A week has passed as everyone was doing their own things. X has finished building a machine that allowed easy contact between worlds. But Selest decided to do an unexpected visit that made everyone in the house panic. Dennis was the first to pick up her presence. He was on the top office when it happened so he opened the window and saw Selest waiting for someone to open the door.
"X you better have that thing ready or we are doomed!" Dennis yelled.
X was able to hear Dennis while he was setting everything up. But he dropped everything once he heard the door bell. He went to open the door and saw Selest on the other side.
"Oh? I wasn't expecting you to visit in a day like this..." X said.
"Is that a way to welcome a friend? How has everything been going for you all?"
X gave hard forced smile since he didn't wanted to loose a circuit or two. Selest entered with out asking. After that she noticed Neko D trying to move a box that had a bunch of stones. With a small glance, she saw that it was magic empowered stones.
"What is he doing with that?" Selest asked.
"He is just moving some stuff for me to make on the week." X said.
Neko D noticed that Selest was here and quickly waved and left in a instance. Then Dennis showed up with some papers and demanded some answers to give X more time.
"Selest, I want to talk to you in private with F before we end up taking actions way too soon." Dennis.
She agreed and followed Dennis to the office and continued there conversation.
"Look, we may have a declaration of war in a few month..." Dennis said.
"Why a war? All the kingdoms have lived in peace so far." Selest said.
"Then you better think again..." Dennis said.
He then showed all the reports they gave to from the week. She was in shock that all this things happened in such little time. But the only thing that picked her curiosity was the report of Anima.
"Why did you went to the Anima kingdom?" Selest asked.
"F... decided that it was best to plan ahead. We have two problems that may happen in a few days from now." Dennis said.
Then F stepped in to take control of the conversation.
"You see, we are going to fight a beast that I can say it may cause a problem..." F said.
"That's more machine than beast if you ask me." Dennis said.
"Anyways... We believe that the ruler of Anima is Amaltus and the current king is taking his place for now. Meaning that once Amaltus returns to this world... We end up in war. So you better start planning your warning to the other kingdoms because this our war. Not yours, not theirs but ours. Did I made my self clear?" F asked.
He was able to bring a good point that made Selest understand what's going on. She knew that she cant interfere. The only thing that she can do was to warn the others before the fight could happen. Soon after a small sound of static could be heard. Dennis was able to pick up on the situation and stood up.
"I think its time to complete the deal. Selest, you better have a duplicate spell. I want a copy of this house deep inside the woods." Dennis said.
He then felt as his left arm ignite black flames that made Selest get angry. She couldnt believe that Dennis could use such type magic.
"Dennis! When did you learned to use dark magic!?!" Selest asked.
Dennis heard Selest and by the term she used for dark magic picked his curiosity.
"Dark magic? I don't think this can be called dark magic..." Dennis said.
he then began to admire his flames as he had clear look at Selest. Her face expressed disgust and anger. The only reaction that Dennis wanted to see.
"Look, you may know me from the past but you don't know the current me. But ill make it clear for you... I will become your weapon in the near future but remember this... Promise me that if we fail by a slight chance... Awaken the power that I once forgot." Dennis said.
As his flames turned off. He walked out of the office to give Selest some alone time with. In the mean time, X was able to establish proper contact and was transferring data with Kiwi and Nautic at the same time. X took a look at the final pieces of the data and wad able to determine that its all ready.
"Ok, we should be ready for this. I want the kids, Dennis friends and the girl here. In exchange will be sending a box of magic crystals. Is that all or you girls need something else?" X asked.
"Can you send a few drinks? Since its going to be the three of here in a few days..." Nautic said.
X started to doubt on sending the drinks until Dennis showed up. He saw Kiwi and Nautic on the monitor talking to X.
"So? The talk is going smoothly?" Dennis asked.
"For the most part I would say yes. We are just discussing over drinks." X said.
Dennis then realized what would happen. He pulled out his phone and saw that it wont matter soon so it a few drinks wouldn't hurt.
"Ill give you a girls a week of drinking. Nothing bad will happen over there so you can all rest assured for now. But we need you back on the field once the week ends. Deal?" Dennis asked.
"Deal!" Nautic and Kiwi said.
Two hours have passed by while everything was getting ready. They procced by sending everyone to the transporter and dialed the address while X had everything set on the living room.
"Everything set?" Dennis asked.
"Yea, just making sure the numbers are correct..." X said.
Dennis understand why everything is being revised so he then decided to call the others since it was going to end up in a big reunion. As he walked outside to make the calls, X was ready to active the device.
"Ok, Kiwi, Nautic. Turn on the device... Now!" X said.
Both devices got activated in the same time. They all heard the sound of electricity flowing for a short time. Then Kiwi was checking the call to see if they all made it after noticing the box full of crystals and drinks. When she took a look, she saw everyone in the other house confused looking at X.
"Welcome, I hope the ride wasn't that bad. You should all go out and take some fresh air..." X said.
They all went out and didn't bothered on asking what was going on. Once they got out, they saw Dennis talking to the group of girls that made Claire panic. As she slowly approached, she wanted to hit Dennis so bad but when they both made eye contact he began to cry.
"Claire!" Dennis said.
He ran towards Claire in tears as he went for a hug. She knew how he was feeling so she gave him a pat on the back.
"Its ok... Its ok..." Claire said.
She began to cry as well with along side Dennis. As for the rest. They decided to approach the others in away to introduce themselves. The kids stepped back as they already know them but as for the first to step in was Selest. She wanted to know Dennis friends better.
"Oh yea..." Dennis said.
He then had to step in before anything else could happen. He dried his tears and cleared his throat. And began to kneeled down to show his formality.
"Queen Selest. This are my friends, Nidializ, Owen and Dwight. Guys this is Selest, Dahlia, Nix, Sara, Silvia, Zach, P, Paige and Spike. They known me, Dj and Claire for the longest time." Dennis said.
He killed the entire introduction mood but P stepped in for a hand shake with Nidializ. She nervous at first but she gladly raised a fist for a fist pump. It was her way to make new friends so P followed along.
After that everyone decided to catch on what they all have been doing for the past week. Dennis explained everything while Paige and Dj were having some time of there own at the back of the hous.
"Dj... Im glaad that youre finaly back..." Paige said.
"I guess... But Dennis is going to have us go on a crazy adventure in a few days... I just feel it. I want to spend a few days with you and our daughter..." Dj said.
"Then lets go home together as a family..." Paige said.
They both went to go take Pyra with them and left to have some family time.
Meanwhile. The girl that Dennis helped approached him with a few words to say. She was worried that Dennis wouldn't understand at first but it was try.
"Father?" The girl asked as she looked at Dennis.
"Yes?" Dennis responded with a calm town.
He was aware of what is going on. Dennis knew that she will end up confessing something that Selest should have explained to him days ago but he wanted to know from the source.
"Do you remember the time I was born?" The girl asked.
Dennis began to have a blurred flash back of an egg that was being hatched by himself. He then realized what it all meant. He opened his hands to welcome the girl with open arms as sign of welcome back to the family.
"Heart... you will have to explain this to everyone else on another time ok?" Dennis asked.
"Ok!" Heart said.
The she left to hang out with the other kids while Dennis was trying to figure out on how is he going to explain it to everyone while having an operation happen in just few hours.
"Guess its show time..." Dennis said.
He then went out for a walk to figure out what he needs to do now while everyone was having a joyful reunion that even his other versions took notice and started to head out along side Dennis while only X stayed behind.
Hello. I would like to thank you for reading this story! I would appreciate it if you, the reader, let know what you think of this story in the comments or a review. I hope you enjoy this chapter and the next one coming!