, Dahlia, that was holding the right arm, Zack that was holding the left and Dj that held down the legs. With their help, Sara could heal Dennis with ease until he stopped screaming.

Later in normal time, Sara went to check on Dennis's injuries, but she found him wide awake staring the at the ceiling.

"Good morning, Dennis. How are you feeling?"

"Thank for healing me last night… And I'm sorry for almost hitting you… But I'm currently in pain…"

"I knew you would say that… Thats why I asked Nix to help me make a few painkillers."

Sara then showed the white box to Dennis and opened it. Inside, the box had like a hued white-yellow color while it contained small white oval pills.

"Now, you need to take two every four hours, alright?"

"Yeah… But I'm more concerned about the guards and the people at the festival…"

Dennis then took two of the pills and slowed them. It had a bitter taste to it.

"You shouldn't worry about it, just get your rest…"

Sara said. She then leaned on to Dennis and gave him a kiss on his forehead and walked out, letting Dennis to get some rest, but didn't want to lie down all day.

Eventually he got up from his bed, went to fix himself to be more presentable, and around that moment. He remembered the dagger he took and pulled it out of his pockets.

"What I'm going to do with this now…?"

Dennis asked himself as he noticed a sword and shield in the living room. He thought to himself that he only took a sword and lost it in his search. Eventually, he sees Dj.

"Hey Dj, when did we get a shield?"

Dennis asked.

"Last night. Got it from one guard when I was on my way searching for you."

Dj said, confirming when he got it. However, Dennis was not fond of it been the second stuff they take from the guards. He then decided that it is best to return while they can before any problems erupts.

"Well then, I'm taking this with me. I won't be back till sunset."

"Be careful out there."

Dj said to Dennis as he left, carrying the sword and shield. Later on, Dennis went to the train station and got himself a ticket and waited for the train to arrive.

Dennis waited for at least an hour for the train to arrive, and the people wondered why he had a sword and shield out in the open. No one dared ask or sit next to him when he got on board.

Eventually, the ride was pleasant for him. No one dared to disturb him. Suddenly, one of the train conductors passed by and asked Dennis for his ticket. They were wearing a dark blue buttoned suit. He handed it over for inspection, and everything was fine.

"Your clear young lad."

The conductor said. Later on, the train suddenly stopped at an unknown stop. The doors then opened and a group of strange people wearing masks got onboard and were disturbing the other passengers.

Dennis was praying for none of them to sit next to him, except they did. Two bearded men sat on the opposite seat from Dennis and looked down at him. The man on the left had a light red leather jacket with a white shirt, while the man on the right had a light blue leather jacket with a shirt. They both were wearing clothing that could be identified as bandits and were both light skinned.

"Hey, aren't you a bit too young to be wielding a sword?"

They then laughed at Dennis, and he took his leave, but they didn't let him go easily.

"Hey, you aren't going nowhere, kid."

They get a hold of him by the shoulders, but suddenly a sudden cold run through their hands. And when they found out, their hands were completely frozen.

"Sorry, you two, but if you wanted to cause trouble to me, then you better choose a different day…"

Dennis said to the bandits as the train makes it stop to capital. As he got off, a few guards were waiting to apprehend the bandits. Eventually, they had captured them all.

Later on, on this day. Dennis was on his way to the castle to return the sword and shield. When he made it to the training ground. He found the knight with the red cross on its chest training. But he didn't want to disturb him. So he placed the sword and shield next to a nearby tree and left.

But he suddenly gets caught by the two knights he had previously fought. They saw the sword and shield on the ground and thought that Dennis was stealing equipment. Not knowing what to do, they let Dennis go without a warning or sudden fights.

But the knights weren't the thing that Dennis should be worried about. He felt an alarming amount of magic coming from behind the tree and stepped back.


Dennis said. Trying to start a conversation with whoever was behind the tree, and to his surprise, it was the queen.

"Dennis!! What brings you here?"

As the queen asked, Dennis pointed out at the things he left at the tree. She was happy to see him after a while.

"Oh, don't worry about that. Come, I want to talk to you about something."

The queen said. Dennis then followed her into the castle to have a talk.