
Training Days (part 2)

It was the second day of training. Everyone continued with their training. The day started with Claire trying to get to the top of the tower, but she was looking back at the camp.

"I wonder how everyone is doing..." Claire said as she looked back at the camp. She couldn't shake the feeling that something it's going to happen while she was gone.

"Ill just try to make contact when I get up this tower..."

Claire called out her weapon without having to use its name as she was entering the tower.

Meanwhile, Owen was at it again, trying to call its weapon, but as soon as he got them out, he thought of a name.

"Everyone call out their weapon with a name... Niaraiza..."

As Owen said his weapon's name out loud, his weapon formed out into a dual pistol that can be adjusted.

"Oh, hell yes!"

Owen pointed at the sky with his dual pistol and released one blast that everyone could see it. Far away from the camp near the cave that Dwight, Nidializ and Dj stayed, they saw Owens blast and got shocked by its fire power.

"Wait, was that Owen?!" Dwight said.

"Well, he is the only one in the camp right now." Dj said as he grabbed the wooden swords.

"Now today, I want you guys to send an air slash at this training dummy."

Dj marked the spots that they need to stand to practice and handed out the swords.

"I don't think I can do this..." Nidializ said nervously as she was holding on to her sword.

"Its fine, Dwight why don't you go first?" Dj said.

Dwight had a tight grip on the handle of his sword, he then took one step back and swing his sword at a full strength that caused an air slash that barely cut the dummy.

"Nice one." Dj said as he clapped his hands.

"Now Nidializ is your turn." Dj said.

Nidializ blinked twice before she could close her eyes to concentrate. She took one step back but Dj felt something going on and took a few step backs along with Dwight. Nidializ felt all her strength been focus on the sword and as soon as she took a swing, she released a completed air slash that cut the training dummy in half.

"Did I just do that...?" Nidializ asked to herself as her move kept going.

"That was perfect! If Dennis was here, he could have told you it was a brilliant move!" Dj said.

But as soon as his excitement was over, he realized what they must do.

"I want you both to practice now on this rook." Dj said.

"Wait, why aren't you training?" Dwight asked.

Dj just gave one kick to the rock, and it already broke in half. It shocks Dwight and Nidializ.

"The reason I'm not training right now, it's because Dennis isn't here to fight me." Dj said.

Dwight and Nidializ agreed on this, so they kept practicing all day.

Meanwhile, outside of the simulation. Dennis just barely woke up and noticed that the robot that the machine he took in was out of its pod.

"Oh no, it couldn't wait till it was noon or something?"

As soon as Dennis got off the chair, the door to the simulation was already open.

"Wait, a minute..." Dennis said. He then turned around and saw that there were two more robots in the room.

"Mecha and Umbra...? Now this is going a bit too far." Dennis immediately went into the simulation to find the escaped robot.

Back with the training, Owen could track down Dwight's location. As he approached, he noticed him hitting a rock with a wooden sword.

"What are you all doing?" Owen asked.

"Their practicing their endurance, once they brake it were going to have a sparing match." Dj said.

As soon as Owen could sit down, Dwight ended up braking the rock with one powerful hit. Owen and Dj clapped for Dwight's success.

"Hey, so when is Dennis going to show up?" Dwight asked.

Dwight wanted to fight someone skilled with a sword. As he took a brake and see on Nidializ progress.

"So for how long you guys have been doing this?" Owen asked.

"They have been going at it since morning." Dj said.

But they diverted their attention to Nidializ as soon as they felt a power surge coming from her hands. Dwight even took a step back he saw debris float around Nidializ and as she getting ready to cut down the rock, but she saw someone standing in her way that made her miss, it caused the dust to raise up and it was hard for them to see who it is. Dj had to step in and give cover for Nidializ.

"Why are you standing in the way? Don't you know that is dangerous?" Dj said.

As soon as the dust cleared, they noticed it was a girl with a pale cream color of hair and had 4 mechanical arms covering her entire body.

"Look, we have a camp nearby, we can take you their if you need help." Dj said.

The girl was not in a mood to start a conversation, but her arms opened wide to reveal what she was wearing. She was wearing simple black pants and shirt, but the only thing they noticed was that she had an x in the middle of her chest.

"Wait... are you the robot that Dennis brought?" Dj asked.

The girl lost interest in the conversation, so she pointed at Nidializ.

"Come with me." The girl said as she was offering her hand.

"You are not like them, join us."

Nidializ eyes glowed crimson red as the girl's eyes gave a spark of red energy until something they saw Dennis tackle the girl.

"Dennis?!" They all said.

"Oh? Hey guys, how's the training going?" Dennis asked.

They were all confused at the start, but they refocused on what's going on.

"Do you know her?" Owen asked.

"We just meet right now, but I know her name. This is Rampage."

As soon as Dennis mentioned her name, he immediately got punched in the face. He got hit off the cliff and was hanging from one edge.

"You don't have the rights to call me by my name." Rampage said.

As Dennis heard that, he immediately got up and pulled out his gun.


Rampage aimed her left arm at Dennis as it turned into a cannon.

"Forget it, you ain't worth fighting right now."

Dennis putted his gun away and approached her slowly.

"Wait for me in six days in the city and ill fight you, alone."

Dennis opened a door out of the simulation and left. Rampage got confused and nervous when Dennis left.

"Um... Best of luck with your training!"

Rampage bowed down and went out thru the same door as Dennis.

"Who wants to bet five bucks on who ever starts the fight?" Dwight asked. They all looked at Dwight with an odd stare.

"Lets just continue with simple training today." Dj said.

Meanwhile, on the outside. Dennis made it out to see if the robots are being built.

"This thing didn't waste any time..."

Dennis said as he heard someone get out as well.

"Rampage? What are you doing here?" Dennis asked.

"Where you the one that gave me this body?" She asked, she really wanted to know before she could screw up.

"Yes, yes, I did. But before you could do something, I'm going to need your help with something soon." Dennis said.

He explained his plan to her that was complicated.

"So let me get this strait... you want us to go rough on you?" Rampage asked.

"Well not now, but its to lure out X and Farion soon. Farion is still alive, but he is capable to control other machines I need you to place this on X in five days." Dennis said.

The device that he gave to Rampage can easily break the control from a machine.

"Ok so, how can I find X?" Rampage asked.

"That's easy, you just have to wait for Umbra to wake up. Once she wakes up send her into the simulation and once Mecha wakes up, tell him to execute order 66..." Dennis said as he had a sinister smile on his face.

"Why!?" Rampage asked. She already knows what could happen if it's done.

"To finish their training. Ill be back in about two days, I got to make sure that the kids didn't get into trouble."

As Dennis left the room, he took a rest and leave on the next day. As for everyone, that was still in the simulation. Claire finally made it to the top of the tower. She saw everything but what caught her attention the most was that she spotted the city trying to build some sort of device. She quickly sent a report to Dennis and called it a day. And as for the others, they were on their way back to the camp.

"Do you guys want to take the day off tomorrow?" Dj asked.

"Nah, I could call out my weapon today so I want to practice." Owen said.

"Wait, so that means we all can use now our weapons?!" Dwight asked.

"I guess tomorrow we can do weapon exercises." Dj said.

"I'm getting tired..." Nidializ said, and she quickly jumped on to Dj's back.

"Alright, I will let this one slide for now. But you better give your all tomorrow." Dj said as Nidializ nodded.

Once they made it to the camp, they all went to sleep.