
Training Days (part 5)

It was the fifth day of training, Dennis has till not made it into the simulation. Dwight and Nidializ are still unconscious. "I have contacted Dennis like three times but he is not here..." Dj said. He started to get worried since Dennis didn't show up yesterday. But Rampage started to notice an error in the system. "Guys, Ill be back in a few hours. I want to make sure of something." As Rampage left with a response from Owen and Dj, they decided to just wait it out for the entire day.

Meanwhile, Claire was still spying on the city from above the tower. She noticed that special units started to arrive while she was feeling that she was been looked at right now by someone near the device. "You..." Once Claire found who was looking straight at her, she realized the person had a black mask on while holding a red haired girl by their hair. From Claire's view point she was able to see that the girl was screaming to be let go. "Don't worry... Help will be on the way but for now..." Claire was aiming to a nearby person that moving a small box. She pulled the trigger once she had a precise aim to head. As the bullet pierced her targets skull, she stopped aiming and decided to finally head back to the camp. "I wonder how everyone is doing?" Claire started to make a call outside of the simulation, she got surprised that someone answered. "Hey Dennis? How are things outside?" Claire wanted to know but her expression changed once she noticed that Dennis wasn't the one that answered. "Who is this?" Claire asked ahead of time to avoid waiting. "Claire?! Oh thank god your safe, I have some news so try to take it lightly ok?" Claire knew that it was Kiwi in the way that she giving out the news. "Theirs like three robots in the loose inside the simulation and I'm picking that theirs one heading your way. And also Dennis wont be able to help for a few more hours." "I understand, ill see what I can do about the robot near me..." Once Claire a hanged up, she felt two energy spikes right outside of the tower. When she got out, she was been waited by Mecha and Umbra. "Go, ill take care of her my self." Mecha left and headed to the camp to find the others.

Claire didn't know what was goin on but one thing was clear as day. She had to take down who ever standed in her way. "Reveal your face." Claire asked as she started to point her barrel at umbra. When Umbra took of her hood, Claire saw that Umbra was half machine and god when they made eye contact. "God Anubis...?" Claire said as she pointed to the jackal ears on Umbra. "Very clever but its already to late, my companion will be taking care of your friends in a few minutes." Claire couldn't control her sudden emotion that her friends where in danger she quickly snapped as her eyes started to glow cyan. "I wont allow it!" Claire still had her barrel pointed at Umbra, so she pulled the trigger that sent Umbra flying but she was able to recover and stay a float. As Umbra lifted her hand, she was creating an energy sphere. "What in the gad damn world?" Claire looked up. For what she was seen, it made her drop her weapon and tremble in fear. The sphere that Umbra was creating was like a black hole that only brought despair. "No... this cant be real... right?" Claire said to her self, she picked her weapon and standed proud. "I wont give in!" "Then you will taste despair!!" Umbra suddenly dropped the sphere and it was heading straight at Claire.

Claire didn't had any other option but to send it back. But she felt something was changing with her weapon when she saw it glow that allowed her to hear a voice. "Weapon change..." That was the only thing that Claire heard from the voice in her mind. She started to close her eyes and aimed her weapon up high at the sphere. "Guntria!! Full weapon change: Dual Anti-material riffle!!!" Claire screamed out loud what she wanted. Her weapon started to change to what she said and was holding two snipers. She didn't care about what would happen to her body, as long as she could stop the sphere. "Erasure Blast!" As she pulled the trigger, the two bullets collided with the sphere as it went thru it. Claire called off her weapon and started to walk away. "Who do you think you are!? Get back here an fight!" Umbra screamed at Claire, the fight wasn't really over but for Claire's opinion. She turned around and looked at Umbra right in the eyes. "You're not worth my time..." With only those few choice of words. Umbra started to land and accepted her defeat. As Claire left to go see if everyone else is ok she was worried that something might had happened already.

Meanwhile at cabin. Dj got notified of what happened to Dennis, he told Owen about it and left him in charge of looking after Dwight and Nidializ. Once he reached the door he felt something hostile heading his way. With no time to react, Dj got caught by something at high speed that broke the door and took him to the back side of the cabin. "What was that?" Owen got confused on what happened, he took a look at the front door then saw the broken wall. He called out his weapon and went outside to help out Dj. When he made it out he saw Dj down on the ground as a person was standing in front of him, he had blue metallic spiked hair and almost similar to X. "Dafuc? X is that you and why did you changed your hair?" The person turned around and his eyes lighted up bright blue as he saw Owen. "My name ain't X, the names Mecha." Mecha turned his left hand into a machinegun and pointed straight at Owen. "Oh crap." Owen started to run away as soon as Mecha started to pull the trigger. With all the commotion, Dj was able to stand up and stop Mecha from firing at Owen. "Your fight is with me pall!" Dj punched Mecha right in the face and sent to the other side of the cabin. "That... was... for ramming me down..." Dj fainted right in the spot. Owen quickly went into the cabin and grabbed Dwight and Nidializ and went to get Dj to get a move on.

Claire managed to get back to the cabin and noticed that the boys section was damaged. As she tried to get closer, she saw Mecha trying to stand up. Claire cant call out her weapon at the moment but noticed that Owen was holding everyone was heading somewhere up in the mountains. "I need to hurry..." Claire was able to find her way around to meet up with everyone but once she managed to reach them, they encountered Rampage waiting. "What do you want?" Rampage asked. Owen already was aiming his weapon at her for some reason but he lowered it down as soon as he noticed a door was been opened out of thin air. The first thing they saw came out was Dennis, then the kids showed up. "Damn, why did it took so long? Dennis turned around and saw the door close. "Dennis!" Dennis turned around and saw Claire approach him but Dawn, Niza and Yen interfered. "Mom!" The three of them jumped on to Claire and gave a big hug. "What happened?" Dennis asked. Owen and explained what happened moments ago, Dennis got confused since he thought that everything was going so well. "Alright, I think I can say that from almost everyone except Dj got their training right. Rampage, you know what's next." "Ill go get Mecha and Rampage, we wont loose on the real fight." Rampage winked at Dennis and left to get Mecha and Umbra. "I'm sorry for putting you all on this, I never thought that Umbra had in her to do that, also... Claire you told me that you a device been built?" She nodded. "Then I better finish training, Dj is the only one left. I doubt he will wake up today, nor Nidializ or Dwight. "So what should we do?" Owen asked. "Just leave Dj here with me, take everyone out of here, Dawn, Yen, Niza, Pyra. You four are staying with us." Claire approached Dennis and she really wanted to confirm something. "Are you sure about this?" "Of course I am, this will give us a chance to re-bond like a family." As Dennis grabbed Dj, Owen took everyone out of the simulation. Once they all left. Dennis was going to engage his plan tomorrow.