
The weapon of psycho

As Time passed by. Dennis and his friends returned to their present time. They ended up in the hospital and headed back to the house. On their way to the house. They noticed that the sun was setting by the mountains after reaching the park.

[Dennis] "Hold it."

Dennis raised his right arm as he was making a fist. Everyone else noticed that something was wrong if he was giving orders to stop movement if there weren't any missions involved. But this made them enter their guard. Dj, Spike and Paige formed a circle around Dennis, with their weapons in hand, making sure that they cover all sides. Obliviona and Nidializ backed away and sat down on the nearest bench.

[Dj] "What are we dealing with?"

[Dennis] "Call me crazy but I'm sensing something hostile... Coming from the other side of the park..."

Dennis then pointed with his left hand at an exit from the park that pleaded to the woods. Everyone turned in that direction and felt something wasn't right. They acted normal until Nidializ jumped from the bench, scared.

[Obliviona] "Wow! What's wrong?"

Nidializ's eyes began to glow red as she pointed at the woods.

[Nidializ] "Donte is entering the woods!!"

[Dennis] "Son of a... at this rate we won't be able to catch up to him."

[Dj] "There is away, but you won't like it."

[Dennis] "Just do it!"

As Dj heard Dennis. Everyone else went after Donte. Dj stayed behind and picked up Dennis and tossed him into the air. Then he got grabbed by the legs by a whip. Dennis noticed that it was from Paige and embraced himself for the outcome.

[Paige] "You better hold on!"

Paige said to Dennis as she was spinning him around, and from out of nowhere. Dennis felt that somebody was grabbing on to his back. When he turned around, he saw his friend Nidializ catching a ride with him. Paige then sent the two of them towards the woods. But sadly, as they passed by inside the woods. They lost track of Donte. While they passed by the air. Dennis had his hands crossed and Nidializ was sitting on his back, but Dennis placed his hands inside his coat pockets to use his coat as a glider.

[Nidializ] "Wait, since when you could use your coat as glider?"

[Dennis] "I think for about two or four weeks from now. But I rater use my coat than to get a wingsuit."

[Nidializ] "Hmm... I guess I can agree with that. Wait, what is that?!?!"

Nidializ panicked and almost lost balance after seeing a giant dark oak tree. Dennis then saw what Nidializ was saying. His eyes opened wide as they were getting closer.

[Dennis] "We need to land and find Donte..."

Dennis descended to find a suitable spot to land.


Meanwhile, over at the dark oak tree. Donte was sitting in one branch as he was enjoying the sunset after someone in a dark cloaked was poking him.

[Donte] "What do you want?"

The person in the dark cloak was jumping around. They then stopped after holding a knife in their hand after attempting to give it to Donte.

[Donte] "Is that for me?"

The person in the dark cloak nodded at him and pushed the knife on to him. Making Donte take the knife. He then was checking it out and pointed it at the sky. Then the knife glowed with a dark energy that was colored with black and red. The dark energy took the person in the dark cloak and consumed Donte in the process. After that, Dennis and Nidializ picked up the dark energy, and it made them stop in fear.

[Nidializ] "Dennis... what is this feeling...?!"

[Dennis] "Dark energy... meaning that we should expect a fight when we arrive to the scene..."

Dennis then bit his lips to take control over his body. He then licked away his own blood and carried Nidializ over to the giant dark oak tree.


Further back to the entrance of the woods. Obliviona was leading the others. They all felt the dark energy and feared for the worst. They hurried up the phase to catch up to Dennis and Nidializ before they could get into any sort of trouble.

Meanwhile, over at the giant dark oak tree. Dennis and Nidializ made it after taking a short walk. Dennis then placed Nidializ to the nearest place that she could rest and continued to walk forward, looking around if he could see Donte. But the dark energy disturbed him nearby and hostility getting closer. He then looked above himself and saw something sharp dropping fast.

He quickly jumped back and had his fists up. If he tried to call out Obliviona, it would make things even worse.

[Dennis] "Donte...?"

Dennis lowered his guard after he saw a dark figure standing in front of him and took an approach. As he walked toward to be possibly his friend. He felt something sharp pass thru his shoulder. Dennis looked over his shoulder and found a knife stuck in his left shoulder. He then looked over and saw that the figure had red eyes.

[Dennis] "Bloody hell, you better let go of my friend right now or I'll make sure to force him out of you!!"

Dennis then pulled out the knife on his shoulder with his right hand and placed his left hand in his his pocket since he has no proper control over it. He then cleaned off the blood that was on the knife with his pants. Experimenting with it till he dropped it on the ground. Dennis had no interest in using the knife, he preferred to use his fist. As Dennis was walking forward, his left eye began to glow as it powered up his right hand.

[Nidializ] "Dennis! What do you think your doing!?! He is standing behind you!!"

From a moment of realization. Dennis turned around as he saw the dark figure swinging the knife right at his face. He quickly tripped himself to avoid getting stabbed. During the same process, Dennis kicked the figure. Making it become unconscious on the ground.

[Dennis] "This could have gotten worse if get stabbed twice. But I think I know what I must do..."

Dennis then pulled out his book and looked over for the magic section and found an unbound spell. He quickly cast it on Donte to bring him back to his senses. He had the knife still in hand. But it vanished as if it was a weapon that can be called back.

[Donte] "What happening? Why am I even here?"

[Dennis] "I'll tell you on the way."

[Donte] "Okay."

Along the way back, Dennis explained what happened to him and that he was taken over for a short time. If Donte stayed like for any longer, it would have taken over an entire day to bring him back and that they couldn't afford the time for it. As they made it back to the others, they all noticed that Dennis was injured and took him back to the hospital.

[Dennis] "Not this again..."

This time, they tied Dennis down on the hospital bed as he had his left shoulder covered with bandages. It wasn't something serious. It would take an entire day to heal. Dennis then sent everyone a message that they should rest tomorrow for the big day.

[Dennis] "Guess I have no other choice..."

Dennis closed his eyes and went back into his own mind for away to escape. But everything was pitch black. He felt that he couldn't move and stayed in a drift into the endless abyss of darkness in his mind.

Forgive me if this chapter didn't had an exicitng fight and as well for it to being short. Saving it for an important chapter for this volume later on. As in terms of this chapters title, it is for Donte's weapon that starting to develop it self. It will be explained on the next Aux chapter.

If you have questions on what direction the story should be going. Leave a coment, share and mark this book into your collections so you wont miss out on the latest updates and chapters. Hope you all enjoy reading!!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts